Hindu Bibliography

by Roger Garin-Michaud

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Warning : the symbol does not mean that these are necessarily new publications but only that they are publications newly included in this bibliography.

- Do It Well: 366 Positive Practical Ways to Improve Your Life, by Swami Kriyananda, Paperback: 176 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers; Original edition (February 16, 2010) 1565892410
- Abhinavagupta's Isvarapratyabhijna Vimarsini, R.C. Dvidevi, MB
- A bridge of dreams: the story of Paramananda, a modern mystic & His ideal of all-conquering love, by Sara Ann Levinsky, 08921000637
- A bridge to eternity: Sri Ramakrishna & His monastic order, 0874812305
- A brief History of Tantra Literature, by S.C. Banerji, 818510946X
- A brief introduction to Hinduism: religion, philosophy & ways of liberation, by A. L. Herman, 081338110X
- A catholic priest meets Sai Baba, by Don Mario Mazzoleni, 0962983519
- Accomplishing the accomplished : the Vedas as a source of valid knowledge in
Sankara, by Anantanand Rambachan, paperback 0824813588
- A Chakra & Kundalini workbook: psycho-spiritual techniques for health, rejuvenation, psychic powers & spiritual realization, by Dr. Mumford, 1567184731
- A Classical Dictionary of India, by John Garrett 8171671896
- A Classical Dictionary of India, by John Garrett, hardcover reprint October 1994 8186142460
- A companion to Sanskrit literature: spanning a period of over three thousand years, containing brief accounts of authors, works, characters..., by Suresh Chandra Banerji,812080063X
- A comparative study on the theological methodology of Irenaeus of Lyon and
Sankaracharya, by Thomas Puttanil, hardcover 3631419708
- A comparative study on the theological methodology of Irenaeus of Lyon and
Sankaracharya, by Thomas Puttanil, paperback 887652648X
- A comparative study of the Paninian & Candra systems of grammar: Krdanta portion, by Prafulla Chandra Dass,0865908117
- A concise dictionary of Indian philosophy: Sanskrit terms defined in English, by John Grimes, hardcover 0791401006
- A concise dictionary of Indian philosophy: Sanskrit terms defined in English, by John Grimes, paperback 0791430685
- A concise elementary grammar of the Sanskrit language (Asian Studies), by J. Gonda
- A concise encyclopedia of Hinduismby Klaus K. Klostermaier, Kate Crosby
- A concise history of classical sanskrit literature, by Gaurinath Shastri, MB
- A concise history of Indian people, H.G. Rawlinson, Oxford 1946
- A critical edition of the Malatimadhava (Oxford University South Asian Studies Series), by Michael Coulson
- A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy, by Chandradhar Sharma
- A critique of Madhva refutation of Shankara school of Vedanta, K.Narain, MB
- A Cultural History of India, by A. L. Basham (Editor)0195639219
- Acting as a way of salvation: a study of Raganuga Bhakti Sadhana, by David Haberman,
- Actors, Pilgrims, Kings and Gods : The Ramlila of Ramnagar, by Anuradha Kapur, Paperback: 258 pages Publisher: Seagull Books (August 22, 2006), 1905422202
- Adhyatma Ramayana, by Valmiki, 0874817537
- A dictionary of Sanskrit poetics, by Nagendra 8170183960
- Adorations to Shiva, by Yogi Hari 1577770250
- Advaita: ancient Indian philosophy for the scientific mind, by R.A. Patgawkar, hardcover, April 1986
- Advaita and Visistadvaita, by SM Srinavasa Chari, hardcover, January 1998 8120815351
- Advaita Brahmasiddhi of Sadananda, by Vamana Shastri, Paperback Publisher: Parimal Publications (December 1, 2009) 8171100090
- Advaita-Siddhih: sections on Mithyatva, by Madhusudana Sarasvati, 81856310001
- Advaitasiddhi vs.nyayamrta, Dr.BNK Sharma - MLB
- Advaita tradition in Indian philosophy, by Chandradhar Sharma, hardcover, April 1996 812081312X
- Advaita Vedanta and Zen Buddhism: Deconstructive Modes of Spiritual Inquiry, (Continuum Studies in Eastern Philosophies) by Leesa S. Davis, Hardcover: 232 pages Publisher: Continuum (June 8, 2010)
Advaita Vedanta and Zen Buddhism: Deconstructive Modes of Spiritual Inquiry, (Continuum Studies in Eastern Philosophies) by Leesa S. Davis, Paperback: 246 pages Publisher: Continuum (December 22, 2011)
- Advaita Vedanta and Madhyamika Buddhism : Eastern religions in Western thought, by M. A. Cherian
- Advaita Vedanta: a philosophical reconstruction, by Eliot Deutsch, paperback, June 1969
- Advaita Vedanta of Brahma-Siddhi, by Allen Wright Thrasher, 8120809823
- Advaita Vedanta: a philosophical reconstruction, by Eliot Deutsch, 0824802713
- The Advaita Worldview: God, World, And Humanity, (S U N Y Series in Religious Studies) by Anantanand Rambachan, Paperback: 140 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (August 10, 2006) 0791468526
- Advanced history of India, R.C. Majumdar et al, Calcutta 1950
- Adventures of young Krishna: the blue god of India, by Diksha Dalal-Clayton, children books,0195081137
- Aesthetic Vedanta: the sacred path of passionate love, by B. V. Tripurari, 188606914X
- Agaram Bagaram Baba : Life, Teachings, and Parables : A Spiritual Biography of Baba Prakashanandaby Titus Foster, Gabriel Cousens, April 1999 1556432879
- Age of Faith: A History of Medieval Civilization-Christian, Islamic, and Judaic-From Constantine to Dante : A.D. 325-1300, by Will Durant, Hardcover: 1196 pages Publisher: MJF Books (July 1997) 156731015X
- Aghora : At the Left Hand of God, by Robert E. Svoboda 0914732218
- Aghora II : Kundalini, by Robert E. Svoboda, Robert Beer (Illustrator) 0914732315
- Aghora III : Law of Karma, by Robert E. Svoboda0914732374
- A glossary of Indian religious terms & concepts, by N.N. Bhattacharya,0945921012
- A glossary of Tantra, Mantra & Yantra (Sri Garib Das Oriental Series, No 191), 8170304520
- Agni-purana, part 1, hardcover, June 1984 8120803590
- Agni-purana, part 2, hardcover, June 1985 0895818183
- Agni-purana, part 3, by N. Gangadharam (translator) hardcover, July 1986 8120801741
- Agni-purana, part 4, by N. Gangadharam (translator); hardcover, March 1987
- Agni-purana, G.P. Bhatt & J.L. Shastri,AITM vol. 27-30, MB
- A guide to spiritual life: spiritual teachings of Swami Brahmananda, 0916356604
- A handbook of classical sanskrit literature, by Venkatakrishna Rao, Orient Longmans Delhi 1961 (ANU PK2903.V4.1967)
- A handbook of Virasaivism, S.C. Nandimath, MB
- A higher Sanskrit grammar, by M.R. Kale,8120801784
- Ahimsa in India's destiny: a study in ethico-spiritual Ahimsa, its roots in ancient Indian history & its role as a political weapon, by Virendra Kumar Gupta, 818550413X
- A Hindu perspective on the philosophy of religion, by Arvind Sharma, 0312053037
- A history of ancient India, R.S. Tripathi, MB
- A history of ancient Sanskrit literature, by Friedrich Mueller, 0404114377
- A history of classical poetry Sanskrit-Pali-Prakrit, Siegfried Lienhard, Otto Harrassowitz Wiesbaden 1984
- A history of early Vedanta philosophy, Hajime Nakamura, 8120806514
- A history of India, by Hermann Kulke, Dietmar Rothermund 0415154820
- A history of Indian civilisation, by K.P. Bahadur, hardcover, Decembre 1983 0318368730
- A history of Indian literature, vol. I : introduction, Veda, national epics, Puranas & Tantras, Winternitz, Russell & Russell New York 1927 (ANU PK2916.I53)
- A history of Indian philosophy, Surendranath DasGupta, MB
- A history of pre-buddhistic Indian philosophy, Benimadhab Barua, MB
- A history of Sanskrit grammatical literature in Tibet: transmission of the canonical literature (Handbook of Oriental Studies, Vol 8), by Pieter C. Verhagen, 9004098399
- A history of Sanskrit literature, S.N. Dasgupta, Calcutta 1947
- A history of Sanskrit literature, by A. Berriedale Keith, 8120809793
- A history of Sanskrit literature, by Srimati Akshayakumari Devi, Vijaya Krishna Brothers Calcutta 1939 (ANU PK2903.D49)
- A history of Sanskrit literature, MacDonell, 8120800354
- A history of Sanskrit poetics, P.V. Kane, MB
- Aitariya Aranyaka, by Arthur B. Keith, 0198154429
- Ajitâgama (2 volumes), édition critique par N.R. Bhatt, IFI Pondicherry 1964 (ANU BL1135.T42.A2)
- Alchemical body: Siddha traditions in medieval India, by David Gordon White, 0226894975
- A l'assaut de l'Asie, la conquête européenne en Asie, par G. Saint-Yves, Maison Alfred Mame et fils, Tours 1651 (ANU fDS9.S3)
- Alberunis India, by Ainslie Embree, Edward Sacham, 0393005682
- Ali MacGraw - Yoga Mind & Body (1994) , NTSC Video 6303243606
- A linguistic analysis of the Rgveda-Padapatha: pre-Paninian grammatical traditions (Part-I), by Vashishtha Narayan Jha 8170303206
- A list of Brahmi inscriptions from the earliest times to about A.D. 400, H. Luders, Epigraphica Indica vol. X
- A list of the inscriptions of Northern India from about 400 A.D., F. Kielhorn, Epigraphica Indica, vol. V & VIII
- Alive in Krishna: living memories of the Vedic quest (Patterns of World Spirituality), by Shri Ghanshyamdas Birla, 0913757659
- All the mothers are one: Hindu India & the cultural reshaping of psychoanalysis, by Stanley N. Kurtz, 0231078692
- Already Home : Radiant Wisdom and Life-Changing Meditations from Ramana Maharshi, Sri Nisargadatta, and Teachers of the Advaita Tradition, by Gay Hendricks, Philip Johncock, Hardcover: 112 pages Publisher: Hay House; Book & CD edition (May 15, 2006), 1401910262
- A master guide to meditation & spiritual growth, Roy Eugene Davis, MB
- American Yoga association beginner's manual, by Alice Christensen, 0671619357
- American Yoga Association's Yoga for Sports, by Alice Christensen, paperback March 2000, 0809226219
- Am I A Hindu?/the Hinduism Primer, by Ed Viswanathan 1879904063
- Amritanubhava by Jnanadeva, by R.K. Bhagwat (Translator), Sri Juanadeva, paperback, June 1999 0910261920
- An adventure in Vedanta: J.D. Salinger's the Glass family, by Som P. Ranchan, 8120202457
- Analyst & the mystic: psychoanalytic reflections on religion and mysticism, by Sudhir Kakar, 0226422836
- Anandamayi: Her life & wisdom, by Richard Lannoy 1852309148
- Anasaktiyoga: the gospel of selfless action: the Gita according to Gandhi, by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Editor) Mahadev Desai (Translator), Jim Rankin, 1883938007
- Anasaktiyoga; The Gospel of Selfless Action, by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, paperback issue December 1998 1883938473
- Ancient geography of India, Alexander Cunningham, Indological Bookhouse reprint, Varanasi
- Ancient Hindu astrology for the modern Western astrologer, by James T. Braha, 0935895043
- Ancient History of India, by B. P. Saha, K. S. Bahera 0706938208
- Ancient India, E. Rapson, Cambridge 1914
- Ancient India and Greece : Study of Their Cultural Contacts, by Nalinee M. Chapekar 0686226577
- Ancient India : As Described by Ptolemy, by J.W. McCrindle 155528034X
- Ancient India : From the Earliest Times to the First Century A.D., by E.J. Rapson 0890050295
- Ancient India : History and Archaeology, by D. K. Ganguly 8170173043
- Ancient India : Land of Mystery, (Lost Civilizations) by Time-Life Books (Editor), Dale M. Brown (Editor) 0809490374
- Ancient Indian tradition & mythology (puranas translated into English), (AITM), MB
- An encounter with awareness, by Ramakrishna Puligandla 0835605523
- An evaluation of the Vedantic critique of Buddhism, Gregory Joseph Darling, MB
- An historical atlas of the Indian peninsula, by C. Collin Davies, OUP
An Introduction to Hinduism, by Gavin D. Flood 0521438780
- Ankalaparamesvari : a goddess of Tamil Nadu, her myths and cult, by Eveline Meyer 3515096026
- Annotations on the Sacred Writings of the Hindus, by Sellon. Edward, paperback reprint June 1997 1889298328
- An outline of history of Saiva philosophy, K.C. Pandey & R.C. Dvivedi, MB
- An outline of religious literature of India, J.N. Farquhar, MB
- Anthologie sanskrite, textes de l'Inde ancienne traduits du sanscrit par Louis Renou, Payot Paris (ANU PK2978.F7.R4)
- Anthology of Kumarila Bhatta's works, P.S. Sharma, MB
- Anthology of Sanskrit court poetry: Vidyakara's Subhasitaratnakosa, by Daniel Ingalls, 0696039505
- Anthropologie des Tamouls de l'Inde du Sud, Olivier Georges, (ANU LS GN57.T3.O5-N073771)
- Anthropology of Buddhism and Hinduism: Weberian Themes, by David N. Gellner, paperback, November 2003 0195666119
- A perfect life: the story of swami Muktananda Paramahamsa, by Margaret Simpson, 0911307494
- Aphorisms on spiritual method: the "Yogasutras of Patanjali" in the light of mystical experience, by J. Whiteman, hardcover, Decembre 1993 0861403541
- A popular dictionary of Hinduism, by Karel Werner 0844204218
- Application de la cartographie à l'histoire de l'Indo-aryen, par Jules Bloch, Paris Imprimerie Nationale 1963 (ANU PK133.B5 - 324761)
- The Archaeology of Hindu Ritual: Temples and the Establishment of the Gods, by Michael Willis, Hardcover: 392 pages Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (May 31st, 2009) 0521518741
- Historical Archaeology of India, by M.K. Dhavalikar, Hardcover: 286 pages Publisher: Books & Books (December 1999) 8185016550
- Archeology of India, by D.P. Agrawal, Paperback: 320 pages Publisher: RoutledgeCurzon; 1 edition (January 17, 1995) 0700701400
- Archeological remains in Western India, by Dr. R.C. Agrawal, Agam Kala Prakashan, Delhi 1989
- Archéologie du Sud de l'Inde, G. Jouveau-Dubreuil, 2 volumes, Paris 1914
- Archaeology and Text: The Temple in South Asia, by Himanshu Prabha Ray (Editor), Hardcover: 360 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press (January 21, 2010) 0198060963
- A reappraisal of Patanjali's Yoga-sutras in the light of the Buddha's teachings, by S.N. Tandon, paperback 8174140247
- A reference grammar of Maithili, (Trends in Linguistics. Documentation, No 11) by Ramawatar Yadav 3110145588
- A report on the Gaudiya Vaishnave Vedanta: form of Vedic ontology, by Henry Stapp, hardcover December 1997 0941525104
- Arise Arjuna: Hinduism & the modern world, by David Frawley, 8185990271
- Arjuna in the Mahabharata : where Krishna is, there is victory, Ruth Cecily Katz, MB
- Arrow of the Blue-Skinned God : Retracing the Ramayana Through India, by Jonah Blank, paperback, October 2000 0802137334
- Art & iconography of Vishnu-Narayan, by Nanditha
Krishna, 0865900256
Art of Joyful Living, by Swami Rama, paperback, November 2003 089389236X
- Arthasamgraha of Laugaksi Bhaskara (Sanskrit text with English translation), A.B. Gajendragadkar &
R.D. Karmarkar, MB
- Art of everyday ecstasy : the seven Tantric keys for bringing passion, spirit and joy into every part of your life, by Margo Anand, Margot Anand 0767901649
- The Art of Loving Krishna: Ornamentation and Devotion, by Cynthia Packert, Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: Indiana University Press (June 29, 2010) 0253221986
- Art of Tantra, by Philip Rawson, 0500201668
- Art of Tantric Sex, by Nitya Lacroix, Mark Harwood (Photographer), 0789414775
- Artful universe: an introduction to the Vedic religious imagination (Suny Series in Hindu Studies), by William K. Mahony, hardcover issue0791435792
- Artful universe: an introduction to the Vedic religious imagination (Suny Series in Hindu Studies), by William K. Mahony, paperback issue0791435806
- Arts et styles de l'Inde, J. Auboyer, Paris 1950
- Aryan settlements & the Rgveda, by R.N. Nandi, IHR volume XXI, MB
- A Saiva Siddhanta theology (a study of Aghorasiva), Rohan Dunuwila, MB
- A Sanskrit grammar for students, Arthur MacDonell, MB
- A Sanskrit manual, R. Antoine, Allied Publishers, Bombay, 1970
- A Sanskrit primer, E.D. Perry, Low Price publications Delhi 1993
- A Sanskrit reader, with vocabulary and notes, Charles Rockwell Lanmann, Sri Satguru Publications, Delhi 1983
- Ascent of self (a reinterpretation of the mystical poetry of Lalla-Ded), B.N. Parimoo, MB
Ascetics and Brahmins: Studies in Ideologies and Institutions, (Cultural, Historical and Textual Studies of Religions) by Patrick Olivelle, Hardcover: 330 pages Publisher: Anthem Press (December 15, 2011) 0857284320
- Asceticism & eroticism in the mythology of Siva, by Wendy Doniger. O'Flaherty, 0197135730
- Asceticism in Ancient India : In Brahmanical, Buddhist, Jaina and Ajivika
Societies (From the Earliest Times to the Period of Sankaracharya) , by Haripada Chakroborti 8185094691
- Asceticism and Its Critics : Historical Accounts and Comparative Perspectives, (AAR Cultural Criticism Series) (Hardcover) by Oliver Freiberger (Editor), Hardcover: 288 pages Publisher: An American Academy of Religion Book (July 20, 2006) 0195307917
- Bitten by the Black Snake: The Ancient Wisdom of Ashtavakra, by Manuel Schoch, Paperback: 114 pages Publisher: Sentient Publications (July 25, 2007) 15911000604
- Ashtanga Yoga Primer, by Baba Hari Dass, Karuna K. Ault (Editor), Steven Jones (Illustrator), 09110000046
- Ashtanga Yoga, first Series, NTSC Video 1891252003
- Ashtanga Yoga, 2nd & 3rd Series, NTSC Video 1891252011
- Asian Religions in Practice : An Introduction, (Princeton Readings in Religions) by Donald S. Lopez (Editor), April 1999 0691005133
- As It Is: A Year on the Road with a Tantric Teacher, by M. Young, paperback, July 2000 0934252998
- Asoka & the decline of the Mauryas, Romila Thapar, London 1961 (ANU DS451.5.T5)
- Asoka, D.R. Bhandarkar 1932
- Asoka, R. Mookerjee, London 1928
- Asoka, the Buddhist emperor of India, V.A. Smith Oxford 1920
- Asparsa yoga (a study of Gaudapada's Mandukya Karika), Colin Cole, MB
- Aspects of Ancient Indian History and Historiography, by Shankar Goyal 8185151695
- Aspects of early Visnuism, J. Gonda, hardcover Septembre 1993 81201000872
- Aspects of hindu morality, Saral Jhingran, MB
- Astadhyayi of Panini, S.C. Vasu, 2 volumes, MB
- Astavakragita (the song of the Self supreme),
Radhakamal Mukerjee, MB
- Astavakra-samhita, by swami Nityaswarupananda, paperback, June 1953 0874811651
- Astadhyayi of Panini: in Roman transliteration (Texas
Linguistics Series), by Sumitra M. Katre, 0292703945
- Astravakra Gîtâ, Avadhuta Gîtâ, Alexandra David-Néel, Editions du Rocher, Monaco 1979
- A study of Patanjali, Surendranath Dasgupta,812080452X
- Asura in early vedic religion, W. Edward Hale,
A survey of Hinduism, by Klaus Klostermaier, hardcover August 1994 0791421090
A survey of Hinduism, by Klaus Klostermaier, paperback August 1994 0791421104
- Attending Krishna's Image: Chaitanya Vaishnava Murti-seva as Devotional Truth, by Kenneth Russell Valpey, Hardcover: 224 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (August 1, 2006), 0415383943
- At the feet of the Goddess : The Divine Femine in Local Hindu Religion, by Lynn Foulston, hardcover, September 2001 1652210441
- Atharvadeva: Sanskrit text with English translation, by Devi Chand (translator), hardcover August 1997 8121501725
- Atharva-veda-samhita, William Dwight Whitney & Charles Rockwell Lanmann, (2 volumes), hardcover, June 1984
- At the Feet of the Goddess : The Divine Femine in Local Hindu Religion, by Lynn Foulston, hardcover, January 2002
- A thousand teachings : the Upadesasahasri of Sankara, by Sankaracharya, Sengaku Mayeda (editor), hardcover, February 1992 0791409430
- At play with Krishna, pilgrimage dramas from Brindavan, John Stratton Hawley, MB
- A tradition of teachers : Sankara and Jagadgurus today, by William Cenkenr, hardcover, August 1995 8120809327
- A training manual for spiritual practice: a new revelation of the Bhagavad Gita Yogas: based on Sankara's commentary, by Trevor Lwheelett, 0710306164
- A treasury of Tantric ideas: a study of the Samrajyalaksmipithika, by Artatrana Sarangi, 8185094659
- A threefold method for understanding the seven rays and other essays in esoteric psychology, by Kurt Abraham, 0960900217
- Aum Hindutvam : daily religious rites of the Hindu, Swami Vedananda, MB
- Aurobindo, Gandhi & Roy: a yogi, a mahatma & a rationalist, by Niranjan Dhar, 0836420373
- Integral Advaitism of Sri Aurobindo, by Ram Shankar Misra, Hardcover: 437 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass,; 1 edition (July 1, 1998) 8120813294
- Auspicious wisdom: the texts & traditions of Srividya Sakta Tantrism in South India, by Douglas Renfrew Brooks 0791411451
- Authentic elucidation of Gita Chap.II Vol.I , Raghavendran, (Coimbatore)
- Authentic human destiny : the paths of Shankara and Heidwheeler, by Vensus George, paperback 1565181165
- Authority and Meaning in Indian Religions: Hinduism and the Case of Valmiki, by Julia Leslie, paperback, January 2004 0754634310
- Authority, anxiety and canon : essays in Vedic interpretation(Suny Series in Hindu studies), by Laurie L. Patton (editor), paperback July
1994 079141938X
- Authority, anxiety and canon : essays in Vedic interpretation(Suny Series in Hindu studies), by Laurie L. Patton (editor), hardcover July 1994 0791419371
- Autobiography of a Sadhu: A Journey into Mystic India, by Rampuri, Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: Destiny Books; First Paperback Edition edition (March 3, 2010) 1594773300
Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda, W. Y. Evans-Wentz (Designer), hardcover July 1994 0876120826
Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda, W. Y. Evans-Wentz (Designer), paperback, July 1994 0876146096
Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda, W. Y. Evans-Wentz (Designer), audiocassette, July
1994 0876120850
Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda, W. Y. Evans-Wentz (Designer), audiocassette
abridged, March 1999 1565891090
- Autour de la déesse hindoue, Etudes réunies par Madeleine Biardeau, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences sociales, Centre d'Etudes de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud, collection Purusartha No 5, ISBN 2-7132-0780-0, (ANU DS421.5.P85)
- A Vaisnava interpretation of the Brahmasutras: Vedanta and theism, by Rampada and Kanti Chattopadhyaya, hardcover February 1992 9004095705
- Avatar : Passion Drama about the Unknown Years in the Life of Yeshua of Nazareth, by Charles Philip Thomas (Translator), Roberto Ramos-Perea, paperback May
1999 1881702081
- Avatar Bodies: A Tantra for Posthumanism, (Electronic Mediations, V. 10) by Ann Weinstone, Hardcover: 208 pages; Publisher: Univ of Minnesota Pr (Txt); (March 2004) 0816641463
- Avatars, Gods and Goddesses of Vedic Culture: Understanding the Characteristics, Powers and Positions of the Hindu Divinities, by Stephen Knapp, Paperback: 230 pages Publisher: CreateSpace (June 18, 2010) 1453613765
- A Vaisnava Interpretation of the Brahmasutras : Vedanta and Theism, (Indian Thought, Vol 3) by Rampada Chattopadhyay, hardcover February 1992 9004095705
- A Vedic concordance, Maurice Bloomfield, MB
- A Vedic reader for students, Mac Donell, MB (ANU PK237.M3)
- Avimaraka, tr. by J.L. Masson, MB
- Awakening nature's healing intelligence: expanding Ayurveda through the Maharisi Vedic approach to health, by Hari Sharma 0914955357
- A woman's guide to Tantra Yoga, by Vimala McClure 1577310179
- Ayodhya : The History of Ayodhya from the 7th Century Bc to the Middle of the
18th Century : Its Development in to a Sacred Centre..., by Hans Bakker, hardcover February 1986 9069800071
- A Yoga of Indian Classical Dance: The Yogini's Mirror , by Roxanne Kamayani Gupta, paperback March 2000, 0892817658
- Ayurveda & the mind: the healing of consciousness, by David Frawley, 0914955365
- Ayurveda: the A-Z guide to healing techniques from ancient India, by Helen Thomas, Nancy Pauline Bruning 0440222960
- Ayurveda: Secrets of Healing, by Maya Tiwari, Hardcover: 960 pages Publisher: Motilal Books (August 30, 1998) 8120814525 MB
- Ayurvedic healing, by David Frawley, 1878423002
- Baba : Autobiography of a Blue-Eyed Yogi, by Rampuri, Hardcover: 256 pages Publisher: Harmony/Bell Tower (January 25, 2005) 140008038X
- Bactria, the history of a forgotten empire, H.G. Rawlinson
- Bahina Bai, Justin E. Abbott, MB
- Banares : City of Light, by Diana L. Eck 0231114478
- Bases of Tantra Sadhana, by Sri M.P. Pandit, hardcover issue, June 19990941524027
- Bases of Yoga, by Sri Aurobindo, paperback issue 089071309X
- Bases of Yoga (US Edition), by Sri Aurobindo, 0941524779
- Basic colloquial Maithili : a Maithili-Nepali-English vocabulary with some structure notes, by Alice Irene Davis 0895817624
- Basic Psychic Development : A User's Guide to Auras, Chakra & Clairvoyance, by John Friedlander, Gloria Hemsher 1578630231
- Be as you are : the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, by David Godman, 0140165627
- Bwheeling for the nectar of the holy name, by Satsvarupa Dasa Gosvami, 0911233989
- Beginning and the end of 'Religion', by Nicholas Lash, 0521566355
- Beginning Yoga, by Vijayendra Pratap, 0804821046
- Bégram, recherches archéologiques et historiques sur les Kouchans, R. Ghirsman, Paris 1946
- Be Here Now, by Ram Dass, 0517543052
- Beneath a Vedic Sky : A Beginner's Guide to the Astrology of Ancient India, by William R. Levacy 1561705241
- Betrayal of the spirit : my life behind the headlines of the Hare Krishna movement, by Nori J. Muster, 0252022637
- Between the Empires : Society in India 300 BCE to 400 CE, by Patrick Olivelle, Hardcover: 544 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (June 9, 2006), 0195305329
- Beyond Nationalist Frames: Postmodernism, Hindu Fundamentalism, History, by Sumit Sarkar, hardcover, February 2003 0253342031
- Beyond power Yoga : eight levels of practice for body and soul, by Beryl Bender Birch, paperback, January 2000 0684855267
- Beyond the Human species : the life and work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother,by Georges Van Vrekham, 1557787662
- Beyond the mind, by David Frawley, 1878423142
- Bhagavad Gita, commentary by Swami Chibhavananda, Shri Ramakrishna Tapovanam, Tirupparaitturai, 1991
- Bhagavad Gita (Dover Thrift Editions), by Edwin Arnold (Translator)1561705241
- Bhagavad Gita (Dover Thrift Editions), by Edwin Arnold (Translator), paperback reprint November 1993 0486277828
- Bhagavad Gita, S.K.Bharani
- Bhagavad Gita, by Eknath Easwaran, Paperback: 296 pages Publisher: Nilgiri Press; 2.00 edition (May 28, 2007) 1586380192
The Bhagavad Gita, by Eknath Easwaran, 0915134604
The Bhagavad Gita, by Eknath Easwaran, paperback, April 2000 0375705554
- Bhagavad Gita, (Shambhala Library) by Eknath Easwaran (Translator), Hardcover: 256 pages Publisher: Shambhala; (December 28, 2004) 1590301900
- Bhagavad Gita, by Franklin Edgerton (Translator), 0696069250
- Bhagavad Gita, Richard Gotshalk, MB
- The Bhagavad Gita, (Oxford World's Classics) by W. J. Johnson (Translator), Paperback: 128 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (July 15, 2009) 0199538123
- Bhagavad-gita by Nataraja Guru (translator), hardcover February 1993 81241000104
- The Bhagavad Gita, (Longman Library of Primary Sources in Philosophy) by Keya Maitra, Daniel Kolak, Paperback: 300 pages Publisher: Longman (December 1, 2007) 0205439632
- The Bhagavad Gita, (Penguin Classics) Laurie L. Patton (Editor), Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Penguin Classics (October 28, 2008) 0140447903
- Bhagavad Gita (Element Classics of World Spirituality Editions.), by A. M. Piatigorskii (Editor), J.A.B. Van Buitenen (Translator), 1852309172
- The Bhagavad Gita, by Lars Fosse (Translator), Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: YogaVidya.com (April 15, 2007) 0971646678
- The Bhagavad Gita (the song of God), Ramananda Prasad, MB
- The Bhagavad Gita, by Winthrop Sargeant, 0873958306
- The Bhagavad-Gita, tr. by Barbara Stoller-Miller, Bantam classic
- The Bhagavad Gita According to Gandhi, by Michael Nagler (Introduction), Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, paperback, May
2000 1893163113
- The Bhagavad Gita: a scripture for the future, by S. K. Majumdar (Translator), 0895818965
- The Bhagavad Gita With Sanskrit Text, Translation and a Comparative Commentary, by D. Prithipaul, hardcover, October 1993 9993959065
- Bhagavadgita: An Exegetical and Comparative Commentary With Sanskrit Text, Translation, Interlinear Transliteration With Parsing, Mini-lexicon and Text-critical by Steven Tsoukalas, Hardcover: 380 pages Publisher: Edwin Mellen Pr (November 30, 2010) 0773413693
- The Bhagavad Gita Bhashya of Madhvacharya, Dr.BNK Sharma, MB
- The Bhagavad-Gita: Krishnas's counsel in time of war (Bantam Classic), by Barbara Stoler Miller, 0553213652
- Bhagavad Gita, tr. par Sylvain Lévi et J.T. Stickney, Maisonneuve Paris 1964 (ANU PK3635.F7.B5)
- Bhagavad Gita, (Sacred Text S.) Hardcover: 224 pages Publisher: Watkins Publishing Limited (August 15, 2005) 1842930982
- Bhagavad Gita, by Swami Shri Purohit (Translator), 0877739757
- Bhagavad Gita, Satyananda Saraswati, MB
- Bhagavad Gita, tr. by Emile Sénart, Bossard 43 rue Madame Paris 1922, (ANU PK3635.F7.B5)
- Bhagavad Gita, tr. by Barbara Stoller-Miller, Bantam Classics
- Bhagavad Gita: A Translation of the Poem, by Mani Rao (translator), Paperback: 140 pages Publisher: Autumn Hill Books (December 1, 2010) 0984303618
- The Bhagavad Gita According to Gandhi, Paperback: 245 pages Publisher: North Atlantic Books (May 19, 2009) 1556438001
- The Bhagavad Gita: According to Paramhansa Yogananda, by Paramhansa Yogananda , Swami Kriyananda (Editor), Paperback: 110 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers (July 25, 2008) 1565892321
- Bhagavad Gita for Modern Times, by S.S. Tirtha, Paperback Publisher: B Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd (February 8, 2010) 8131907244
- Bhagavad Gita: The Song Celestial with Introduction and Notes, (Sacred Wisdom) by Watkins (Editor), Hardcover: 192 pages Publisher: Watkins (September 28, 2006) 1842931245
- Bhagavad Gita: A Transcreation of the Song Celestial, by Alan Jacobs, paperback, O Books; (March 2004) 1903816513
- Bhagavad-Gita: A Visual Guide to the World's Greatest Spiritual Dialog, by Vishaka, Paperback Publisher: Torchlight Publications (October 30, 2005) 1887089438
- Bhagavad Gita: An Introduction, by George Feuerstein, Paperback: 170 pages Publisher: Quest Books; 1st Quest ed edition (January 25, 2007) 0835605752
- Bhagavad Gita and its message, by Sri Aurobindo (Editor), 0941524787
- The Bhagavad-Gita: A New Translation, by Georg and Brenda Feuerstein (Translators), Hardcover: 464 pages Publisher: Shambhala (September 13, 2011) 159030893X
- Bhagavad Gita : A New Translation, by George Thompson, Paperback: 160 pages Publisher: North Point Press; Tra edition (August 5, 2008) 0865477442
- Bhagavad Gita : A New Translation, by Stephen Mitchell (Editor), hardcover, October 2000 060960550X
- Bhagavad Gita : A New Translation, unabridged audio cassette, by Stephen Mitchell (Editor), march 2001 1574533932
- Bhagavad Gita : a scripture for the future, by S. K. Majumdar (Translator), 0895818965
- Bhagavad-Gita: A Visual Guide to the World's Greatest Spiritual Dialog, by Vishaka (Illustrator), A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada , Paperback Publisher: Torchlight Publications (January 30, 2010) 1887089438
- The Bhagavad Gita: A Walkthrough for Westerners by Jack Hawley, Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: New World Library (March 1, 2011) 1608680142
- The Bhagavad Gita and the West: The Esoteric Meaning of the Bhagavad Gita and Its Relation to the Letters of St. Paul, by Rudolf Steiner, Paperback: 464 pages Publisher: SteinerBooks (November 15, 2008) 0880106042
- Bhagavad Gita as a Manual for Transformation, by Eknath Easwaran, paperback, March 2002 1888314923
- Bhagavad-Gita as it is : with the original Sanskrit text roman transliteration English equivalence translation & elaborate purports, by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, 089213268X
- The Bhagavadgita: Doctrines and Contexts, by Angelika Malinar, Hardcover: 308 pages Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (January 14, 2008) 0521883644
- Bhagavadgita: Exegetical and Comparative Commentary With Sanskrit Text, Translation, Interlinear Transliteration With Parsing, Mini Lexicon, and Text-critical Notes, by Steven Tsoukalas, Hardcover: 440 pages Publisher: Edwin Mellen Pr (July 30, 2007) 0773452907
- Bhagavad Gita for daily living : to love is to know Me, by Eknath Easwaran, 0915132192
- Bhagavad Gita for Modern Times: Secrets to Attaining Inner Peace and Harmony, by Swami Sadashiva Tirtha, Paperback: 217 pages Publisher: Sat Yuga Press (September 1, 2007) 0965804267
- Bhagavad Gita in light of Sri Aurobindo, 0897449029
- Bhagavad Gita in the Mahabharata : a bilingual edition, by J. A. B. Van Buitenen, 0226846628
- Bhagavad Gita: Its Feeling and Philosophy, by Swami B.V. Tripurari , David Frawley (Foreword), Hardcover: 618 pages Publisher: Mandala Publishing; Revised edition (September 1, 2008) 1601090242
- Bhagavad-Gita : Krishnas's counsel in time of war, (Bantam Classic), by Barbara Stoler Miller, 0553213652
- Bhagavad Gita: Lessons in Life [ABRIDGED] by Piali Roy (Producer), audio CD, September 2003 0660190397
Bhagavad Gita : The Song Divine, by Carl E. Woodham, Michael A. Cremo, hardcover, June 2001 1887089268
- Bhagavad-Gita: The Song of God, by Swami Prabhavananda (Translator), Christopher Isherwood (Translator), Aldous Huxley (Introduction), paperback, July 2002 0451528441
- Bhagavad-gita with commentary of Sankaracharya by Alladi M. Shastry (translator), hardcover January 1992 09102100032
- Bhagavad-gita with commentary of Sankaracharya by Alladi M. Shastry (translator), paperback June 1999 09102100040
- Bhagavad-Gita with the Sanatsujatiya and Anugita, tr. KT. Kelang, SBE vol. 8, MB
- Bhagavad Gita: The Beloved Lord's Secret Love Song, by Graham M. Schweig, Hardcover: 368 pages Publisher: HarperSanFrancisco (April 24, 2007) 0060754257
- Bhagavad Gita: The Beloved Lord's Secret Love Song, by Graham M. Schweig, Paperback: 368 pages Publisher: HarperOne (August 24, 2010) 0061997307
- The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita, 2nd Edition: Explained By Paramhansa Yogananda, As Remembered By His Disciple, Swami Kriyananda, by Paramhansa Yogananda, Paperback: 692 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers; 2 edition (January 25, 2008) 1565892267
- Bhagavad Gita: Talks Between the Soul and God, by Ranchor Prime, Hardcover: 208 pages Publisher: Fitzrovia Press (March 31, 2010) 0956184618
- Bhagavad-Gita: A Visual Guide to the World's Greatest Spiritual Dialog, by Vishaka, Paperback Publisher: Torchlight Publications (June 30, 2007) 1887089438
- The Gita: A New Translation of Hindu Sacred Scripture, by Irina Gajjar, Paperback: 324 pages Publisher: Axios Press; Reprint edition (January 25, 2008) 0975366289
- The Bhagavad Gita: Twenty-fifth-anniversary Edition, by Winthrop Sargeant (Translator), Hardcover: 774 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press; Anv edition (March 5, 2009) 1438428413
- The Bhagavad Gita and the West: The Esoteric Meaning of the Bhagavad Gita and Its Relation to the Letters of St. Paul, by Rudolf Steiner , Eknath Easwaran (Translator), Mado Spiegler (Translator), Robert McDermott (Introduction), Christopher Bamford (Foreword), Paperback: 464 pages Publisher: SteinerBooks (June 2009) 0880106042
- Bhagavad-Gita: A Visual Guide to the World's Greatest Spiritual Dialog, by Vishaka, Paperback Publisher: Torchlight Publications (July 31, 2009) 1887089438
- Exploring the Bhagavad Gita: Philosophy, Structure and Meaning, by Ithamar Theodor, Hardcover: 224 pages Publisher: Ashgate Pub Co (July 30, 2010) 0754666581
- Early Buddhism and the Bhagavad Gita, by Kashi Nath Upadhyaya, Hardcover: 567 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (February 5, 1998) 8120808800 MB
- The Truth About the Gita: A Closer Look at Hindu Scripture, by V. A. Narla (Author), Innaiah Narisetti (Foreword), Paperback: 230 pages Publisher: Prometheus Books (July 27, 2010) 1616141832
- Bhagavan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri, by Swami Muktananda, 0911307451
- Bhagavata-purana part 2 by G.V. Tagare (translator), hardcover June 1986 8120802012
- Bhagavata purana, ed. J.L. Shastri, AITM vol. 7-11, MB
- Bhagvan Sri Sathya Sai Baba: my divine teacher, Curth Orefjaerd, M
- Bhaja Govindam: A Song of Sri Sankara, (Golden Thread Series) by C Rajagopalachari, Paperback: 64 pages Publisher: Acorn Alliance (January 30, 2009) 1559213566
- Bhajan: Mantras of Mercy, by Rasa, paperback, December 2002 1886069832
- Bhakti in religions of the world, with special reference to Dr. Sri Bankey Behariji, by Chhaganlal Lala, 8170183715
- Bhakti movement & the status of women: a case study of Virasaivism, by Leela Mullatti, 8170172500
- Bhakti religion in north India: community identity & political action, by David N. Lorenzen (Editor), 0791420264
- Bhakti schools of Vedanta, by Swami Tapasyananda 8171202268
- Bhakti sect of Vallabhacarya, by Richard Barz 9993234192
- Bhakti studies, by G.M. Bailey, I. Kesarcodi Watson (Editor), 81410008350
- Bhaktivedanta Purports : Perfect Explanation of the Bhagavad-Gita,by Sivarama 1887089128
- Three Bhakti Voices: Mirabai, Surdas, And Kabir In Their Times And Ours, by John Stratton Hawley, Hardcover: 439 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press (July 1, 2005) 019567085X
- Bhakti-Yoga : the Yoga of love and devotion, by Swami Vivekananda, 8185301972
- Bhanudas: the poet-saint of Maharrashtra, translation from the Bhaktivijaya (Monumenta Indica Series, No 7), by Justin E. Abbot, 8170304989
- Bhartrhari & the Buddhists: an essay in the development of fifth & sixth century Indian thought, by R. Herzberger 9027722501
- Bhartrihari: poems, tr. by Barbara Stoler Miller, Columbia University Press
- Bhasa, by V. Venkatachalam, Sahitya Akademy 1986
- Bhasa's plays, by T. Ganapati Sastri, Bharatiya Vidya Prakashan, PO Box 1108, Kachauri Gali, Varanasi 221001 (1985)
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- Bhasa Swapnavasavadattam, by Sarada Ranjan Ray, Sanskrit Book depot, 28/1 Cornwallis St. Calcutta - 6 (1966)
- Bijak of Kabir, translated into English by Ahmad Shah, Hardcover Publisher: South Asia Books (December 1990) 8185418675
- Bijak of Kabir, translated into English by Linda Hess, Shukdev Singh, Paperback: 216 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (January 1, 2002) 0195148762
- Bikram's beginning Yoga class, by Bikram Choudhury, 0874770823
- Birsa Munda & his movement 1874-1656, a study of a millenarian movement in Chotanagpur, by KS. Singh, Oxford 1983 (ANU DS479.1.B5.S48.1983)
- New Birth or Rebirth?: Jesus Talks with Krishna (Great Conversations) by Ravi Zacharias, Paperback: 96 pages Publisher: Multnomah Books (November 2, 2010) 1601423195
- Birth of the Ganga, by Harish Johari (Illustrator), Pieter Weltevrede (Illustrator) 0892816902
- Blackwell Companion to Hinduism, by Gavin D. Flood (Editor), hardcover, May 2003 0631215352
- Blackwell Companion to Hinduism, by Gavin D. Flood (Editor), Paperback: 616 pages Publisher: Blackwell Publishers; Reprint edition (May 30, 2005) 1405132515
- Blended Boundaries: Caste, Class And Shifting Faces of Hinduness in a North Indian City, by Kathinka Froystad, Hardcover: 300 pages (January 30, 2006) 0195696000
- Blossoms of friendship, by Vimala Thakar,, hardcover, June 2003 1930485026
- Body & cosmology in Kashmir Saivism, by Gavin D. Flood, 0773499741
- Body Divine: the symbol of the body in the works of Teilhard de Chardin & Ramanuja, by Anne Hunt Overzee 0521385164
- The Body of God: An Emperor's Palace for Krishna in Eighth- Century Kanchipuram, by D Dennis Hudson, Hardcover: 608 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (September 25, 2008) 019536922X
- Bodywork, (In A Nutshell Gift Set: Reflexology, Shiatsu, Yoga) [BOX SET] by Various 1862043590
- The book of Buddha, by Arundhathi Subramaniam, Paperback: 152 pages Publisher: Penguin Global (June 30, 2010) 0143067656
- Book of Chakra Healing, by Liz Simpson, Teresa Hale 0806920971
- The book of Devi, by Bulbul Sharma, Paperback: 168 pages Publisher: Penguin Global (June 30, 2010) 0143067664
- The book of Ganesha, by Rovina Grewal, Paperback: 152 pages Publisher: Penguin Global (June 30, 2010) 0143067605
- The book of Krishna, by Pavan K. Varma, Paperback: 172 pages Publisher: Penguin Global (June 30, 2010) 014306763X
- Book of Prayers, by Mahatma Gandhi 1893163024
- The Book of Ram, by Devdutt Pattanaik, Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: Penguin Global (August 12, 2009) 0143065289
- The book of Shiva, by Namita Gokhale, Paperback: 138 pages Publisher: Penguin Global (June 30, 2010) 0143067613
- Book of the Vedas: Timeless Wisdom from Indian Tradition by Virender Kumar Arya , hardcover, April 2003 0764155970
- The book of Vishnu, by Nanditha Krishna, Paperback: 156 pages Publisher: Penguin Global (June 30, 2010) 0143067621
- Book of Yudhistir, by Buddhadev Bose, 0861314603
- Bhrgus: a study, by Jayanti Panda, 0865903441
- Brahma's Pushkar: Ancient Indian Pilgrimage, by Aman Nath, Hardcover: 204 pages Publisher: India Book House Ltd; 1st edition (January 25, 2007) 8175083719
- Brahma Kumaris As a Reflexive Tradition: Responding to Late Modernity, (Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies) by John Walliss, hardcover, October 2002 0754609510
- Understanding the Brahma Kumaris (Understanding Faith) by Frank Whaling, Paperback: 160 pages Publisher: Dunedin Academic Press (November 18, 2010) 190376551X
- Brahma purana, ed. G.P. Bhatt, tr. J.L. Shastri, AITM volumes 33-36, MB
- Brahmana purana by J.S. Jariwalla (translator), paperback June 1999 089581689X
- Brahmanical Gods of Burma, (Bibliotheca Orientalis Series) (Paperback)
by Niharranian Ray, Paperback: 109 pages Publisher: Orchid Press (January 25, 2007) 9748299309
- Brahmanda purana, ed. & tr. J.L. Shastri, AITM volumes 22-26, MB
- Brahman-knowledge : an outline of the philosophy of the Vedanta as set forth by the Upanishads and by Sankara by L.D. Barnett, paperback May 1942 0761000608X
- Brahmanical Gods of Burma: A Chapter of Indian Art and Iconography,by Ray Niharranjan, Niharranjan Ray, paperback, September 2002 9748299309
- Brahmanism and Hinduism: Religious Thought and Life in India, (Classic Reprint) by Sir Monier Monier-Williams, Paperback: 636 pages Publisher: Forgotten Books (March 9, 2010) 1451006993
- Brahma-Sutras, by Badarayana, 08741000760
- Brahmasutra-Sankarabhasyam (with the commentary of Bhasya-Ratna-Prabha of Govindananda Bhamati Vacaspatimistra Nyaya-Nirnaya of Anandagiri) (sanskrit text) ed. J.L. Shastri, MB
- Brahma Sutras & their principal commentaries in 3 volumes, Dr.BNK Sharma, MB
- Brahma Sutras: the philosophy of spiritual life, by S. Radhakrishnan, 083710291X
- Brahmavada doctrine of Sri Vallabhacarya by G.V. Tagare, hardcover April 1998 8124601127
- Brahma vaivarta purana, (text in devanagari, skrt & engl. intro. and verse index, ed. J.L. Shastri, MB
- Brahma-worship: tradition & iconography, by Rajani Mishra, 0836425146
- Braj: centre of Krishna pilgrimage (Groningen Oriental Studies, Vol 3), by A.W. Entwistle, 9069800160
- Breath of God, by Swami Chetanananda, 0915801051
- Breath, sleep, the heart, and life : the revolutionary health Yoga of Pundit
Acharya by Basudeb Bhattacarya, paperback June 1975 0913922099
- Breath of life : breathing for health, vitality and meditation, by Dharmananda Sarasvati, hardcover, Delhi 2001 reprint, ISBN 8120816862 MB
- Breath--The Essence of Yoga, by Sandra Sabatini, paperback, January 2001 0007102984
- Brhadaranyaka upanishad, vol 1 by Nitya Chaitanya Yati, hardcover February 1994 81241000074
- Brhadaranyaka upanishad, Madu Kanda by Nitya Chaitanya Yati, hardcover June 1997 81241000082
- Brhad-devata, text. & engl. tr. by A.A. Macdonell, MB
- Brhatkathâ slokasamgraha, Budhasvamin, texte sanskrit volume I, traduction française volume II, Paris Leroux 1658 (ANU PK3741.B8.B7.1658)
- Brhat Samhita by Varâhamihira, hardcover April 1987 8170300940
- Bridge to the three holy cities, Richard Salomon MB
- Brief history of Tantra literature, by S.C. Banerji, hardcover December 1988 818510946X
- Brief survey of ancient Sanskrit literature, by R. Ghosha, 0686226607
- Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism, by Knut A. Jacobsen (Editor), Hardcover Publisher: Brill Academic Pub (September 30, 2010) 9004180478
- Bringing the Gods to Mind: Mantra and Poetry in Early Indian Sacrifice, by Laurie L. Patton, Hardcover: 299 pages Publisher: University of California Press (June 30, 2005) 0520240871
- Buddhism: In its Connexion with Brahmanism and Hinduism and in its Contrast with Christianity, ((Cambridge Library Collection - Religion) by Monier Monier-Williams, Paperback: 620 pages Publisher: Cambridge University Press (February 28, 2010) 110800797X
- Butter thief, by Chris Murray, 0892132744
- Caitanya Caritamrta of Krsnadasa Kaviraja : A Translation and Commentary, (Harvard Oriental Series, 56.) by Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami, Edward C. Dimock (Introduction), Tony Kevin Stewart (Introduction), hardcover, September 2000 0696002857
- Caitanya : His Life and Associates, by B. B. Tirtha Maharaja, hardcover, September 2000 188606928X
- Call of the Upanishads, Rohit Mehta, MB
- The Cambridge Companion to Atheism, (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy) by Michael Martin (Editor), Paperback: 352 pages Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (October 30, 2006) 0521603676
Camphor flame: popular Hinduism & society in India (Princeton Paperbacks), by C. J. Fuller, Paperback: 360 pages Publisher: Princeton University Press; Rev&Expand edition (August 2, 2004) 069112048X
- Canon of the Saivagama & the Kubjika Tantras of the western Kaula tradition (Suny Series in the Shaiva Traditions of Kashmir), by Mark S.G. Dyczkowski, hard cover edition 0887064949
- Canon of the Saivagama & the Kubjika Tantras of the western Kaula Tradition (Suny Series in the Shaiva Traditions of Kashmir), by Mark S. Dyczkowski, paperback edition, 0887064914
- Canon of the Saivagama & the Kubjika Tantras of the western Kaula tradition, Mark Dyczkowski, Delhi reprint 0887064914
- Candragupta Maurya, P.L. Bhargava, Lucknow 1936
- Carnet de pélerinage, Swâmi Râmdas, collection spiritualités vivantes, Albin Michel, Paris 1944
- Carudattam, tr. by C.R. Devadhar, Oriental Book Agency, 15 Shukrawar Poona 2 (1962)
- Carvaka/Lokayata: an anthology of source materials & some recent studies, by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya et al, hardcover November 1994 reissue 8185636117
- Catalogue du fonds sanscrit, par Louis Renou et Jean Filliozat, Paris 1941 (ANU DS425.R45 - 23764)
- Caurasi pad of Sri Hit Harivams: introduction, translation, notes & edited Braj bhasa text, by Hita Harivamsa Gosvami 0824803590
- Célébration de la grande déesse (Devi mahatmya), Jean Varenne, Belles Lettres Paris 1975
- Chaitanya's Charitamrita, by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, published by Bhaktivedanta Book Trust.
- Chaitanya : His Life and Associates, by B. B. Tirtha Maharaja, hardcover, July 2001 188606928X
- The Chaitanya Vaishnava (Vedânta of Jîva Gosvâmî), (Routledge Hindu Studies Series) by Ravi Gupta, Hardcover: 208 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (April 26, 2007) 0419605483
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to Chakras, by Betsy Rippentrop, Eve Adamson, Paperback: 352 pages Publisher: Alpha (July 7, 2009) 1592578985
- Chakra, by Jayawant Dalvi, 0863113745
- Chakra breathing: pathway to energy, harmony & self-healing, by Helmut G. Sieczka, 0940795116
- Chakra energy massage, by Marianne Uhl, 0941524833
- Chakras for Starters: Unlock the Hidden Door to Peace and Well-Being,by Savitri Simpson, J. Donald Walters, paperback, September 2002 1565891562
- Chakra handbook, by Shalila Sharamon, Bodo Baginski January 2000 reprint 094152485X
Chakras: energy centers of transformation, by Harish Johari, paperback, February 2000 0892817607
- Chakra system of Mount Desert island & its healing effects, by P. Chris Kaiser, 1556432712
- Chakra therapy: for personal growth & healing, by Keith Sherwood, 0875427219
- Chakra workout, by Elrond Blawyn et al, 1567180744
- Chandipath: she who tears apart thought (also known as the Durga Saptasati & the Devi Mahatmyan), tr. Satyananda Saraswati, MB
- Chants à Kali de Ramprasad, tr. Michèle Lupsa, Institut Français d'Indologie (1967), (ANU PK1718.R2514.C5)
- Chants of India, by Ravi Shankar, audio CD, 6304385854
- The Character of the Self in Anchient India: Priests, Kings, and Women in the Early Upanisads, (S U N Y Series in Hindu Studies) by Brian Black, Hardcover: 224 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (July 2007) 079196013X
- Chariots in the Veda (Memoirs of the Kern Institute, Leiden , Vol 3), by M. Sparrebom 9004075909
- Charisma and Canon : Essays on the Religious History of the Indian Subcontinent, by Vasudha Dalmia (Editor), Angelika Malinar (Editor), Martin Christof (Editor), hardcover, April 2002 0195654536
- Charming Cadavers : Horrific Figurations of the Feminine in Indian Buddhist Hagiographic Literature, (Women in Culture and Society Series) by Liz Wilson, Catharine R. Simpson 0226900541
- Chaturdasha-Lakshmi (Sanskrit), Pandit Dhirendrachary Sattigeri, Rs. 350
- Chidambaram: Home of Nataraja, by Vivek Nanda, Hardcover: 140 pages Publisher: Marg Publications; 1st edition (January 25, 2007) 8185026645
- Chinnamasta: the aweful Buddhist & Hindu Tantric Goddess, Elisabeth Anne Benard, MB
- Chips from a German workshop : essays on the science of religion, by Max Muller, 0891308903
- Choose to be happy: the craft & the art of living beyond anxiety, by Swami Chetanananda, 0915801485
- Churning of the Heart : Union of the Infinite, by Swami Shivom Tirth, paperback, September 2002 1893163431
- Christ the Yogi : a Hindu Reflection on the Gospel of John, by Ravi Ravindra 0892816716
- Relative chronology and Indo-European verb system: the case of Present and Aorist stems, by Klaus Strank, The Journal of Indo-European Studies Vol. 22 No 3 & 4 Fall 1994
- Class and Religion in Ancient India, (Anthem South Asian Studies) by Jayantanuja Bandyopadhyaya , Hardcover: 264 pages Publisher: Anthem Press India; First Edition, 1 edition (July 1, 2008) 1843317273
- Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology, by John Dowson, hardcover, November 2001 0710307632
- Classical Hindu mythology: a reader in the Sanskrit Puranas, by Cornelia Dimmitt, J.A. Van Buitenen (Translator) 0877221227
- Classical Hinduism, by Mariasusai Dhavamony, paperback January 1982 8876524827
- Classical Indian metaphysics: refutations of realism & the emergence of 'New Logic', by Stephen H. Phillips, 0812692985
- Classical Indian Philosophy: A Reader, by Deepak Sharma, Paperback: 352 pages Publisher: Columbia University Press (April 5, 2011) 0231133995
- Classical Indian Philosophy of Mind : The Nyaya Dualist Tradition, by Kisor Kumar Chakrabarti, hardcover June 1999 0791441717
- Classical Indian Philosophy of Mind : The Nyaya Dualist Tradition, by Kisor Kumar Chakrabarti, paperback July 1999 0791441725
- Classical Samkhya: An Interpretation of Its History and Meaning, by G.J. Larson, Paperback: 332 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, 1998 reprint 812080502X MB
- Classical Samkhya And Yoga: The Metaphysics Of Experience, (Routledgecurzon Hindu Studies Series) by Mickel Buley, Hardcover: 224 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (July 2006) 0415394481
- Classical Samkhya ethics, by Vincent Gabriel Furtado 3429014735
- Classical Sanskrit literature, by A.B. Keith, YMCA Publishing House Calcutta 1958 (ANU PK2903.K4.1958)
- Classics of Indian spirituality, by Eknath Easwaran (Translator), 0915132443
- Classifying the Universe : The Ancient Indian Varna System and the Origins of
Caste, by Brian K. Smith, hardcover issue, 0195060547
- Classifying the Universe : The Ancient Indian Varna System and the Origins of
Caste, by Brian K. Smith, paperback issue, 0195084985
Climbing Chamundi Hill : 1001 Steps with a Storyteller and a Reluctant Pilgrim, by Ariel Glucklich, Paperback: 272 pages Publisher: HarperSanFrancisco (January 1, 2005) 0060750472
- Climbing the blue mountain: a guide for the spiritual journey, by Eknath Easwaran, 0915132702
- Collected plays & short stories(2 Vol.set), by Sri Aurobindo, 8170580897
- Collected poems, by Sri Aurobindo, 8170580161
- The Commerce Between the Roman Empire and India, by E. H. Warmington, Hardcover: 431 pages Publisher: South Asia Books (November 1995) 8121506700
- Coming back: the science of reincarnation, by A. C. Bhaktivedanta, 0892131144
Commentaries on the Vedas, the Upanishads & the Bhagavad Gita: the three branches of India's life-tree, by Sri Chinmoy, 0884971139
- Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan Languages (a), by R. L. Turner, hardcover, September 1999 0700712631
- Comparative ethics in Hindu & Buddhist traditions, Roderick Hindrey, MB
- Comparative Indian literature: some perspectives, by Indra Nath Choudhuri, 8146013869
- Compassionate universe, by Eknath Easwaran, 0915132583
- Complete illustrated book of Yoga, by Swami Vishnu-Devananda, 0517884313
- Complete Yoga book : Yoga of breathing, Yoga of posture & Yoga of meditation/three volumes in one, by James Hewitt, 0805209697
- Comprehensive history of India, ed. Nilakantha Shastri, Bombay 1957
- Concept of Brahma : Its Origin and Development, by S.P. Basu 8185055998
- Concept of cow in the Rigveda, Doris Srinivasan, MB
- Concept of mind in Indian philosophy, Sarasvati Chennakeswavan, MB
- Concept of personality in Sri Aurobindo's integral Yoga psychology & A. Maslow's humanistic/transpersonal psychology, by Joseph Vrinte, 8121506476
- Concept of Rudra-Siva through the ages, Mahadeva Chakravarti, MB
- Concept of salvation in Vedanta, by Saroj Kulshreshtha, 0317617885
- Concept of theft in classical Hindu law: an analysis & the idea of punishment, by Chanchal A. Bhattacharya, 8121504759
- Concept of universal religion in modern Hindu thought,by Arvind Sharma 0312216475
Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy: Sanskrit Terms Defined in English, by John Grimes, hardcover, August 1989, 0791401006
- Concise elementary grammar of the Sanskrit language, by Jan Gonda, 0817300724
- Concordance to principal Upanishads and Bhagavadgita, ed. G.A. Jacob, MB
- Conjugal Love in India : Ratisastra and Ratiramana, Text, Translation and Notes, (Sir Henry Wellcome Asian Series)
by Kenneth G. Zysk, hardcover May 2000 0710306172
- Connected Places : Region, Pilgrimage, and Geographical Imagination in India, by Anne Feldhaus , hardcover, November 2003 1403963231
- Connected Places : Region, Pilgrimage, and Geographical Imagination in India, by Anne Feldhaus , paperback, December 2003 140396324X
- Conquering new worlds: selected poems, by Sangharakshita, 0904766268
- Conquest of mind, by Eknath Easwaran, 0915132508
- Consciousness & creativity: a study of Sri Aurobindo, T.S. Eliot & Aldous Huxley, by Sumita Roy, 8146012811
- Consciousness in Advaita Vedanta, by William M. Indich 9996393283
- Consciousness in Indian Philosophy: The Advaita Doctrine of Awareness Only, by Sthan Timalsina, Hardcover: 208 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (December 1, 2008) 0415776775
- Concise Ramayana of Valmiki, by Swami Venkatesananda 0887068634
- Contemporary Ayurveda: medicine & research in Maharishi Ayurveda (Medical Guides to Complementary and Alternative Medicine), by Hari Sharma, Christopher Clark, 0443055947
- Contemporary Hinduism: Ritual, Culture, and Practice, by Robin Rinehart, Hardcover: 400 pages Publisher: ABC-CLIO; (July 2004) 1576079058
- Contemporary Scholars Discuss the Gaudiya Tradition, by Steven Rosen 0961976365
- Conversations with Swami Muktananda: the early years, by Swami Muktananda, 0911307532
- Conversations with Yogananda : Stories, Sayings, and Wisdom of Paramhansa Yogananda, by Swami Kriyananda, Paperback: 466 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers; (October 25, 2004) 156589202X
- Cooking the world: ritual & thought in ancient India (French Studies in South Asian Culture and Society), by Charles Malamoud, David White (Translator), 0195635582
- Cosmogonies védiques, Jean Varenne, Paris 1982 (ANU BL1215.C6.V37-1252255)
- Cosmology of the Bhagavad Purana by Richard L. Thompson, Hardcover: 373 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass (July 30, 2006) 8120819195
- Courage and contentment : a collection of talks on spiritual life, by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, paperback October 1999 091130777X
- A Course in Indian Philosophy, by A.K. Warder, Hardcover: 260 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass,; 1st edition (January 1, 1998) 8120812441 MB
- Creator, protector, destroyer: discover that you are god, by J. R. Picken, 1567185223
- Critical study of Hinduism, Sarasvati Chennakesavan, MB
- The Crown of Hinduism, by John Nicol Farquhar, Paperback: 484 pages Publisher: Cornell University Library (January 6, 2010) 1112589503
- Cultivating consciousness: enhancing human potential, wellness & healing, by K. Ramakrishna Rao (Editor) 0275945154
- Cultural Heritage of Ancient India, by Sachindra Kumar Maity 039102809X
- Cultural history from the Vayu Purana, Rajaram Patil, MB
- Cultural History of India, by A. L. Basham (Editor) 0195615204
- Cultural horizons of India: studies in Tantra & Buddhism, art & archaeology, language & literature, by Lokesh Chandra, 8185689253
- Cultural otherness & beyond (Philosophy of History and Culture, V. 19),by Chhanda Gupta (Editor), D. P. Chattopadhyaya (Editor), 9004100261
- Dance of Divine Love: The Rasa Lila of Krishna from the Bhagavata Purana, India's Classic Sacred Love Story, by Graham M. Schweig (Other Contributor), Hardcover: 448 pages Publisher: Princeton University Press (January, 2005) 0691114463
- Dance of Shiva, by William Deverell, 0771026641
- Dance of Siva: religion, art & poetry in south India (Cambridge Studies in Religious Traditions, No 7), by David Smith, 0521482348
- Dance of Siva: religion, art & poetry in south India (Cambridge Studies in Religious Traditions, No 7), by David Smith, paperback, September 2003, 0521528658
- Dancing the Self : Parenthood and Performance in the Pandava Lila of Garhwal, by William Sturman Sax, hardcover, April 2002 0195139143
- Dancing the Self : Parenthood and Performance in the Pandava Lila of Garhwal, by William Sturman Sax, paperback, April 2002 0195139151
- Dancing with Siva: Hinduism's contemporary catechism, by Satguru Shivaya Subramuniyaswami, Hardcover: 1008 pages ; Publisher: Himalayan Academy Publications; (August 2004) 0945497962
- Dante & Sri Aurobindo: a comparative study of the divine comedy & Savitri, by Prema Nandakumar, 0391023918
- Darsan, seeing the divine image in India, by Diana L. Eck, 0231108451
- Dasanami-samnyasis by Matthew Clark, Hardcover: 350 pages Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers (June 30, 2006) 9004152113
- Dattatreya : the immortal Guru, Yogin, and Avatara : a study of the
tranformative and inclusive character of a multi-faceted Hindu deity,hardcover issue, by Antonio Rigopoulos 0791436950
- Dattatreya : the immortal Guru, Yogin, and Avatara : a study of the
tranformative and inclusive character of a multi-faceted Hindu deity,paperback issue, by Antonio Rigopoulos 0791436969
- Dattatreya: the song of the Avadhut: an English translation of the Avadhut Gita (With Sanskrit Transliteration), by S. Abhayananda, 0914557076
- Dattatreya: the way and the goal, Jaya Bahadur (intro. by S. Radhakrishnan), MB
- Daughters of the Goddess : the women saints of India, by Linda Johnson, 093666309X
- Dear Sky : Letters from a Sannyasi, by Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami, hardcover to be published in 2000 0911233997
- Death in Banaras (The Lewis Henry Morgan Lectures, 1988), by Jonathan P. Parry, 0521466253
- Death of a Guru, by Rabindranath R. Maharaj, 0890814341
- Defining Hinduism : a reader, by J. E. Llewellyn (Editor), Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Routledge (January 31, 2006) 0415974496
- The Little Book of Hindu Deities: From the Goddess of Wealth to the Sacred Cow, by Sanjay Patel , Paperback: 144 pages Publisher: Plume (October 31, 2006) 0452287758
- De Paris au Tonkin, par Paul Bourde, Calmann-Lévy Paris 1885 (ANU DS507.B76)
- Design and Rhetoric in a Sanskrit Court: The Kiratarjuniya of Bharavi, by Indira Viswanathan Peterson, paperback, May 2003, 0791456145
- Destined for Infinity : A Spiritual Adventure To Take You into Another Dimension by Stephen Knapp, Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: iUniverse, Inc. (January 21, 2005) 059533959X
- Destined for Infinity : A Spiritual Adventure To Take You into Another Dimension by Stephen Knapp, Format: Adobe Reader File Size: 1399K Publisher: iUniverse, Inc. (January 21, 2005) B0007MYRBY
- Destiny and Human Initiative in the Mahabharata, by Julian F. Woods, hardcover, June 2001 0791449815
- Destiny and Human Initiative in the Mahabharata, by Julian F. Woods, paperback, June 2001 0791449823
- Development of Hindu Iconography, by Jitendra N. Banerjee 8121500699
- Devavanipravesika : an introduction to the Sanskrit language,
by Robert P. Goldman, Sally J. Sutherland 0944613004
- Devi Gita, tr. Satyananda Saraswati, MB
- Devi: The Divine Goddess, by James H. Bae, Hardcover: 96 pages Publisher: Mandala Publishing (October 1, 2008) 1601090226
- Devi: The Great Goddess : Female Divinity in South Asian Art, by Vidya Dehejia, Thomas B. Coburn, Hardcover: 408 pages Publisher: Sackler Art Gallery (March 1999) 8185822638
- Devi Gita : the song of the Goddess, a translation, annotation and commentary, paperback issue, by Cheever MacKenzie Brown (Editor) 0791439402
- Devi Gita : the song of the Goddess, a translation, annotation and commentary, hardcover issue,
by Cheever MacKenzie Brown (Editor) 0791439399
- Devi : Goddesses of India, (Comparative Studies in Religion and Society, 7), by John Stratton Hawley & Donna M. Wulff (editors), hardcover issue 0520200578
- Devi : Goddesses of India, (Comparative Studies in Religion and Society, 7), by John Stratton Hawley & Donna M. Wulff (editors), paperback issue 0520200586
- The Devi Bhagavatam, Vol. 1 of 3, translated by Swami Vijnanananda (Hari Prasanna Chatterji), Paperback: 484 pages Publisher: Forgotten Books (January 23, 2008) 1605065986
- The Devi Bhagavatam, Vol. 2 of 3, translated by Swami Vijnanananda (Hari Prasanna Chatterji), Paperback: 544 pages Publisher: Forgotten Books (January 23, 2008) 1605066532
- The Devi Bhagavatam, Vol. 3 of 3, translated by Swami Vijnanananda (Hari Prasanna Chatterji), Paperback: 468 pages Publisher: Forgotten Books (January 23, 2008) 1605066960
- Devi-mahatmya: the crystallization of the goddess tradition, Thomas Corburn, 8120805577
- Devi-mahatmyan (glory of the divine mother), 700 mantras on Sri Durga, english tr. by Swami Jagadiswarananda, published by Sri Ramakrishna Math, 16 Sri R.M.K. Math Road, Mylapore,
Madras 1000004, India, (ANU BL1140.4.M373.D5.1985)
- Devi: The Great Goddess; Female Divinity in South Asian Art, by Vidya Dehejia (Editor) 3791321293
- Devi Upanisad, Jean Varenne, Maisonneuve Paris 1971
- Devoted to the Goddess : the life and work of Ramprasad (Suny Series in Hindu Studies) by Malcolm McLean 079143690X
Interpreting Devotion: The Poetry and Legacy of a Female Bhakti Saint of India, (Routledge Hindu Studies Series) by Karen Pechilis, Hardcover: 272 pages Publisher: Routledge (December 23, 2011) 0415615860
- Devotional literature in South Asia: current research 1985-1988, by R.S. McGregor (Editor), 0521413117
- Devotional poems of Mirabai, A.J. Alston,0895816113
- Devotional Poetics and the Indian Sublime hardcover issue (Suny Series on the Sublime)
by Vijay Mishra 0791438716
- Devotional Poetics and the Indian Sublime paperback issue (Suny Series on the Sublime)
by Vijay Mishra 0791438724
- Devotional songs of Narsi Mehta, Swami Mahadevananda, MB
- Devotion divine : Bhakti traditions from the regions of India: studies in honour of Charlotte Vaudeville, by Diana L. Eck, 9069800454
- Dhanapala & his times: a socio-cultural study based upon his works, by Ganga Prasad Yadava, 0391027859
- Dhanwantari : a complete guide to the Ayurvedic Life, by Harish Johari, Michael Gerber, paperback, December 1998 089281618X
- Dharma: Its Early History in Law, Religion, and Narrative (South Asia Research) by Alf Hiltebeitel, Hardcover: 768 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA; 1 edition (August 17, 2011) 0195394232
- Dharmasutras : The Law Codes of Ancient India (Oxford World's Classics) by Patrick Olivelle (Translator) 0192838822
- Dharmasutras : The Law Codes of Ancient India (Oxford World's Classics) by Patrick Olivelle (Translator) Paperback: 480 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA; 14 edition (November 2, 2009) 0199555370
- Dialogue with death: a journey through consciousness, by Eknath Easwaran, 0915132729
- Diaspora of the Gods: Modern Hindu Temples in an Urban Middle-Class World, by Joanne Punzo Waghorne, Hardcover: 304 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press; (July 2004) 0195156633
- Dictionary of Buddhist and Hindu Iconography, by Fredrick W. Bunce, Hardcover: 473 pages Publisher: DK Print World Pvt.Ltd,India; 1 edition (April 1, 1997) 81241000619
- Historical Dictionary of Hinduism, by (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements Series) Jeffery D. Long, Hardcover: 400 pages Publisher: Scarecrow Press (September 16, 2011) 01000867648
- Dictionary of Hindu Lore and Legend by Anna Dallapiccola, paperback, May 2004 0500284024
- Dictionary of Hinduism, by W. J. Johnson , Hardcover: 384 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA; 1 edition (March 19, 2009) 01981000254
- Dictionnaire classique sanscrit-français, (ANU PK935.F8.B8 - 448921)
- Dictionnaire sanscrit-français, par Nitti - Stchoupak - Renou, Maisonneuve Paris 1932 (ANU OS 3PK935.F7.S8.S147)
- Dieux et brahmanes de l'Inde, par Louis-Frédéric, Livre de Paris, Paris 1961 (ANU fBL1205.L6)
- Difference vs. Real, Raghavendran (Coimbatore)
- The Difficulty of Being Good: On the Subtle Art of Dharma, by Gurcharan Das, Paperback: 488 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (October 4, 2010) 0199754411
- Dimensions of Karma, by S.S. Rama Rao Pappu (Editor), 817001025X
- Dimensions of renunciation in Advaita Vedanta, Kapil Tiwari, MB
- Direct Awareness of the Self : A Translation of the Aparoksanubhuti by Sankara (Studies in Asian Thought and Religion, Vol 17) by Sankaracarya, Douglas A. Fox, hardcover, August 1995 0773490779
- Directory of Museums in India, by Usha Agrawal, Hardcover Publisher: Sandeep Prakashan (August 30, 2003) 8175741449
- Discover your self, by Paul Brunton, 0877285926
- The British Discovery of Hinduism in the Eighteenth Century, (European Understanding of India Series) by P. J. Marshall (Editor), Paperback: 322 pages Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (January 8, 2009) 0521092965
- Discovering the Realm Beyond Appearance : Pointers to the Inexpressible by Robert Powell, paperback August 1998 1884997171
- Dispelling Illusion : Gaudapada's Alatasanti (Suny Series in Religious Studies) by Douglas A. Fox hardcover August 1993 0791415015
- Dispelling Illusion : Gaudapada's Alatasanti (Suny Series in Religious Studies) by Douglas A. Fox paperback August 1993 0791415023
- Divali (World of Holidays), by Dilip Kadodwala 0817246169
- Divine Distraction : A Guide to the Guru-Devotee Relationship, the Supreme
Means of God-Realization, As Fully Revealed for the First Time by James, Steinberg, paperback January 1992 0918801346
- Divine Enterprise : Gurus and the Hindu Nationalist Movement by Lise McKean, hardcover, January 1996 02265100090
- Divine Enterprise : Gurus and the Hindu Nationalist Movement by Lise McKean, paperback, January 1996 0226560104
- Divine Testimony: A Study and Translation of the Rajasthani Oral Narrative of Devnarayan, (South Asia Research) by Aditya Malik, Hardcover: 960 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press; (December 30, 2004) 0195150198
- Divinity and Diversity: A Hindu Revitalization Movement in Malaysia, by Alexandra Kent, Hardcover: 200 pages Publisher: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies; (July 2004) 8791114403
- Diwali (Candle Time), by Denise Jordan, library binding, April 2002 1581000527X
- Diwali (Celebrations) by Chris Deshpande, Prodeepta Das (Photographer)0713960820
- Diwali , (Rookie Read-About Holidays) by Christina Mia Gardeski, David F. Marx Reading, level: Ages 9-12, School & Library Binding, August 2001 0516223720
- Diwali: The Hindu Festival of Lights, Feasts, and Family (Finding Out About Holidays) by Michelle Parker-Rock, library binding, 0766024608
- Diwali: Hindu Festival of Lights (First Facts), by June Preszler, Reading level: Ages 4-8, Hardcover: 24 pages Publisher: First Facts Books (July 15, 2006) 0736863958
- Divine & demoniac: Mahisa's heroic struggle with Durga, by Carmel Berkson, 0195635558
- Divine consort: Radha & the goddesses of India, J.S. Hawley & Donna Marie Wulff, MB
- Divine Light invocation: a spiritual practice for healing & for realizing the Light within, by Swami Sivananda Radha, 0931454174
- Divine nectar, Swami Sivananda, MB
- Divinity And Diversity: A Hindu Revitalization Movement in Malaysia, by Alexandra Kent, Paperback: 200 pages Publisher: University of Hawaii Press (March 30, 2006) 8791114896
- We love Diwali, by Saviour Pirotta, Hardcover Publisher: Hodder Wayland (May 11, 2006) 0750248378
- Do It Well: 366 Positive Practical Ways to Improve Your Life, by Swami Kriyananda, Paperback: 176 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers; Original edition (March 16, 2010) 1565892410
- Doctrine of karma: a study in philosophy & practice of work, by Swami Abhedananda, 0874816084
- Doctrine of Maya in Advaita Vedanta by D.R. Satapathy, hardcover, paperback, July 1992 8185094543
- Doctrine of recognition: a translation of Pratyabhijnagrdayam (Suny Series in Tantric Studies), by Ksemaraja, 0791401510
- Doctrine of vibration: an analysis of the doctrines & practices of Kashmir Shaivism, Mark Dyczkowski, MB
- Doctrine of the Bhagavad Gita: Sangam text, by Bhavani Shankar, 0886950317
- Doctrine of the Upanisads & early Buddhism, Hermann Oldenberg, english tr. by Shridhar Shrotri, MB
- Doctrine of Vibration: An Analysis of the Doctrines and Practices of Kashmir Shaivism, (Suny Series in the Shaiva Traditions of Kashmir) by Mark S.G. Dyczkowski, paperback, November 1987 0887064329
- Dogra Wall Paintings in Jammu and Kashmir, by Mira Seth 0195615492
- Does death really exist?, by Swami Muktananda, 0911307362
- Domain of Constant Excess: Plural Worship in a Sri Lankan Hindu Temple by Rohan Bastin, hardcover, December 2002 1571812520
- Doorway To Eternity: Celebrating The Land Of Krishna by Arjen van der Kooij, Hardcover: 140 pages Publisher: Celestial Arts (May 30, 2005) 1932771182
- Drama & ritual of early Hinduism, Natalia Lidova, 9995496050
- Dreams, illusion & other realities, by Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty, 022618552
- Dreams of the soul: the Yogasutras of Patanjali, by Daniel R. Condron, 0944386113
- Driving your own karma: Swami Beyondananda's tour guide to enlightenment, by Steve Bhaerman, 0892812532
- Dropping the bow: poems from ancient India (International Series), by Andrew Schelling (Translator), 0913089184
- Dubuque Yoga, by Jeff Wright, hardcover, March 2000 1581410166
- Duet of One : The Ashtavakra Gita Dialogue by Ramesh S. Balsekar, hardcover, August 1989 0929448111
- Durga (Theme in Varanasi Wall Paintings), by Prem Shankar Dwivedi, 8185133824
- Durgastotra, 08974441000
- Durghata-vrtti, par Louis Renou, Belles Lettres Paris 1940 (5 volumes)
- Dying the Good Death : The Pilgrimage to Die in India's Holy City by Christopher Justice, hardcover, April 1997 07914321000
- Dying the Good Death : The Pilgrimage to Die in India's Holy City by Christopher Justice, paperback, April 1997 0791432629
- Dynamic stillness-part 1: the practice of Trika Yoga, by Swami Chetanananda, 0915801191
- Dynamic stillness-part II: the fulfillment of Trika Yoga, by Swami Chetanananda, 0915801272
- Dynamic Yoga : The Ultimate Workout That Chills Your Mind As It Changes Your Body, by Godfrey Devereux 0722536577
- Dynasties et histoire de l'Inde depuis Kanishka jusqu'aux invasions musulmanes, Louis de la Vallée-Pöussin, collection Histoire du Monde, tome VI.2, de Boccard Paris 1935
- Early Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism : The Mahayana Context of the Gaudapadiya-Karika(Suny Series in Religious Studies) by Richard King, Gaudapada Acarya, hardcover
August 1995 0791425134
- Early Buddhism & the Bhagavad Gita, K.N. Upadhyaya, MB
- Early history of India from 1000 B.C. to the Muhammadan conquest, Vincent Smith, Oxford 1957 (ANU DS 451.S67)
- Early history of the Deccan, ed. G. Yazdani, London 1960 (ANU DS485.D25.Y3)
- Early history of the Vaisnava faith & movement in Bengal from Sanskrit & Bengali sources, by Sushil Kumar De, 0836416422
- Early Indian religious thought, by P.D. Mehta, Luzac London 1956, (ANU BL2003.M4)
- Early Samkhya, E.G. Johnson, MB
- Early Upanisads (South Asia Research), by Patrick Olivelle (Translator), hardcover January 1998 8121508614
- Early Upanisads (South Asia Research),by Patrick Olivelle (Translator) 0199604359
- Eastern body, western mind: psychology & the chakra system as a path to the self, by Anodea Judith, 0890878153
- Eastern Religions: Hinduism, Buddism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shinto, by Michael D. Coogan (Editor), Paperback: 552 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press (May 30, 2005) 0195221915
- Eastern Religions: Origins, Beliefs, Practices, Holy Texts, Sacred Places, by Michael D. Coogan (Editor), Hardcover: 552 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press (May 31, 2005) 0195221907
- Easy journey to other planets, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, ISCON Sydney 1985
- L'Ecole Francaise d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO): Its History in Asia, Paperback: 240 pages Publisher: Editions Didier Millet (October 31, 2007) 9814155977
- Eclecticism and Modern Hindu Discourse, by Brian A. Hatcher 019960538X
- Economics of Ecstasy : Tantra, Secrecy, and Power in Colonial Bengal, by Hugh B. Urban, hardcover, July 2001 019513902X
- Ecstasy through Tantra (Llewellyns Tantra and Sexual Arts Series), by Jonn Mumford, 0875424945
- Edgar Cayce's story of karma, by Mary Ann Woodward, Edgar Evans Cayce, 0429608067
- Eight lectures on Yoga, by Aleister Crowley, 1561840076
- Eighty four hymns of Hita Harivamsa (an edition of the Caurasi Pada), Rupert Snell, MB
- Eléments de sanscrit classique, par Victor Henry, EFEO Paris 1652
- Elements of poetry in the Mahabharata, by Ram Karan Sharma, 8120805445
- India Series: Elephanta, by George Michell, Paperback: 144 pages Publisher: India Book House Ltd (January 25, 2007) 8175083271
- Elevation to Krishna consciousness, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, ISCON Sydney 1973
- Ellipsis, Brachyology and other Forms of Brevity in Speech in the Rgveda, by J. Gonda 0720484138
- Cave Temple of Ellora, by James Burgess, Hardcover: 56 pages Publisher: Shubhi Publications,India; 2 edition (September 1999) 818722617X
- Unfolding a Mandala: The Buddhist Cave Temples at Ellora, (S U N Y Series in Buddhist Studies) by
Geri Hockfield Malandra, Hardcover: 348 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (July 1993) 0791413551
- The iconography of the Buddhist sculptures (caves) of Ellora, by Ramesh Shankar Gupte, Unknown Binding: 164 pages Publisher: M.B. Chitnis, Registrar, Marathwada University; 1st edition (1964) B0007IZG7C
- Encounters in Yoga & Zen: meetings of cloth & stone, by Trevor Lwheelett, 0804816592
- Encounter with the Lord of the Universe: collected essays, 1978-1983, by Ravâindra-svarâupa Dâasa, 0911233202
- The Encounter Never Ends: A Return to the Field of Tamil Rituals, (S U N Y Series in Hindu Studies) by Isabelle Clark-Deces, Hardcover: 148 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (August 9, 2007) 0791471853
- Encountering Kali : In the Margins, at the Center, in the West, by Rachel Fell McDermott (Editor), Jeffrey J. Kripal (Editor), hardcover, April 2003, 0520232399
- Encyclopedia of Asian history, by Ainslie T. Embree (Editor), 0684186195
- Encyclopaedia of Hindu Civilization Customs and Traditions, by Shailendra Sengar, Hardcover: 288 pages Publisher: Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd (January 30, 2008) 8126135239
- An Encyclopaedia of Hindu Deities, Demi Gods, Godlings, Demons and Heroes: With Special Focus on Iconographic Attributes, by Fredrick W. Bunce (Editor), Hardcover: 1685 pages Publisher: DK Print World (April 30, 2000) 8124601453
- Encyclopaedia of Hindu Religion and Ethics, by P.R.P. Sharma, Hardcover: 2824 pages Publisher: Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd (January 30, 2008) 8126134933
- Encyclopaedia of the Hindu World, by Acharya Hare Ram Shastri, Hardcover: 2736 pages Publisher: Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd (January 30, 2008) 8126134895
- Encyclopedia of Hinduism, (Routledge Hindu Studies S.) by Denise Cush, Hardcover: 1000 pages Publisher: RoutledgeCurzon; 1 edition (March 31, 2007) 0700712674
- Encyclopedia Of Hinduism, by Denise Cush (Editor), Catherine A. Robinson (Editor), Michael York (Editor), Paperback: 1136 pages Publisher: Routledge (August 18, 2009) 0415556236
- Encyclopedia Of Hinduism, by Constance A. Jones and James D. Ryan, Hardcover: 960 pages Publisher: Facts on File (January 2007) 0816054584
- Encyclopedia Of Hinduism, by Constance A. Jones and James D. Ryan, Paperback: 592 pages Publisher: Checkmark Books (October 30, 2007) 0816073368
- Encyclopedia of Ancient Indian Culture, by N. N. Bhattacharyya (Editor), Hardcover: 459 pages Publisher: Manohar Pubns (January 1, 1998) 817304077X MB
- Encyclopedia of Indian events and dates, by S.B. Bhattacherjee, Hardcover: 125 pages Publisher: Sterling Pub Private Ltd; 3 Sub edition (June 1996) 814601685X MLBD
- Encyclopedia of Indian events and dates, by S.B. Bhattacherjee, Paperback: 125 pages Publisher: Sterling Information Technologies; 3rd edition (November 13, 1998) 8146013435 MLBD
- Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies vol I: Bibliography, by Karl Potter et al, Hardcover:1650 pages Publisher: Motilal Books Delhi 2009 reprint 8120803086 MLBD
- Encyclopedia of Indian philosophies vol. VI: Indian philosophical analysis Nyaya-vaisesika from Gangesa to Raghunatha Siromani, by Karl Potter et al, Hardcover: 672 pages Publisher: Motilal Books (January 1, 2001) 8120808940 MLBD
- Encyclopedia of Indian philosophies vol VII: Abhidharma Buddhism to 150 AD,, by Karl Potter et al, 0691073929 MLBD
- Encyclopedia of Indian philosophies vol VIII: Buddhist philosophy from 100 to 350 AD, by Karl Potter et al, Hardcover: 827 pages Publisher: Motilal Books; 1 edition (April 2, 2002) 812081553X MLBD
- Encyclopedia of indian philosophies, volume IX : Buddhist philosophy from 350 to 1000 A.D., by Karl Potter, hardcover, September 2003 8120819683 MLBD
- Encyclopedia of Indian philosophies: Samkhya: a dualist tradition in Indian philosophy, by Bhattacharya, Gerald James Larson, Karl H. Potter, Ram Shankar Bhattacharya, 0691073015 MLBD
- Encyclopedic Dictionary of Yoga, (Paragon Living Traditions Series, Vol 1) by Georg Feuerstein 1557782458
- End of Karma, by Dharma Singh Khalsa, Hardcover: 140 pages Publisher: Hay House (October 1, 2005) 1401906419
- End of sorrow (The Bhagavad Gita for Living, Vol. 1), by Eknath Easwaran, 0915132176
- English-Sanskrit dictionary, by A. M. Borogah, 0828817804
- English Sanskrit dictionary, by Monier-Williams 0897449665
- Enlightening Tales As Told by Sri Swami Satchidananda0932040489
- Enlightenment: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali A New Translation and Commentary by Dharani Ishaya, paperback, August 1995 0931783178
- Enlightenment without god (Mandukya Upanishad), by Swami Rama, 0893890847
- Entre Alampur et Srisailam (2 volumes), recherches archéologiques en Andra Pradesh, par Bruno Dagens, IFI Pondicherry 1984 (ANU DS485.A55.D34)
- Entretiens et causeries avec Swâmi Vivekananda, préface et traduction de Jean Herbert, collection Spiritualités Vivantes, Albin Michel, Paris
- Epic Anandamayee, Umanarayan Chattopadhyaya, MB
- Epic beautiful: an English verse rendering of the Sundara Kanda of the Ramayana of Valmiki, by Sriniyasa Iyengar, 0836415450
- Epic mythology, E.W. Hopkins, MB
- Epic narratives in the Hoysala temples : the Ramayana, Mahabharata & Bhagavata purana in Halebid, Belur & Amrtapura, by Kirsti Evans, 9004105751
- Epistemology, logic & grammar in the analysis of sentence-meaning, by V.P. Bhatta (Editor), 8185133492
- Eros, Consciousness, and Kundalini : Enhancing Sensuality Through Tantric
Celibacy and Erotic Experience, by Stuart, Ph.D. Sovatsky 0892818301
- Esquisse d'une histoire de la langue sanskrite, J. Mansion, Paris 1931
- Essai sur Gunâdhya et la Brhatkathâ, par Félix Lacôte, Leroux Paris 1658
- Essai sur le pali (ANU PK1013.B8 - 458946)
- Essays on Hinduism, Karan Singh, MB
- Essays on Indian philosophy traditional & modern, by Jitendranath Mohanty, Purushottama Bilimoria (Editor) 0195631420
- Essays on Sankhya & other systems of Indian philosophy, Sengupta, Oriental Book Agency Poona
- Essays on the Gita, by Sri Aurobindo, 8170583063
- Essays on the Gita: with Sanskrit text & translation of the Gita, by Sri Aurobindo, 0897440064
- Essays on the Mahabharata (Brill's Indological Library, Vol 1), by Arvind Sharma (Editor), 9004092110
- Essays on Vedic and Indo-European Culture, by Boris Oguibenine, Hardcover: 269 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass,; 1st edition (December 1998) 8120814991 MB
- Essence and purpose of Yoga : the initiatory pathways to the transcendent, by Raphael, 1852308664
Essence of the Bhagavad Gita: A Contemporary Guide to Yoga, Meditation, and Indian Philosophy, (Wisdom of India) by Eknath Easwaran, Paperback: 225 pages Publisher: Nilgiri Press (December 6, 2011) 1586380680
- The Essence of Self-Realization: The Wisdom of Paramhansa Yogananda, by Paramhansa Yogananda, Paperback: 268 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers (April 25, 2009) 1565892399
- Essence of Spiritual Life: A Companion Guide for the Seeker, by Swami Rama, Paperback: 136 pages Publisher: Lotus Press (January, 2005) 8190100491
- Essential Hinduism, by Steven Rosen, Paperback: 290 pages Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. (June 28, 2008)
- Essentials of Indian philosophy, S. Hiriyanna, MB
- Essential Swami Ramdas, (Library of Perennial Philosophy) by Swami Ramdas, Paperback: 216 pages Publisher: World Wisdom (May 25, 2005) 0941532739
- Ethical philosophy of the Gita: a comparative & critical study of the interpretations of Tilak & Ramanuja, by Madan Prasad Singh, 8185094969
- Etude de démonologie indienne : le Kumaratantra de Ravana et les textes parallèles indiens, tibétains, chinois, cambodgiens et arabes, Jean Filliozat (ANU LS BF1508.F5.N052200)
- Etude sur la géographie et les populations primitives du Nord-Ouest de l'Inde, d'après les hymnes védiques, Vivien de Saint-Martin, Paris 1859 (ANU DS425.V55)
- Etude sur la géographie grecque et latine de l'Inde, Vivien de Saint-Martin, Paris 1858
- Etudes de mythologie hindoue, tome 1 : cosmogonies puraniques, par Madeleine Biardeau, EFEO CXXVIII, Maisonneuve Paris 1981
- Etudes instrumentales des techniques du yoga, Th. Brosse, EFEO LII, Paris 1963
- Etudes sur le lexique du Rig-Veda, A. Bergaigne, E. Leroux Paris
- Etudes sur l'hindouisme, René Guénon, Villain et Belhomme éditions traditionnelles, 9-11 Quai Saint-Michel, Paris (1968) (ANU BL1210.G8)
- Etudes védiques et paninéenes, par Louis Renou, E. de Boccard Paris 1955 (tome I) et 1969 (tome XVII)
- The Everything Hinduism Book: Learn the traditions and rituals of the "religion of peace", by Kenneth Schouler, Susai Anthony, Paperback: 304 pages Publisher: Adams Media (February 17, 2009) 1598698621
- Evolution du style indien d'Amaravati, Ph. Stern & M. Benisti, Musée Guimet recherches VII, Paris 1961
- Evolution of the Sankhya school of thought, A. Sengupta, Oriental Book Agency Poona
- Experience of Hinduism: essays on religion in Maharashtra, by Maxine Bernsten, Eleanor Zelliot (Editor), 088706664X
- Experience of Nothingness : Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's Talks on Realizing the Infinite, Robert Powell (Editor), 1884997147
- Experiential dimension of Advaita Vedanta, Arvind Sharma, MB
- Explaining Hindu Dharma: a guide to teachers, Dr Nawal Kant Prinja, Pustak
- Explaining Mantras: Magic, Rhetoric, and the Dream of a Natural Language, (Religion in History, Society and Culture: Outstanding Dissertations) by Robert Yelle, hardcover, May 2003 0415966353
- Exploring mysticism, by Frits Staal, 0140218475
- Extracting the essence of the Sruti (the srutisarasamuddharanam of Totakacarya), tr. Michael Comans, MB
- Eye and Gaze in the Veda, by J. Gonda, paperback January 1969 0720483654
Eye of the Storm : The Power of the Undisturbed Mind, by Austin Gordon, hardcover, July 2001 1887089241
- Facets of the diamond : wisdom of India, by James
- The face of truth : a study of meaning & metaphysics in the vedantic theology of Ramanuja, by Julius J. Lipner, hardcover, January 1986 0887060382
- Facets of spirituality: dialogues and discourses of Swami Krishnananda, S. Bhagyalakshmi, 8120800877
- Facets of the diamond : wisdom of India, by James Capellini, Gilles Farcet, Young M., Regina S. Ryan, 093425253X
- This Is My Faith: Hinduism, by Anita Ganeri, Reading level: Ages 4-8 Paperback: 32 pages Publisher: Barron's Educational Series (October 1, 2006) Language: English 0764134744
- Faiths & beliefs in the Kathasaritsagara, by Nirmal Trikha, 8185133506
- Faith of ascetics and lay smartas (a study of the Sankaran tradition of Srngeri), Yoshitsugu Sawai, MB
- Faith, prayer and grace: a comparative study in Ramanuja and Kierkegaard, by Cassian R. Agera, 083642347X
- Winged Faith: Rethinking Globalization and Religious Pluralism through the Sathya Sai Movement, by Tulasi Srinivas, Paperback: 384 pages Publisher: Columbia University Press (June 1, 2010) 0231149336
- Female ascetics : hierarchy and purity in an Indian religious movement, (Religion and Society in South Asia) by Wendy Sinclair-Brull 0700704221
- Female Ascetics in Hinduism, (S U N Y Series in Hindu Studies) by Lynn Teskey Denton, Steven Collins, Hardcover: 224 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press; (August 12, 2004) 0791461793
- Figures de style en Sanskrit, théorie des Alamkarasastra, analyse des poèmes de Venkatadhvarin, Porcher, ICI fasc. 45 (ANU PK3798.V177.A436)
- Filming the Gods: Religion and Indian Cinema, by Rachel Dwyer, Paperback: 208 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (July 2006) 0415314259
- Finding the Hidden Self : A Study of the Siva Sutras, by Roger Ph.D. Worthington, Vasugupta Sivasutra, paperback, June 2002 0893891851
- Finding the joy within you : personal counsel for God centered living, by Sri Daya Mata, 0876122888
- First lessons in Sanskrit grammar & reading, by Judith M. Tyberg, 093073601X
- First meetings with Sri Ramakrishna, by Swami Prabhananda, 0874815762
- Flame & light: meanings in Vedanta and Buddhism, by Hugh I'Anson, Fausset, 0837109965
- Flight of the Alone to the Alone: Talks on the Kaivalya Upanishad, by Osho, Paperback: 432 pages Publisher: Penguin Books (September 23, 2011) 0143068334
- Folk culture & society in India, by Indra Deva, 8170330742
- Folklore in ancient & medieval India: based on Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit & Apabhramsa sources, by Suresh Chandra Banerji, Candra Chakraborty, hardcover, May 1992 8185094381
- Following the Teachings of the Upanishads, by Eknath Easwaran (Reader), audio cassette, February 2002 1586386344
- Forest book of the Ramayana of Kampan, by Eorge L. Hart, Hank Heifetz, 0520060881
- Form of Beauty; The Krishna Art of B. G. Sharma, by B. V. Tripurari, 1886069158
- Form of Beauty: Krishna Art of B.g. Sharma, by B. G. Sharma, Swami B. V. Tripurari, Paperback: 176 pages Publisher: Mandala Publishing (CA) (September 15, 2005) 1886069379
- Foundations of Indian culture, by Sri Aurobindo, 0897449096
- Foundations of living faith: an introduction to comparative religions, Haridass Bhattacharya, MB
- Freedom through inner renunciation: Sankara's philosophy in a new light, by Roger Marcaurelle, paperback, December 1999 0791443620
- Freedom through inner renunciation: Sankara's philosophy in a new light, by Roger Marcaurelle, hardcover, November 1999 0791443612
- In Divine Friendship: Letters of Counsel and Reflection, by Swami Kriyananda, Paperback: 500 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers (September 25, 2007) 1565892259
- From early Vedanta to Kashmir Shaivism: Gaudapada, Bhartrhari & Abhinavagupta, by Natalia Isayeva, 0791424499
- From early Vedanta to Kashmir Shaivism: Gaudapada, Bhartrhari & Abhinavagupta, by Natalia Isayeva, paperback,0791424502
- From Here to Nirvana : The Yoga Journal Guide to Spiritual India, by Anne Cushman, Jerry Jones 1573227153
- From mind to supermind (a commentary on Bhagavadgita), Rohit Mehta, MB October 1997 reprint
- From the finite to the infinite, by Swami Muktananda, 0911307311
- From the mating dance to the cosmic dance: sex, love & marriage from a yogic viewpoint, by Sivananda Radha, 093145431X
- From the river of heaven: Hindu & Vedic knowledge for the modern age, David Frawley, MB
- From the Vedas to the Manu-Samhita : A Cultural Study, by Vibhuti Bhushan Mishra 0391027050
- Fruits of our desiring: an enquiry into the ethics of the 'Bhagavad Gita' for our times, by Julius Lipner (Editor), 1896209300
- Fullness of the void, Rohit Mehta, MB
- Fundamentals of Indian philosophy, by P.N. Rao 0318370204
- Fundamentals of Indian Philosophy, by Ramakrishna Puligandla, Paperback: 382 pages Publisher: Jain Pub Co (May 1, 2007) 0875730892
- Fundamentals of Visistadvaita Vedanta : A Study Based on Vedanta Desika's Tattva-Mukta-Kalapa, by S.M. Srinivasa Chari, hardcover, reprint June 1998 8120802667
- Fundamentals of Yoga : a handbook of theory, practice, and application, by Rammurti S. Mishra, 051756422X
- Future evolution of man, by Sri Aurobindo, 0890713460
- Future poetry & letters on poetry, literature, art, by Sri Aurobindo, 0897449193
- Gadadhara's theory of objectivity (2 parts) (containing the text of Gadadhara's Visayatavada with an english translation, explanatory notes and a general introduction), Sibajiban Bhattacharya, 8120804619
- Ganapati : song of the Self (Suny Series in Religious Studies), by John A. Grimes, 0791424405
- Ganapati Upanisad, Jean Varenne, Maisonneuve Paris 1966
- Gandhi And Beyond: Nonviolence for an Age of Terrorism, by David Cortright, Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Paradigm Publishers (July 6, 2006) 1594960663
- Gandhi's religion : a homespun shawl, by J. T. F. Jordens 0312212402
- Gandhi : the forgotten Mahatma, by Jagdishchandra Jain 8170990378
- Gandhi the man: the story of his transformation, by Eknath Easwaran, 0915132974
- Gandhi's Experiments with Truth : Essential Writings by and about Mahatma Gandhi, (Studies in Comparative Philosophy and Religion), by Richard L. Johnson Paperback: 384 pages Publisher: Lexington Books (October, 2005) 0739111434
- Gandhi's Pilgrimage Of Faith: From Darkness To Light, by Gandhi Rajmohan (Foreword), Majmudar Uma , Paperback: 304 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (July 30, 2005) 0791496067
- Ganges: And Other Hindu Holy Places, by Victoria Parker, Library Binding, Raintree/Steck Vaughn; (March 2004) 073986078X
- Eternal Ganesha, by Gita Mehta , Hardcover: 128 pages Publisher: Vendome Press (October 1, 2006) 0865651698
- Ganesh: Removing the Obstacles, by James Bae, Hardcover: 96 pages Publisher: Mandala Publishing; Revised edition (October 1, 2008) 1601090293
- Ganesa: lord of obstacles, lord of beginnings, by Paul B. Courtright, paperback, reprint March 1989 edition 0195057422
- Ganesa: lord of obstacles, lord of beginnings, by Paul B. Courtright, hardcover, Delhi July 2001, ISBN 8120816048 MB
- Ganesa: lord of obstacles, lord of beginnings, by Paul B. Courtright, paperback, Delhi July 2001, ISBN 81208110002 MB
- Ganesa : unrevelling an enigma, by Y. Krishnan 8120814134
- Ganesa-Vaisravana, M. Lalou, JA 1937, p. 301-302
- Ganesh: the benevolent, by Pratapaditya Pal (Editor) 8185026319
- Ganges: And Other Hindu Holy Places, by Victoria Parker, paperback, June 2003 1410900517
- Gangesa's theory of truth, Jitendranath Mohanty, MB
- Garden of the soul: lessons on living in peace, happiness & harmony, by Sri Chinmoy, 1558743146
- Garland of divine flowers: selected devotional lyrics of Saint Jnaneswara, P.V. Bobde, MB
- Garuda purana, tr. J.L. Shastri, AITM vol. 12-14, MB
- Garuda, the celestial bird, by Shanti Lal Nagar8185638012
- Gayatri : the highest meditation, Sadguru Sant Keshavadas, MB
- Gems from Sri Aurobindo, by Sri Aurobindo, 0941524337
- Gems from Sri Aurobindo 4th Series, by Sri Aurobindo 0914955179
- Geeta enlightened, Yogi Mahajan, MB
- Genealogy of the South Indian Deities, by Daniel Jeyaraj, Hardcover: 400 pages Publisher: RoutledgeCurzon; (November, 2004) 0415344387
- Gender and Narrative in the Mahabharata, by Simon Brodbeck, Hardcover: 352 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (July 25, 2007) 0415419603
- Gheranda Samhita, by James Mallinson, Paperback: 144 pages Publisher: Yogavidya.Com, LLC; (December 31, 2004) 0971646635
- Gheranda Samhita, by Chandra Vasu0722950667
- Gita Deck: Wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita paperback, December 2002 1886069808
- Gitagovinda: Love Songs of Radha and Krishna, by Jayadeva, Lee Siegel, Hardcover: 256 pages Publisher: NYU Press (March 1, 2009) 0814960782
- Gita on the Green : The Mystical Tradition Behind Bagger Vance, by Stephen Rosen, Steven J. Rosen, Steven Pressfield, paperback, July 2002 082641365X
- Gita-Madhu,V.Prabhanjanacharya, Vyasanakere Prakashana, Bangalore
- Gitamrtam, the essential teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, Anantanand Rambachan, MB
- Gitanidarsana - Similes of the Bhagavadgita, by Anantanand Rambachan, paperback, October 1999 8120816951
- Glimpses of a mystical affair: spiritual experiences of swami Sivananda Radha, by Julie McKay, 0931454824
- Glimpses of ancient Indian poetics (from Bharata to Jagannatha), by Sudhakar Pandey, V.N. Jha (Editor), 8170303605
- Glimpses of the divine: working with the teachings of Sai Baba, by Birgitte Rodriguez, 087728766X
- Glimpses of Hindu Cults and Culture, by Pranabananda Jash, Hardcover: 296 pages Publisher: Sandeep Prakashan (June 1, 2002) 8175960027 MB
- A Glossary of Indian Religious Terms and Concepts, by Narendra Nath Bhattacharayya, Hardcover: 227 pages Publisher: Manohar Publishers and Distributors (January 1, 1999) 8185054851 MB
- Glossary of Sanskrit terms & key to their correct pronunciation, by Geoffrey A. Barborka, 0913004049
- God's Gateway: Identity and Meaning in a Hindu Pilgrimage Place, by James Lochtefeld (Author), Hardcover: 328 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (January 28, 2010) 0195386140
- A New God in the Diaspora?: Muneeswaran Worship in Contemporary Singapore, by Vineeta Sinha, Paperback: 356 pages Publisher: Singapore University Press (March 30, 2006) 9971693216
- God inside-out: Siva's game of dice, by Don Handelman, David Shulman, hardcover 0195108442
- God Inside Out : Siva's Game of Dice, by Don Handelman, David Shulman (Contributor), Carmel Berkson (Photographer),
paperback, November 1997, 0195108450
- God is with you, by Swami Muktananda, 0914602578
- God lived with them: life stories of sixteen monastic disciples of Sri Ramakrishna, by Chetanananda, 0916356795
- God makes the rivers to flow: selections from the sacred literature of the world chosen for daily meditation, by Eknath Easwaran, 0915132680
- The God Market: How Globalization is Making India More Hindu, by Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: Monthly Review Press (October 1, 2011) 1583672494
- God Of Desire: Tales Of Kamadeva In Sanskrit Story Literature, (S U N Y Series in Hindu Studies), by Catherine Benton, Hardcover: 288 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (November 17, 2005) 0791465659
- God of Justice: Ritual Healing and Social Justice in the Central Himalayas, by William S Sax, Paperback: 296 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (January 2, 2009) 0195335856
- God On The Hill: Temple Poems From Tirupati, by TALLAPAKA ANNAMACHARYA, Velceru Narayanaravu, David Dean Shulman, ANNAMACARYA, Annamayya (Translator), Velcheru Narayana Rao (Translator), David Shulman (Translator), Hardcover: 176 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press (September 9, 2005) 0195182839
- God's breath : sacred scriptures of the world : essential texts of Buddhism,
Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Sufism and Taoism, by John Miller, hardcover, November 1999 1569246238
- Gods & Goddesses Deck: Mantras, Blessings and Meditations, (Mandala Wisdom Decks) by Indra Sharma, hardcover, November 2003 1886069468
- Gods & Goddesses by Amber Lotus Publishing, calendar, July 2003, 1569371733
- Gods And Goddesses 2007 Calendar, by B. G. Sharma, Indra Sharma, Calendar: 24 pages Publisher: Welcome Calendars; Wall edition (June 30, 2006) 1932183973
- Gods, guardians & lovers: temple sculpture from North India, by B. P. Chattopadhyaya, hard cover issue 0295972564
- Gods of flesh, gods of stone: the embodiment of divinity in India, by J.P.Waghorne & Norman Cutler (Editors), V. Narayanan, 0231107773
- God's Healing Power: Finding Your True Self Through Meditation, by B.K. Jayanti, Hardcover: 208 pages Publisher: Sterling Ethos; Har/Com edition (August 3, 2010) 1402766394
- Gods of love & ecstasy: the traditions of Shiva & Dionysus, by Alain Danielou, 0892813741
- Gods, sages & kings: Vedic secrets of ancient civilization, David Frawley, 1878423088
- When the Goddess Was a Woman: Mahabharata Ethnographies - Essays by Alf Hiltebeitel, (Numen Book Series - Studies in the History of Religion - Texts and Sources in the History of Religions)
by Alf Hiltebeitel (Author), Vishwa Adluri (Editor), Joydeep Bagchee (Editor), Hardcover: 624 pages Publisher: Brill Academic Pub (October 30 2011) 9004193804
- The Goddess as Role Model: Sita and Radha in Scripture and on Screen, by Heidi R.M. Pauwels , Hardcover: 576 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (October 9, 2008) 0195369904
- The Goddess Lives In Upstate New York: Breaking Convention And Making Home At A North American Hindu Temple, by Corinne G. Dempsey, Hardcover: 288 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press (December 30, 2005)0195187296
- Renowned Goddess of Desire: Women, Sex, and Speech in Tantra, by Loriliai Biernacki, Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (September 13, 2007) 0195327837
- Goddesses And Women In The Indic Religious Tradition, (Brill's Indological Library, V. 24) by Arvind Sharma, Hardcover: 200 pages Publisher: Brill (March 30, 2005) 9004124667
- Goddesses' Henchmen: Gender in Indian Hero Worship, by Lindsey Harlan, paperback, June 2003 0195154266
- Goraknath & the Kanpatha Yogis, George W. Briggs, MB
- Gospel of Indian Culture, by K. P. Aleaz, hardcover, May 1994, 8185094748
- Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, by Swami Nikhilananda (Translator), 0911206027
- Gotama: the Nyaya philosophy, N.S. Junankar, MB
- Graceful exits: how great beings die: death stories of Tibetan, Hindu & Zen Masters, by Sushila Blackman (Editor), 0834803917
- Graceful Guru: Hindu Female Gurus in India and the United States by Karen Pechilis Prentiss (Editor), Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press; (August 30, 2004) 0195145380
- Grammar of the Prakrit Languages, by R. Prischel, Hardcover: 653 pages Publisher: Motilal Books; 2 edition (March 1, 1999) 8120816803 MB
- Grammaire de la langue védique, par Louis Renou, (ANU PK231.R4)
- Grammaire de Panini, Louis Renou, EFEO Paris 1966 (2 volumes), (ANU PK517.R4)
- Grammaire du Sanskrit, Jean Varenne, PUF Paris, (ANU PK666.V27)
- Grammaire sanskrite : phonétique, composition, dérivation, le nom, le verbe, la phrase, (2 tomes) Louis Renou, Maisonneuve Paris 1961 (ANU PK663.R4)
- Grammaire sanskrite élémentaire, Louis Renou, Maisonneuve Paris 1963 (ANU PK666.R4)
- Great Indian Epics: the stories of the Ramayana & the Mahabharata (with notes, appendices & illustrations), by John C. Oman, 8120609948
- Great Liberation : Mahanirvana Tantra, by Sir Woodroffe, 0897440234
- Great Sanskrit plays, in modern translation, by P. Lal (Editor), 0811200795
- Great Swan : meetings with Ramakrishna, by Lex Hixon, 0943914809
- Grihyasutras, (SBE vol. 29-30), tr. H. Oldenberg & Max Muller, MB
- Grist for the Mill, by Ram Dass, 0890874999
- Growing within: the psychology of inner development: selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo & the Mother, by Sri Aurobindo, 094152471X
- Guide to Indian Philosophy, (Reference Books) by Karl Potter 0816179042
- Guide to Hindu Spirituality, by Arvind Sharma, Paperback: 136 pages Publisher: World Wisdom (September 25, 2006) 1933316179
- Guide to the study of religion, by Willi Braun (Editor), Russell T. McCutcheon (Editor), paperback, February 2000 0309601769
- Gurus In America, (S U N Y Series in Hindu Studies), by Thomas A. Forsthoefel (Editor), Cynthia Ann Humes (Editor) Hardcover: 288 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (October 6, 2005) 079146573X
- Gurus In America, (S U N Y Series in Hindu Studies), by Thomas A. Forsthoefel (Editor), Cynthia Ann Humes (Editor) paperback 236 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (December 6, 2005) 079146573X
- Handbook for Krishna consciousness, by S. Dasa Goswami, 0318030985
- Handbook for the study of Sanskrit (a sanskrit for beginners in devanagari & roman letters throughout), Max Muller, Longman Green & Co London 1970
- Hanuman in the Ramayana of Valmiki and the Ramacharitamanasa of Tulasidasa, Catherine Ludvik, MB
- Hanuman: The Heroic Monkey God, (Mandala Mini Book) by Joshua Greene, hardcover, November 2003 1886069875
- Hanuman's Tale: The Messages of a Divine Monkey by Philip Lutgendorf, Hardcover: 384 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (December 13, 2006) 0195309219
- Hanuman: The Heroic Monkey God, by Joshua Greene, Hardcover: 96 pages Publisher: Mandala Publishing; Revised edition (October 1, 2008) 1601090307
- Hare Krishna, by Eugenio Fizzotti, paperback, February 20041560851686
- The Hare Krishna Movement: Forty Years of Chant and Change, by Graham Dwyer (Editor), Richard J. Cole (Editor), Hardcover: 296 pages Publisher: I. B. Tauris (August 7, 2007) 1845114078
- Hare Krishnas in India, by Charles R. Brooks, 0691031355
- The Hare Krishnas in India, by Charles R. Brooks, Hardcover: 265 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (January 1, 1992) 8120809394 MB
- The Hare Krishna Movement : The Postcharismatic Fate of a Religious Transplant, by Edwin Bryant (Editor), Maria Ekstrand (Editor), Hardcover Publisher: Columbia University Press; (July 15, 2004) 023112256X
- Hari is Supreme, Raghavendran, (Coimbatore)
- Harmony of Religions : The Revelance of Swami Vivekananda, by K.P. Aleaz, hardcover, August 1993, 8185094594
- Harsa-Carita of Bana, by E.B. Cowell, F.W. Thomas 999402390X
- Hatha Yoga for all, Rajeswari Raman, MB
Hatha-Yoga: Its context, theory and practice, by Mikel Burley, paperback, April 2000 8120817060
Hatha-Yoga: Its context, theory and practice, by Mikel Burley, hardcover, July 2000 8120817052
- Hatha Yoga Manual 1, by Samskrti, 0893890820
Hatha Yoga Pradipika,by Svatmarama, Brian Dana Akers, paperback, September 2002 0971646619
- Hatha Yoga Pradipika: the classic guide for the advanced practice of Hatha Yoga (Kundalini Yoga), Yogi Swatmarama, MB
- Hatha Yoga: the hidden language: symbols, secrets & metaphors, by Sivananda Radha, 0931454743
- Healing mantras : using sound affirmations for personal power, health, and
creativity, by Thomas Ashley-Farrand, paperback, September 1999 0345431707
- Healing with chakra energy: restoring the natural harmony of the body, by Lilla Bek, Philippa Pullar, 0892815132
- Healing Yoga, by Swami Ambikananda Saraswati, paperback, March 20011569246289
- Health, healing and beyond : Yoga and the living tradition of Krishnamacharya, by T. K. V. Desikachar, R. H. Cravens (Introduction), C. Subramanian (Afterword), hardcover October 1998 0893817317
Heart of Awareness : A Translation of the Ashtavakra Gita, by Thomas Byrom (Translator), paperback, November 2001
- Heart of Hinduism : The Eastern Path to Freedom, Empowerment and Illumination by Stephen Knapp, Paperback: 652 pages Publisher: iUniverse, Inc. (June 20, 2005) 0595350755
- Heart of Hinduism : The Eastern Path to Freedom, Empowerment and Illumination by Stephen Knapp, Format: Adobe Reader File Size: 6671K, Publisher: iUniverse, Inc. (June 20, 2005) B000A3PNAO
- Heart of Meditation: Pathways to a Deeper Experience by Sally Kempton, Swami Durgananda, paperback, October 2002 0911307974
- Symbolic Heat: Gender, Health & Worship, by Dennis McGilvray, Hardcover: 72 pages Publisher: Mapin Publishing Gp Pty Ltd (January 25, 2007) 0944142877
- Heat & sacrifice in the Vedas, Uma Marina Vesci, MB
- Hermeneutical essays on Vedantic topics, J.G. Arapura, MB
- Hermeneutics & language in Purva Mimamsa (a study in Sabara Bhasya), Othmar Gachter, 8120806921
- Hermeneutics, holography & Indian idealism: a study of projection & Gaudapada's Mandukya Karika, Stephen Kaplan, MB
- Hermeneutics of encounter, F.X.D. Sa & R. Mesquita, MB
- Hidden forces of life, by Sri Aurobindo, 0941524604
- Hierarchy of minds, by Sri Aurobindo, 0890713243
- Himadri temples : A.D. 700-1300, by Subhashini Aryan, 8185952183
- Colloquial Hindi, by Tej K. Bhatia , Unknown Binding: 392 pages Publisher: Routledge,an imprint of Taylor & Francis Books Ltd (February 1, 2007) 0415395275
- Colloquial Hindi, by Tej K. Bhatia , Audio CD Publisher: Routledge,an imprint of Taylor & Francis Books Ltd; 2Rev Ed edition (February 1, 2007) 0415395283
- Colloquial Hindi, by Tej K. Bhatia , Paperback: 354 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (December 26, 1996) Language: English 0415110874
- A grammar of the Hindi language, in which are treated the high Hindi, Braj & the Eastern Hindi of the Ramayan of Tulsi Das, by Rev. S.H. Kellog, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London reprint 1955 (ANU PK1933.K5.1955) B000H5DLIG
- Oxford English-Hindi Dictionary, by S. K. Verma , Hardcover: 800 pages Publisher: Laurier Books Ltd (June 1, 2003) 0195648196
- Hindi Poetry In A Musical Gere: Thumri Lyrics, (Royal Asiatic Society Books) (Hardcover) by L. Duperron, Hardcover: 224 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (August 30, 2006), 0415394465
- Teach Yourself Hindi Complete Course (book + CD pack), by Rupert Snell , Simon Weightman , Audio CD Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1 edition (March 27, 2003) 0071414126
- A Primer of Modern Standard Hindi, by Michael C. Shapiro, Hardcover: 293 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Delhi (2007 reprint) 9788120804753 MB
- A Primer of Modern Standard Hindi, by Michael C. Shapiro, Paperback: 293 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Delhi (2007 reprint) 9788120805088 MB
- What Do Hindus Believe?, by Rachel Dwyer, Paperback: 128 pages Publisher: Granta Books (April 7, 2008) 18646081000
- Hindu and Christian in South-East India, (London Studies on South Asia, No 6) by Geoffrey A. Oddie, hardcover,
February 1993, 0913215554
- Hindu Art and Architecture, by George Michell, paperback, October 2000 0500203377
- Hindu (Beliefs& Cultures Series), by Anita Ganeri, 0516080768
- Hindu And Jain Mythology of Balarama: Change And Continuity in an Early Indian Cult, by Lavanya Vemsani , Hardcover: 244 pages Publisher: Not Avail (October 31, 2006) 0773457232
- Hindu and Sikh Faiths in America (Faith in America Series) by Gail M. Harley, hardcover, November 2002 0816049874
- Hindu-Buddhist festivals of Nepal (Nirala Series), by Hemanta K. Jha, 8185693404
- Hindu castes & sects: an exposition of the origin of Hindu caste system, by Jogendra N. Bhattacharya, 8121506816
- Hindu concept of life & death, by Shyam Ghosh, 083642509X (ANU 1729088)
- Hindu Diaspora : Comparative Patterns, by Stephen Vertovec, paperback, December 2000 0415238935
- Hindu Diaspora : Comparative Patterns, by Stephen Vertovec, library binding, December 2000 0415238927
- Hindu encounter with modernity: Kedarnath Datta Bhaktivinoda, Vaishnava theologian,by Shukavak Das 188975630X
- Hindu ethics : a philosophical study, (Monographs of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy, 17) by Roy W. Perrett , paperback, 1998 0824820851
- Hindu Festival Tales, by Kerena Marchant, hardcover, January 2001 0739827340
- Hindu Festivals in a North Indian Village, (Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History)
by Stanley A. Freed, Ruth S. Freed 0295977078
- Hindu Folk Tales From Ancient Ceylon, by Dick De Ruiter (Translator), Paperback: 179 pages Publisher: Binkey Kok, Holland (November, 2005) 9074597874
- Hindu God, Christian God : How Reason Helps Faith to Cross the Boundaries Between Religions, by Francis Xavier Clooney, hardcover, July 2001 0195138546
- Hindu Gods: The Spirit of the Divine, by Priya Hemenway, hardcover, May 2003 0811836452
- Hindu Gods and Goddesses, by W. J. Wilkins , paperback, November 2003 0486431568
- Hindu Gods and Goddesses: 300 Illustrations from "The Hindu Pantheon", (Dover Pictorial Archive Series) (Paperback) by Edward Moor , Paperback: 128 pages Publisher: Dover Publications (October 13, 2006) 0486451313
- Hindu Gods and Goddesses, (Calendar) by Pieter Weltevrede (Illustrator), Calendar: 26 pages Publisher: Amber Lotus (July 1, 2006) 1569377960
- Hindu Gods & Goddesses 2008 Calendar, by Pieter Weltevrede (Illustrator), Calendar: 26 pages Publisher: Amber Lotus (July 10, 2007) 1569379343
- Hindu Gods & Goddesses 2009 Calendar, by Pieter Weltevrede (Illustrator), Calendar: 26 pages Publisher: Amber Lotus Publishing; Wal edition (July 10, 2008) 1602370761
- Hindu Gods & Goddesses 2010 Wall Calendar, by B.G. Sharma, Indra Sharma, Calendar: 26 pages
Publisher: Amber Lotus (July 10, 2009) 1602372683
- Hindu Goddesses: Beliefs and Practices, (Sussex Library of Beliefs and Practices) by Lynn Foulston, Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: Sussex Academic Press (September 30, 2009) 1902210433
- Hindu goddesses: visions of the divine feminine in the Hindu religious tradition, by David Kinsley, 0520063392
- Hindu goddesses: visions of the divine feminine in the Hindu religious tradition, by David Kinsley,,Hardcover: 281 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (1998 reprint) 8120803795 MB
- Hindu Iconoclasts: Rammohun Roy, Dayananda Sarasvati, and Nineteenth-Century Polemics Against Idolatry by Noel Salmond, hardcover, May 2004 0889204195
- Hindu imagery: gods, manifestations & their meaning, by Eva Judy Jansen, Tony Langham (Translator) 9074597076
- Hindu Law: Beyond Tradition and Modernity, by Werner Menski, hardcover, December 2003 0195665031
- Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies : The Classic First Hand Account of India in the Early Nineteenth Century, by J. A. Dubois, Carrie Chapman Catt, paperback, April 2002 0486421155
- Hindu Manners, Customs And Ceremonies, by Abbe J. A. Dubois, Hardcover: 763 pages Publisher: Kegan Paul International Ltd.; (December 31, 2004) 0710310870
- Hindu mysticism, S.N. Dasgupta,0895812738
- Hindu & Muslim mysticism, by R. C. Zaehner, 1851680462
- Hindu myths: a sourcebook, by Wendy O'Flaherty, 0140443061
- Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated From The Sanskrit, by Anonymous, Wendy Doniger, Paperback: 368 pages Publisher: Penguin Books; (December 31, 2004) 0140449906
- Handbook of Hindu Mythology, by George M. Williams, Paperback: 400 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (March 11, 2008) 019533261X
- Hindu nationalist movement in India, by Christophe Jaffrelot, 0231103344
- Hindu perspective on the philosophy of religion, by Arvind Sharma, 0312053037
- Hindu philosophy, by Bernard Theos, Hardcover: 460 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (March 1996) 8120813723 MB
- Hindu Primary Sources: A Sectarian Reader, by Carl Olson (Editor), Paperback: 544 pages Publisher: Rutgers (September 15, 2007) 0813960704
- Hindu religious thought, Y. Masih, MB
- Hindu response to nationalist ferment: Bengal, 1659-1935, by Papia Chakravarty, 9993638897
- Hindu samskaras, Rajbali Pandey, MB
- Hindu scriptures (Everyman's Library), by R.C. Zaehner (Editor), 0679410783
- Hindu scriptures: with new translations, by Dominic Goodall & R. C. Zaehner (Editors), 0520460823
- Hindu scriptures: with new translations, by Dominic Goodall & R. C. Zaehner (Editors), new enlarged edition, Delhi July 2001, ISBN 8120811702 MB
- Hindu Selves In A Modern World: Guru Faith In The Mata Amritanandamayi Mission, (South Asian Religion Series) by Maya Warrier, Hardcover: 224 pages Publisher: Routledge/Curzon; Special edition (January 1, 2005) 041533988X
- Hindu society & influence of the great epics, by R.C. Gupta, 8170186323
- Hindu spirituality : postclassical & modern (World Spirituality Series, Vol 7), by K. R. Sundararajan (Editor), Bithika Mukerji (Editor), 0824516710
- Hindu spirituality: Vedas through Vedanta, Krishan Sivaraman, MB
- Hindus : Their Religious Beliefs and Practices, ( the Library of Religious Beliefs and Practices) by Julius Lipner, hardcover, January 1994, 0415051819
- Hindus : their religious beliefs and practices, (Library of Religious Beliefs and Practices)
by Julius J. Lipner, paperback, November 1998 0415051827
- Hindu Temple: Deification of Eroticism, by Alain Danielou, paperback, February 2001 0892818549
- Hindu temple: an introduction to its meaning & forms, by George Michell, 0226532305
- Hindu Temple: Deification of Eroticism, by Alain Danielou, paperback, February 2001 0892818549
- Hindu Temple Traditions of Draksharama: The Shaivite Tradition (Studies in Asian Thought and Religion, V. 25) by M. Srinivas Chary, September 2003, 0773467653
- Hindu theology: _themes texts & structures, Jose Pereira, MB
- Hindu vision, Anantanand Rambachan, MB
- Hindu vision: forms of the formless, by Alistair Shearer, 05001000435
- Hindu Writings, by Klaus K. Klostermaier, paperback issue, May 20001851682309
- Hindu Wife, Hindu Nation: Gender, Religion and the Prehistory of Indian Nationalism, by Tanika Sarkar, Paperback: 324 pages Publisher: C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd (May 1, 2010) 1849040664
- Hindu wisdom for all God's children, (Faith Meets Faith) by Francis Xavier Clooney, paperback, March 1998 1570751641
- Hindu World, by Sushil Mittal, G. R. Thursby, Hardcover: 688 pages Publisher: Routledge; (September 4, 2004) 0415215277
- What Do Hindus Believe?, by Rachel Dwyer, Paperback: 112 pages Publisher: Granta UK (September 1, 2009) 18646081000
- Hindus: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices, (Library of Religious Beliefs and Practices) by Julius Lipner, Paperback: 448 pages Publisher: Routledge; 2nd Revised edition edition (December 2009) 0415456770
- Hinduism, by Robert Van Deweyer (Editor), hardcover, October 2000 0829813888
- Hinduism, (Living Religions) by Lynne Gibson, library binding, March 2003 0739863843
- Hinduism, by Sue Penney, hardcover, October 2000 1575746065
- Hinduism, by Cybelle Shattuck, Ninian Smart 0132662558
- Hinduism (Basics, 4), by Herbert Ellinger, 1563381613
- Hinduism : a cultural perspective (Prentice-Hall Series in World Religions), by David R. Kinsley, 0133957322
- Hinduism : a religion to live by, by Nirad C. Chaudhuri, 0195960136
- Hinduism ('Elements of ... ' Series), by Stephen Cross, 1862040346
- Hinduism, (History of Religions and Religious Movements) by Jeff Hay (Editor), Library Binding Publisher: Greenhaven Press (May 20, 2005) 0737725699
- Hinduism (Discovering Religions), by Sue Penney, 0817243976
- Hinduism, by K. M. Sen, 0140136509
- Hinduism, (Religions of the World) by Rasamandala Das, Reading level: Young Adult, Library Binding: 48 pages Publisher: World Almanac Library (January 31, 2006) 0836858670
- Hinduism, (Simple Guides) by Venika Mehra Kingsland, Paperback: 143 pages Publisher: Bravo (February 25, 2008) 185733437X
- Hinduism (Teach Yourself), by Hermanta Kanitakara, V.P. Kanitkar, W. Owen Cole, 0844236829
- Hinduism, by Vasudha Narayanan, Hardcover: 112 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press; (October 30, 2004) 0195221443
- Hinduism, by Pramesh Ratnaker, hardcover February 1999 issue 0893468991
- Hinduism, by Pramesh Ratnaker, hardcover March 1999 issue 817437048X
- Hinduism, by Rasamandala, Reading level: Ages 9-12, Hardcover: 48 pages Publisher: World Almanac Library (January 31, 2006) 0836858670
- Hinduism, by James Robinson, paperback, February 2004 0791078582
- Hinduism, by Kshitmohan Sen, Paperback: 176 pages Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd (May 5, 2005) 0141018240
- Introducing Hinduism: A Graphic Guide, by Vinay Lal, Paperback: 176 pages Publisher: Totem Books (April 25, 2010) 1848311141
- Hinduism, by Kath Senker, Paperback: 32 pages Publisher: PowerKids Press (September 2009) 1435830466
- Simple Guides Hinduism, by Venika Mehra Kingsland, Paperback: 144 pages Publisher: Simple Guides (November 4, 2008) 185733437X
- Hinduism, (World Religions) by Madhu Bazaz Wangu, Library Binding: 128 pages Publisher: Facts on File; 3rd edition (November 30, 2006) 0816066116
- Hinduism, (Religions of the World) by Katy Gerner , Library Binding: 32 pages Publisher: Benchmark Books (NY); 1 edition (September 2008) 0761431667
- Hinduism, (World Religions) by Natalie M. Rosinsky, Library Binding: 48 pages Publisher: World History (August 15, 2009) 0756542383
- Hinduism, by R.C. Zaehner, 019888012X
- Hinduism: A Beginner's Guide, by Klaus K. Klostermaier, Paperback: 208 pages Publisher: Oneworld Publications (November 25, 2007) 1851685383
- Bourgeois Hinduism, or Faith of the Modern Vedantists: Rare Discourses from Early Colonial Bengal, by Brian A. Hatcher, Hardcover: 240 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA; 1 edition (November 26, 2007) 0195326083
- Hinduism: A Reader, by Deepak Sharma, Paperback: 424 pages Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell (January 18, 2008) 1405149906
- Hinduism and Buddhism: A Historical Sketch, by Charles Eliot, hardcover, June 30, 2005
- Hinduism and Ecology : The Intersection of Earth, Sky, and Water, (Religions of the World and Ecology) by Christopher Key Chapple (Editor),
Mary Evelyn Tucker (Editor), hardcover, October 2000 0945454252
- Hinduism and Ecology : The Intersection of Earth, Sky, and Water, (Religions of the World and Ecology) by Christopher Key Chapple (Editor),Mary Evelyn Tucker (Editor), paperback, October 2000 0945454260
- Hinduism & ecology: seeds of truth, Ranchor Prime, MB
- Hinduism and Law: An Introduction, by Timothy Lubin (Editor), Donald R. Davis Jr. (Editor), Jayanth K. Krishnan (Editor), Paperback: 320 pages Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (December 31, 2010) 0521716268
- Hinduism and modernity, by David Smith, hardcover, December 1999 0631208615
- Hinduism and modernity, by David Smith, paperback, May 2003 0631208623
- Hinduism and Other Eastern Religions, (World Faiths) by Trevor Barnes, Reading level: Ages 9-12 Paperback: 40 pages Publisher: Kingfisher (August 18, 2005) 07534581000
- Hinduism and Secularisation : After Ayodhya, by Arvind Sharma, hardcover, December 2000 0333794060
- Hinduism and the religious arts, by Heather Elgood, hardcover issue 0304338206
- Hinduism and the religious arts, by Heather Elgood, paperback issue, April 20000309607392
- Hinduism: a short history, by David Smith, paperback, February 2000 1851682139
- Hinduism : A Very Short Introduction, (Very Short Introductions) by Kim Knott, hardcover, April 2000 0192853872
- Hinduism: a way of life, Sitansu Chakravarti, MB
- Hinduism and Buddhism: A Historical Sketch by Charles Eliot, hardcover, July 2003, 184453068X
- Hinduism and its Development, by Satchidananda K. Murty, Hardcover: 170 pages Publisher: DK Print World (November 30, 2007) 8124603839
- Hinduism and Its Spiritual Masters, by William Stoddart, Paperback: 136 pages Publisher: Fons Vitae (October 28, 2006) 1887752870
- Hinduism As a Missionary Religion by Arvind Sharma, Hardcover: 176 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (March 4, 2011) 1438432119
- Hinduism & Hierarchy in Bali, (World Anthropology) by Leo Howe, paperback, February 2002 19306110007
- Essential Hinduism, by Steven J. Rosen , Hardcover: 296 pages Publisher: Praeger Publishers (October 30, 2006) 0275990060
- Hinduism: experiments in the sacred (Religious Traditions of the World), by David M. Knipe, 0060647809
- Hinduism in America, by Vasuda Narayanan, hardcover, (May 30, 2005)
- Hinduism in Public and Private: Reform, Hindutva, Gender and Sampraday, by Anthony Copley, hardcover, July 2003, 0195663934
- Hinduism in Public and Private: Reform, Hindutva, Gender and Sampraday, by Anthony Copley, Paperback Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (October 1, 2009) 0198062826
- The Many Colors of Hinduism: A Thematic-historical Introduction, by Carl Olson, Paperback: 416 pages Publisher: Rutgers (August 15, 2007) 0813960682
- Some Leading Ideas of Hinduism, by Henry Haigh, Paperback: 160 pages Publisher: Addison Press (November 16, 2007) 1408632187
- Was Hinduism Invented?: Britons, Indians, and the Colonial Construction of Religion, by Brian K. Pennington, Paperback: 260 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (September 5, 2007) 01953210008
- Studying Hinduism: Key Concepts and Methods, by Sushil Mittal, Paperback: 384 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (August 31, 2007) 0415301262
- Hinduism Omnibus, by T. N. Madan, Madeleine Biardeau, Nirad C. Chaudhuri, J. L. Brockington, hardcover, July 2003, 0195664116
- Hinduism : Perspectives of Reality, by Jeannine Fowler, hardcover, June 2002 1898723931
- Hinduism reconsidered, by Gunther Sontheimer, Manohar Delhi 1989
- Studying Hinduism: Key Concepts and Methods, by Sushil Mittal, Hardcover: 412 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (November 2, 2007) 0415301254
- Hinduism: Signs, Symbols, and Stories, by Cath Senker, Hardcover: 32 pages Publisher: PowerKids Press (January 2010) 1435830547
- Hinduism, Tm and Hare Krishna, (15 Volume Set : J. Isamu Yamamoto (Zondervan Guide to Cults and Religious Movements) by J. Isamu Yamamoto, James Bjornstad 0310703913
- Understanding Hinduism, by Frank Whaling, Paperback: 180 pages Publisher: International Specialized Book Services (November 12, 2009) 1903765366
- Hinduism Today: An Introduction, (Religion Today) by Stephen Jacobs, Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: Continuum (June 10, 2010) 0826430651
- Hindus in Britain, (Communities in Britain S.) by Fiona McDonald, Hardcover: 32 pages Publisher: Franklin Watts (June 23, 2005) 0749658851
- The Hindus: An Alternative History, by Wendy Doniger, Hardcover: 800 pages Publisher: Penguin Press HC, The (March 19, 2009) 1594202052
- Hindutva, by Jyotirmay Sharma, Hardcover: 304 pages Publisher: Penguin Books; (December 30, 2004) 0670049905
- Hindutva In The Culture Of Ethnicism, by Deepa Reddy, Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: Altamira Press; (December 30, 2004) 075910686X
- Hippocrene standard dictionary English-Hindi Hindi-English (With Romanized Pronunciation), by Joseph W. Raker (Editor), Rama Shankar Shukla (Editor), Davidovic Mladen 0781809601
- Histoire de la langue sanscrite, Louis Renou, chez IAC, 10 rue de l'Eperon, 75006 Paris 1956, et IAC Rue Victor Lagrange Lyon (ANU PK423.R4)
- Histoire de l'Inde, par Pierre Meile, PUF No 89 Paris 1951, (ANU DS437.M4)
- Histoire de Nala, conte indien, tr. par P.E. Dumont, (ANU PK3635.F7.N3)
- Histoire des colonies françaises et de l'expansion de la France dans le monde : tome V : l'Inde, du XVIème siècle à 1720 par Henri Froidevaux, de 1720 à nos jours par Alfred Martineau, Plon Paris 1932 (ANU fJV1811.H57 - 1929 t.5)
- Historical geography of ancient India, B.C. Law, Poona 1954
- History & culture of the Chamba state, Visvachandra Ohri
- History & culture of the Indian people, A.D. Pusalkar & R.C. Majumdar, Bombay 1951
- History & doctrine of the Ajivikas, A.L. Basham, MB
- History of Ancient India, by R.S. Tripathi 0896842150
- History of ancient Sanskrit literature: so far as it illustrates the primitive religion of the Brahmans, by Max Muller, 8120605543
- History of classical Sanskrit literature, by Sukumari Bhattacharji, 0863112420
- History of classical Sanskrit literature, by M. Krishnamachariar, MB
- History of Dharmasastra, (5 volumes), by Kane
- History of Dvaita school of Vedanta & its literature, B.N.K. Sharma, MB
- History of early Vedanta philosophy, H. Nakamura, 0895819562
- History of India, by Romila Thapar, paperback, February 1991 reprint 0140138358
- History of Indian Literature : Introduction, Veda, Epics, Puranas and Tantras volume 1 by Maurice Winternitz 8120802960
- History of Indian Literature : volume 2: Buddhist & Jain Literature, by Maurice Winternitz, Hardcover: 960 pages Publisher: South Asia Books (January 1, 1999) 8120802659
- History of Indian Literature : volume 3 by Maurice Winternitz Hardcover: 758 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Pub; 1 edition (January 1, 1999) 8120800567
- History of Indian logic, Satis Chandra, MB
- History of Indian philosophy, (6 volumes), S.N. Dasgupta, 0842609636
- History of Indian philosophy, (2 volumes), Erich Frauwallner, tr. from German into English by V.M. Bedekar, MB
- History of Kanauj : To the Moslem Conquest, by Rama Shankar Tripathi 812080404X
- History of Sanskrit literature, A.B. Keith, (ANU PK2903.K45)
- History of Sanskrit poetics, by P.V Kane, 8120802748
- History of the Tantric Religion, by N.N. Bhattacharyya, Paperback: 483 pages Publisher: Manohar Publishers and Distributors (December 1, 2007) 8173046506
- The History of Vegetarianism and Cow-Veneration in India, (Routledge Advances in Jaina Studies) by Willem Bollee (Editor), Hardcover: 176 pages Publisher: Routledge (January 15, 2010) 0415548241
- Hitopadesa: fables & proverbs from the Sanskrit, 0820110507
- The Hitopadesa, by Narayana , A. N. D. Haksar (Introduction, Translator), Paperback: 272 pages Publisher: Penguin Classics; New edition (July 31, 2007) 0140455221
- Holy Cow: The Hare Krishna Contribution to Vegetarianism and Animal Rights, by Steven Rosen, Paperback: 192 pages Publisher: Lantern Books; (May 2004) 1590560663
- Holy Mother: being the life of Sri Sarada Devi, wife of Sri Ramakrishna & helpmate in his mission, by Swami Nikhilananda, 0911206205
- Holy Science. Kaivalya Darsanam., by Swami, Yukteswar, 0876120516
- Holy War: Violence and the Bhagavad Gita, (Indic Heritage Series) by Steven Rosen, Paperback Publisher: Deepak Heritage Books; (December 1, 2004) 093719445X
- Hidden Horizons Unearthing 10,000 Years of Indian Culture, by Dr. David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri), Dr. Navaratna S. Rajaram, Hardcover: 180 pages Publisher: Swaminarayan Aksharpith Amdavad (February 1, 2008) 8175263318
- History of Civilisations of Central Asia, 7 volumes series, by A.H. Dani et al, Hardcover: 2652 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (December 15, 2003) 8120814096 MB
- The History of India from the Earliest Ages: Volume 1. The Vedic period and the Mahá Bhárata, by James Talboys Wheeler, Paperback: 668 pages Publisher: BookSurge Publishing (March 12, 2004) This Elibron Classics book is a facsimile reprint of a 1876 edition by Trübner & Co., London 1402150342
- The History of India from the Earliest Ages: Volume 3. Hindú. Buddhist. Brahmanical revival, by James Talboys Wheeler, Paperback: 530 pages Publisher: BookSurge Publishing (March 12, 2004) This Elibron Classics book is a facsimile reprint of a 1876 edition by Trübner & Co., London 1402150326
- The History of India from the Earliest Ages: Volume 4. Part 1. Mussulman rule, by James Talboys Wheeler, Paperback: 354 pages Publisher: Adamant Media Corporation (March 12, 2004) This Elibron Classics book is a facsimile reprint of a 1876 edition by Trübner & Co., London 1402150318
- The History of India from the Earliest Ages: Volume 4. Part 2. Moghul empire. Aurangzeb, by James Talboys Wheeler, Paperback: 348 pages Publisher: Adamant Media Corporation (March 12, 2004) This Elibron Classics book is a facsimile reprint of a 1876 edition by Trübner & Co., London 140215030X
- A History of Pre-Buddhistic Indian Philosophy, by Benimadhab Barua, Hardcover: 448 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (1998 reprint) 8120807960 MB
- Hour of god, by Sri Aurobindo, 8170582172
- How Parvati Won The Heart Of Shiva, by Harish Johari, Vatsala Sperling, Pieter Weltevrede, Hardcover: 32 pages Publisher: Bear Cub Books; (November 1, 2004) 1591430429
How We Met: Sita Describing Her Marriage to Rama, Paperback: 90 pages Publisher: CreateSpace (November 2, 2011) 1466438746
- Hrishikesa: Krishna - A Natural Evolution, by T.V. Gopal, paperback, July 2000, $ 25.95 1581127324
- Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin's Theory by Michael A. Cremo, hardcover, September 2003, 0892133341
- Hymnes et prières du Véda: textes traduits du sanscrit par Louis Renou, (ANU PK3005.F7.R4)
- Hymnes spéculatifs du Véda, traduits du sanscrit et annotés par Louis Renou, Paris 1956 (ANU BL1115.A23.R4)
- Hymn to Sri Dakshina Murthy with Manasallaasa, Nagesh D.Sonde
- Hymns and Songs of Purandaradasa, by Purandaradasa , Paperback: 88 pages Publisher: Bottom Dog Press; (April 2, 2004) 0933087896
- Hymns of Shankara, text & english translation,T.M.P. Mahadevan, MB
- Hymns of the Sama Veda, by R. Griffith, 9996074110
- Hymns of the Atharvaveda, SBE vol. 42, tr. M. Bloomfield, MB
- Hymns of the Rigveda; Translated in English with a Popular Commentary, by Ralph T.H. Griffith (Translator), J.L. Shastri (Editor), hardcover, May 1999, 812080046X
- Hymns to the Goddess/Hymns to Kali, by John Woodroffe, 0941524000
- Hymns to the mystic fire, 9th US Edition, by Sri Aurobindo, 0914955225
- I am Hindu, by Devi S. Aiyengar, 02325323819
- I am Hindu, (Talking About My Faith S.) by Cath Senker,Hardcover: 32 pages Publisher: Franklin Watts (July 21, 2005) 0749659300
- I am Om, by Veena Damle, hardcover, August 2001 094297980X
- I am Om, by Veena Damle, paperback, August 2001 0942979796
- I am that: the science of the Hamsa mantra, by Swami Muktananda, 0914602276
- I Can't Believe It's Yoga!: for kids, by Lisa Trivell, paperback, February 2000 1578260442
- I Can't Believe It's Yoga!: for pregnancy and after, by Lisa Trivell, paperback, February 2000 1578260469
- I Can't Believe It's Yoga!: The Ultimate Beginner's Workout for Men and Women, by Andrew Flach, Peter Field Peck (Photographer) 1578260329
- Iconography of the Hindus Buddhists and Jains, by Ramesh Shankar Gupte, Hardcover Publisher: Stosius Inc/Advent Books Division; 2 Sub edition (December 1980) 0865900280
- Ideology & status of Sanskrit: contributions to the history of the Sanskrit language (Brill's Indological Library, V. 13), by J.E.M. Houben (Editor), 9004106138
- I have become alive: secrets of the inner journey, by Swami Muktananda, 0911307265
- I have lived before : the true story of the reincarnation of Shanti Devi, by Sture Lonnerstrand, Leslie Kippen (Translator) 1886940037
- Illuminated Spirit (The Wit Lectures), by Govindappa Venkatswamy, 0809134624
- Illuminations from the Bhagavad-Gita, by Kim Murray, hardcover March 1999 1886069212
- Illustrated Bhagavad Gita: A New Translation with Commentary, by Ranchor Prime (Translator), paperback, March 2003 0764122231
- Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism, by James Lochtefeld, hardcover, January 2002 02325322871
- Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism, by James Lochtefeld, library binding, January 2002 0232533179X
- Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism, by Rasamandala Das, Hardcover: 256 pages Publisher: Lorenz Books (October 16, 2010) 0754820564
- I love you, by Swami Muktananda, 0914602586
- Immortalité et réincarnation, Alexandra David-Néel, Plon Paris 1961 (ANU BL530.D3)
- Impact of Ramanuja's teaching on life & conditions in society, by G. Lakshamma, 8185067465
- Incarnation of love : 'radical' spiritual wisdom & practical instruction on self-transcending love & service in all relationships, by Da Free John, 0918801869
- Inde ancienne : actes du XXIXème congrès international des Orientalistes, Paris Juillet 1973 (ANU DS425.I6.1973 - 1044784 pour le volume 1 jusqu'à 1044789 pour le volume 6)
- Inde et littératures, études réunies par Marie-Claude Porcher, collection Purusârtha No 7, Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en sciences sociales, Paris 1983, (ANU PK2903.I53.1983)
- Inde, nation et traditions, J. Filliozat, Paris 1961
- Index to History of Dharmasatra : Comprehensive Guide to Hindu Rites & Rituals, by Krishnan Lal Khera, hardcover, November 1996 8121507626
- India as described in early texts of Buddhism & Jainism, B.C. Law, Lucknow 1932
- India, a short cultural history, H.G. Rawlinson, London 1937
- India as known to Panini, V.S. Agrawala, Lucknow 1953
- Great Monuments of India, Hardcover: 264 pages Publisher: DK ADULT (December 7, 2009) 0756659078
- India As Reflected in Divyavadana, 8121506247
- India in the time of Patanjali, Baij Nath Puri, Bombay 1957
- India's Immortal Comic Books: Gods, Kings, and Other Heroes, (Contemporary Indian Studies) by Karline Mclain, Hardcover: 256 pages Publisher: Indiana University Press (April 2009) 0253352770
- Mediaeval India Under Mohammedan Rule AD 712 to 1764, by Stanley Lane-Poole, Paperback: 472 pages Publisher: Kessinger Publishing, LLC (September 20, 2004) 1417949155
- Mughul India 1504-1761, by David Nicolle , Angus Mcbride (Illustrator), Paperback: 48 pages Publisher: Osprey Publishing (November 25, 1993) 1855323443
- Indian art : a concise history, (World of Art) by Roy C. Craven (Introduction) 0500203024
Indian Epigraphy: A Guide to the Study of Inscriptions in Sanskrit, Prakrit, and the Other Indo-Aryan Languages, by Richard Salomon , hardcover, November 1998 0195099842
- Indian insights: Buddhism, Brahmanism & Bhakti, papers from the annual Spalding symposium on Indian religions, by Peter Connolly (Editor), Sue Hamilton (Editor), 1898942153
- Indianisme et bouddhisme, mélanges offerts à Mgr Etienne Lamotte, Institut Orientaliste Louvain la Neuve 1980 (ANU BQ286.I53)
- Indian Kavya Literature volume 1, by A.K. Warder 8120804465
- Indian Kavya Literature volume 4, by A.K. Warder 812080449X
- Indian Kavya Literature volume 6, by A.K. Warder 8120806158
- Indian literature, Louis Renou, Walker & Co, New York 1951 (ANU PK2903.R543)
- Indian logic and atomism : an exposition of the Nyaya & Vaisesika systems, by Arthur B. Keith, 0837105099
- Indian Mysticism : Rigveda to Radhaswami Faith, by M.G. Gupta, hardcover, November 1993 9994554425
- Indian Mysticism : Rigveda to Radhaswami Faith, by M.G. Gupta, hardcover, August 1993 818553215X
- Indian mythology, by A. Berriedale Keith, 999074162X
- Indian Mythology: Tales from the Heart of the Subcontinent, by Devdutt Pattanaik, paperback, June 2003 0892818700
- Indian philosophy, 2 volumes, S. Radhakrishnan, 0195638190
- Indian philosophy, (set of 3 vols.) by Jadunath Sinha, hardcover, June 1999 812081603X
- Indian philosophy: a counterperspective, by Daya Krishna, 0195638379
- Indian philosophy and religion : a reader's guide, by Bibhu Padhi, Minakshi Padhi 0899504469
- Indian Philosophy of Language : Studies in Selected Issues, (Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, Vol 46) by Mark Siderits, hardcover, July 1991 0792312627
- Indian Philosophy of Religion, (Studies in Philosophy and Religion, 13) by Roy W. Perrett (Editor), hardcover, November 1989 0792304373
- Indian philosophy: Nyaya Vaisesika & modern science, by Aruna Goel, 086590278X
- Indian philosophy: the concept of karma, by Kewal Krishna Anand, 0940500914
- Indian philosophy: the pathfinders & the system builders (700 B.C. to 100 A.D.), by Nilima Chakravarty 8170231515
- Indian realism, Jadunath Sinha, MB
- Indian religion, by Richard Burghardt, Audrey Cantlie (Editor), 0312414005
- Indian Religions: Renaissance And Renewal , the Spalding Papers on Indic Studies, by Anna S. King (Editor), Spalding Symposium on Indian Religions (Editor), King Anna S. (Editor), Hardcover: 320 pages Publisher: Equinox Publishing (July 30, 2006) 1845531698
- Indian sculpture: circa 500 B.C.-A.D. 700: a catalogue of the Los Angeles county museum of art collection, by Pratapaditya Pal, paperback issue, 0520059921
- Indian sculpture: circa 700-1800: a catalogue of the Los Angeles county museum of art collection by Pratapaditya Pal hardcover issue, 0520064771
- Indian sculpture: circa 700-1800: a catalogue of the Los Angeles county museum of art collection by Pratapaditya Pal, paperback issue, 0520064798
- Indian theism, from the Vedic to the Muhammadan period, by Nicol Macnicol, Munshiram Manoharlal, P.O. Box 1165, Nai Sarak, Delhi 6 first print 1968, ANU BL2003.M3.1968
- India of vedic Kalpasutras, Ram Gopal, MB
- India, rebellion to republic, selected writings 1857-1990, Sterling Publishers Delhi
- India:Songs of Surdas/Bhramargit, audio CD, by Jalota, Purshotamdas, 6302706661
- Indian Religions: Renaissance And Renewal , the Spalding Papers on Indic Studies, by Anna S. King (Editor), Spalding Symposium on Indian Religions (Editor), Hardcover: 320 pages Publisher: Equinox Publishing (October 15, 2006) 1845531698
- Indo-Aryan deities & worship as contained in the Rig-Veda, by Albert Pike, 1564591832
- Indo-Aryan Controversy: Evidence and Inference in Indian History, by Edwin Bryant, Paperback: 536 pages Publisher: RoutledgeCurzon; 1 edition (September 22, 2005) 0700714634
- Indo-européens et Indo-iraniens, l'inde jusque vers 300 A.D., Louis de la Vallée-Poussin, collection Histoire du Monde, tome III, de Boccard, Paris 1936, (ANU DS451.L3.V3)
- Indo-Roman Trade, (Duckworth Debates in Archaeology) by Roberta Tomber, Paperback: 144 pages Publisher: Duckworth Publishing (December 5, 2008) 0715636960
- Indra & other Vedic deities: a euhemeristic study (Contemporary Researches in Hindu Philosophy & Religion), by Uma Chakravarty, 81241000805
- Induction, probability & skepticism (Suny Series in Philosophy), by D.P. Chattopadhyaya, hard cover issue, 0791406814
- Induction, probability & skepticism (Suny Series in Philosophy), by D.P. Chattopadhyaya, paperback issue, 0791406822
- Indus Civilization Sites in India: New Discoveries, by Dilip K. Chakrabarti (Editor), Hardcover: 108 pages Publisher: Marg Publications; 1st edition (January 30, 2006) 8185026637
- Industrialisation et société dans l'Inde du Nord : introduction : observations sur l'étude des sociétés et de l'économie de l'Inde, Jean Filliozat (ANU HT720.J6 - 450906)
- Inner Quest : Yoga's Answers to Life's Questions,by Pandit Rajmani, Ph.D. Tigunait, paperback, May 2002 089389222X
- Inner War and Peace : Timeless Solutions to Conflict from the Bhagavad Gita, by Osho, Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: Watkins/Duncan Baird Publishers (January 9, 2005) 1842931318
- Inner World, by Sudhir Kakar, 0195615085
- Innocence of Her form: the divine revelation of She Is, by Santosha Tantra, 0965367606
- In praise of Krishna: translation of Gitagovinda of Jayadeva, by Durgadas Mukhopadhyay (Editor), 8170185467
- In Quest of God: the saga of an extraordinary pilgrimage, by Swami Ramdas, 1884997015
- In Search of the cradle of civilization: new light on ancient India, by Georg Feuerstein, Subhash Kak, David Frawley, 0835607208
- Inside the Hare Krishna Movement : An Ancient Eastern Religious Tradition Comes of Age in the Western World, by Mukunda Goswami, hardcover, July 2001 1887089284
- Inside the Yoga Sutras : A Comprehensive Sourcebook for the Study and Practice of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, by Reverend Carrera, Paperback: 424 pages Publisher: Integral Yoga Publications (March 15, 2006) 0932040578
- Insight into Yoga, Mrtyunjaya Rao, MB
- Inspired Talks : My Master and Other Writings, by Swami Vivekananda, paperback, September 1987 0911206248
- Instant et cause (le discontinu dans la pensée philosophique de l'Inde), par Lilian Silburn, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 6 place de la Sorbonne, Paris 75005 (1955), (ANU B131.S54)
- Institutes of Vishnu, SBE vol. 7, tr. Julius Jolly, MB
- Integral non-dualism, a critical exposition of Vijnanabhiksu's system of philosophy, Kanshi Ram, MB
- Integral Yoga: Sri Aurobindo's teaching & method of practice, by Sri Aurobindo, 0941524760
- Integral Yoga: the concept of harmonious & creative living (Quest Book), by Haridas Chaudhuri, 0835604446
- Integral Yoga; The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, by Sri Swami Satchidananda , paperback, March 1998 0932040284
- Intercourse between India & the western world from the earliest times to the fall of Rome, H.G. Rawlinson, Cambridge 1926
- Interdisciplinary studies in science technology philosophy & culture (Phispc Monograph Series on History of Philosophy, Science & Culture in India,), by D.P. Chattopadhyaya, 8121507200
- Interpretations Of The Bhagavad-gita And Images Of The Hindu Tradition: The Song Of The Lord, by Catherine A. Robinson, Catherine Robinson, Hardcover: 256 pages Publisher: Routledge (December, 2005) 0415346711
- In the company of the wise: remembering my teachers, reflecting the light, by Swami Sivananda Radha, 0931454247
- In the image of fire (the vedic experience of heat), David Knipe, MB
- Introduction to Hindu Dharma: Illustrated, by Michael Oren Fitzgerald, Paperback: 168 pages Publisher: World Wisdom; Ill edition (May 25, 2008) 1933316489
- Introducing Hinduism, by Vinay Lal, Paperback: 176 pages Publisher: Totem Books (July 25, 2005) 184046626X
- Introducing Hinduism, (World Religions) by Hillary Rodrigues, Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (August 2006), 0415392691
- Introduction à la mystique comparée, par Jacques de Marquette, Adyar, 4 square Rapp, Paris 1956 (ANU BL625.D4)
- Introduction to Hinduism, by Gavin D. Flood, 0521438780
- Introduction to Sanskrit Part 1, by Thomas Egenes, Hardcover: 366 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass (January 1, 2005) 8120811402 MB
- Introduction to Sanskrit Part 2, by Thomas Egenes, Hardcover: 437 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass (January 1, 1999) 8120816935 MB
- Introduction to Swaminarayan Hinduism, by Raymond Brady Williams, paperback, February 2001 052165422X
- Introduction to Swaminarayan Hinduism, by Raymond Brady Williams, hardcover, February 2001 0521652790
Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines, by Rene Guenon, Marco Pallis, paperback, April 2002 reprint
Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines, by Rene Guenon, Marco Pallis, hardcover, April 2002 reprint
- Introduction to Tantra Sastra, by John Woodroff 0897441141
- Introduction to the Tantraloka, Navjivan Rastoji, MB
- Intuition: Soul-Guidance for Life's Decisions: Selections from the Talks and Writings of Sri Daya Mata (How-To-Live-Series) by Sri Daya Mata, paperback, September 2003, 0876124651
- The Invention Of Hinduism: Britons, Indians, And Colonial Construction Of Religion, by Brian Pennington, Hardcover: 256 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press (May 30, 2005) 0195166558
- Irano-Aryan faith & doctrine as contained in the Zend-Avesta, by Albert Pike, 1564591816
- Isa-Upanishad, traduit du sanscrit par Louis Renou, (ANU pBL1124.7-I76)
- Isha Upanishad, by Sri Aurobindo, 8170580412
- Is the Goddess a Feminist : The Politics of South Asian Goddesses, by Alf Hiltebeitel (Editor), Kathleen M. Erndl (Editor), paperback, August
2000 081473619X
- Isvara-pratya-bhijna-vimarsini, doctrine of divine recognition (3 volumes), ed. K.A. Subramanian Iyer & K.C. Pandeya, gen. ed. R.C. Dvivedi, MB
- I welcome you all with love, by Swami Muktananda 0914602594
- It So Happened That : The Unique Teaching of Ramesh S. Balsekar with Stories and Anecdotes, by Ramesh S. Balsekar, Mary Ciofalo (Editor), Paperback: 128 pages Publisher: Watkins (July 28, 2006) 1842930648
- Jaiminiya Brahmana I, 1-65 : With a Study - Agnihotra and Pranagnihotra, by H. W. Bodewitz (Editor), hardcover, August 1997 9004036040
- Jaiminiya Brahmana of the Samaveda, (text), ed. Raghuvira & Lokesh Chandra, MB
- Jai Shiva!: Kirtan for Shivaratri, by Baba Hari Dass, 09110000100
- Jane Fonda's Yoga Exercise Workout (1993) NTSC Video, 630299988X
- Jaya: Performance in Epic Mahabharata, (Ilex Series) by Kevin McGrath, Paperback: 122 pages Publisher: Center for Hellenic Studies (October 3, 2011) 0696062469
- The Jedi in the Lotus: Star Wars and the Hindu Tradition, by Steven J. Rosen (Author), Jonathan Young (Foreword), Paperback: 188 pages Publisher: Arktos Media Ltd (October 19, 2010) 1907166114
- Jesus in Neo-Vedanta, by K. P. Aleaz, hardcover, February 1995 8186218084
- Jewel in the Lotus : The Tantric Path to Higher Consciousness : A Complete and Systematic Couse in Tantric Kriya Yoga, by Sunyata Saraswati 1887472118
- Sacred Jewels of Yoga: Wisdom from India's Beloved Scriptures, Teachers, Masters, and Monks, by Dave DeLuca (Editor), Paperback: 192 pages Publisher: New World Library; 1 edition (August 2, 2011) 1608680401
- Jewels of Authority: Women and Textual Tradition in Hindu India, by Laurie Patton, Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press; New edition (June 30, 2010) 019517660X
- Jitari: kleine texte, Gudrun Buhnemann, MB
- Jiva Goswami's Tattva-Sandarbha : A Study on the Philosophical and Sectarian Development of the Gaudiya Vaisnava Movement, by Stuart Elkman (Translator), hardcover, October 1986 8120801873
- Jiva Goswami's Tattva-Sandarbha : sacred India's philosophy of ecstasy, by Swami B. V. Tripurari, hardcover March 1999 1886075373
- Jiva Gosvamin's Tattva-sandarbha: a study on the philosophical & sectarian development of the Gaudia Vaisnava movement, Stuart Mark Ellman, MB
- Jivanmukti in transformation : embodied liberation in Advaita and neo-Vedanta, hardcover issue, by Andrew O. Fort 0791439038
- Jivanmukti in transformation : embodied liberation in Advaita and neo-Vedanta, paperback issue, by Andrew O. Fort 0791439046
- Jnâna-Yoga, Swâmi Vivekânanda, collection Spiritualités Vivantes Albin Michel, Paris 1936
- Jnana Yogaby Swami Vivekananda paperback June 1982 0911206213
- Jnana Yogaby Swami Vivekananda other paperback edition June 1982 8185301980
- Jnana Yoga : The Yoga of Knowledge, by Swami Vivekananda, paperback, June 1990 0874811589
- Jnana-yoga: The Way of Life, by Ramakrishna Puligandla, Hardcover: 160 pages Publisher: Jain Pub Co (May 1, 2007) 0875730914
- The Inner Journey: Views from the Hindu Tradition, by Margaret H. Case (Editor), Ravi Ravindra (Editor), Paperback: 300 pages Publisher: Morning Light Press (January 28, 2007) 1596750138
- Journey into consciousness: the Chakras, Tantra & Jungian psychology, by Charles Breaux, Hardcover: 272 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (December 2000) 8120814495 MB
- Journey through the twelve forests: an encounter with Krishna, by David L. Haberman, 0195084780
- Jyotisam Jyotih: an esoteric exposition of select vedic hymns, Jagannath Vedalankar, MB
- Kabir, the apostle of hindu-muslim unity, Muhammad Hedayetullah, MB
- Kalikapurane Murtivinirdesah, Biswanarayan Shastri, MB
- Kalipuja, tr. Satyananda Sarasvati, MB
- Kali: Slayer of Illusion, (Mandala Mini Book) by Joshua Greene, Braja Sorenson, hardcover, November 2003 1886069883
- Kali's child: the mystical & the erotic in the life& teachings of Ramakrishna, by Jeffrey J. Kripal 0226453766
- Kali's child : the mystical and the erotic in the life and teachings of Ramakrishna,by Jeffrey John Kripal 0226453774
- Kali's child : the mystical and the erotic in the life and teachings of Ramakrishna, by Jeffrey J. Kripal, hardcover October 1995 reprint 0226453758
- Kali's child : the mystical and the erotic in the life and teachings of Ramakrishna, by Jeffrey J. Kripal, paperback October 1998 reprint 0226453774
- Kali: the black Goddess of Dakshineswar, by Elizabeth U. Harding, 0892960257
- Kali: the feminine force, by Ajit Mookerjee, 0892812125
- Kali the Mother, by J. Noble, 087481104X
- Kama Sutra: the arts of love, by Indra Sinha, 0722532377
- Kama Sutra: The Hindu Art of Love by S. C. Upadhyaya (Translator), paperback, June 2004 1842930656
- Kama Sutra : The Rules of Love and Erotic Practice, by Vatsyayana, Manuela Dunn-Mascetti, hardcover, January 2001 060960726X
- Kalpasutra, text & engl. tr. by K.C. Lalwani, MB
- Kanvasatapathabrahmanam (2 volumes), text and engl. tr. C.R. Swaminathan, MB
- Kapalikas & Kalamukhas: two lost Saivite sects, David Lorenzen, MB
- Karma & rebirth in the classical Indian traditions, W.D. O'Flaherty, 0520039238
- Karma, causation & retributive morality, by Rajendra Prasad, Munshiram Manoharlal Delhi 1989, (ANU 1729215)
- Karma-Yoga, by Swami Sivananda, 0949027049
- Karma-Yoga and Bhakti-Yoga, by Swami Vivekananda, paperback, September 1996 0911206078
- Kashmir Saivism (Suny Series in Cultural Perspectives), by J.C. Chatterji, 088706180X
- Kashmir Saivism, by L. N. Sharma, 8121701112
- Kashmir Saivism: the central philosophy of Tantrism, Revised ed., by Kamalakar Mishra, 0915801795
Kashmir Shaivism: The Secret Supreme, by Swami Lakshmanjoo, John Hughes (Editor), paperback, August 2000 1587215055
- Kasikavrtti, par Y. Ojihara et Louis Renou, EFEO Paris 1960 (2 volumes)
- The Pursuit of Power and Freedom: Katha Upanishad, translation and commentary by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Paperback: 160 pages Publisher: Himalayan Institute Press (June 25, 2008) 0893892742
- Kausikasutra of Atharvaveda (with extracts from the commentaries of Darila and Kesava), M. Bloomfield, MB
- Kaivalya Gita, by Vijai S. Shankar, Paperback: 206 pages Publisher: Advaita Publications (December 1, 2006) 0954529812
- Keystones: Hindu Mandir, September 2000 0713654953
- Key Words in Hinduism, by Ron Geaves, Paperback: 144 pages Publisher: Georgetown University Press (July 2006) 1589011279
- King & the corpse: tales of the soul's conquest of evil (Bollingen Series XI), by Heinrich Zimmer, 069101776X
- Kirtan: Chanting the Names by B. B. Bodhyan, paperback, December 2002 1886069786
Kiss of the Yogini: "Tantric Sex" in Its South Asian Contexts, by David Gordon White, hardcover, May 1999, 0226894835
Kiss of the Yogini: "Tantric Sex" in Its South Asian Contexts, by David Gordon White, paperback, July 2004 0226894843
- Knowledge, freedom & language: an interwoven fabric of man, time & world, by D.P. Chattopadhyaya, 8120806301
- Krama tantricism of Kashmir (vol. I), Navjivan Rastogi, MB
- Krsna cycle in the Puranas, Benjamin Solis, MB
- Krsna Dvaipayana Vyasa & the Mahabharata: a new interpretation, by Bruce M. Sullivan, 9004088989
- Krsnagiti of Manaveda, ed. & tr. C.R. Swaminathan & Sudha Gopalakrishnan, MB
- Krishna Hari : a play, Nandlal Tulsiram, MB
- Krishna: Lord of Love, by James H. Bae, Paperback: 96 pages Publisher: Mandala Publishing; Second Edition edition (March 1, 2009) 1601090358
- Krishna: Minibook, Incense, And Playing Cards, Hardcover Publisher: Mandala; Kit edition (June 30, 2006) 1932771336
- Krsna's round dance reconsidered: Hariram Vyas's Hindi Ras-Pancadhyayi, by Heidi Rika Maria Pauwels, Harirama Vyas, 0700704264
- Krishna: The Beautiful Legend of God by Edwin F. Bryant (Editor), Paperback: 608 pages Publisher: Penguin Books; (May 25, 2004) 0140447997
- Krishna: A Sourcebook, by Edwin F. Bryant, Hardcover: 960 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (March 6, 2007) 0195148916
- Krishna: A Sourcebook, by Edwin F. Bryant, Paperback: 960 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (May 16, 2007)
- Krishna's Mandala: Bhagavata Religion and Beyond, by D. Dennis Hudson, John Hawley, Hardcover: 384 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (January 2010) 0198062761
- Krsna, the supreme personality of Godhead: a summary Study of Srimad-Bhagavatam's tenth canto, by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada, 9171493506
- Krishna, the butter thief, by John Stratton Hawley, 0691065519
- Krishna: the living god of Braj, by D. Anand, 8170172802
- Singing Krishna: Sound Becomes Sight in Paramanand's Poetry, by A. Whitney Sanford, Paperback: 176 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (January 2009) 0791473961
- Loving God: Krsna and Christ: a Christian Commentary on the Narada Sutras, (Christian Commentaries on Non-Christian Texts) by Daniel P. Sheridan, Paperback: 220 pages Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (January 15, 2008) 0802862829
- Krishnamurti & Sant Kabir, a study in depth, Rohit Metha & Shridevi Mehta, MB October 1997 reprint
- Kriya Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Siddhas, by Marshall Govindan (Translator), Georg Feuerstein, paperback, January 2001 1895383129
- Kubjika upanishad, Teun Goudriaan & Jan Schoterman, MB
- Kularnava tantra (sanskrit text with english introduction), John Woodroffe &
M.P. Pandit, MB
- Kundalini & the chakras: a practical manual-evolution in this lifetime, by Genevieve Lewis Paulson, 0875425925
- Kundalini awakening: a gentle guide to chakra activation & spiritual growth, by John Selby, 0553353306
- The Kundalini Concept: Its Origin and Value, by Mary Scott, Perfect Paperback: 296 pages Publisher: Jain Pub Co (August 1, 2007) 0895818582
- Kundalini: empowering human evolution : selected writings of Gopi Krishna, Gene Kieffer (Editor), 155778745X
- Kundalini, evolution, and enlightenment, by John White (Editor) 1557783039
- Kundalini: the arousal of the inner energy, by Ajit Mookerjee, 08921000203
- Kundalini: the energy of the depths: a comprehensive study based on the scriptures of non-dualistic Kasmir Saivism (Suny Series in the Shaiva Tradit), by Lilian Silburn, Jacques Gontier (Translator), hard cover issue: 0887068006
- Kundalini: the energy of the depths: a comprehensive study based on the scriptures of non-dualistic Kasmir Saivism (Suny Series in the Shaiva Tradition), by Lilian Silburn, Jacques Gontier
(Translator), paperback issue: 0887068014
- Kundalini: the evolutionary energy in man, by Gopi Krishna, 1570622809
- Kundalini Rising: Exploring the Energy of Awakening, by Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, Dorothy Walters, Paperback: 480 pages Publisher: Sounds True, Incorporated (September 1, 2009) 1591797284
- Kundalini: the secret of life, by Swami Muktananda 0911307346
- Kundalini-yoga for the West: a foundation for character building courage & awareness, by Swami Sivananda Radha 0931454387
- Kurma purana, tr. G.V. Tagare, AITM vol. 20-21, MB
- Kurma purana, (With An Exhaustive Introduction, Sanskrit Text, English Translation, Scholarly Notes and Index of Verses) by Shanti Lal Nagar , Hardcover: 482 pages Publisher: Parimal Publications (July 24, 2008) 817110326X
- La Bhagavad Gita, par Alfred Foucher, (ANU PK3631.B5-1944)
- L'absolu selon le Vedanta (les notions de Brahman et d'Atman dans les systèmes de Shankara et Râmânoudja), par Olivier Lacombe, Paul Geuthner Paris 1966 (ANU B132.V3.L3)
- La civilisation de l'Inde ancienne, Arthur Basham, Arthaud Paris 1976
- La civilisation de l'Inde antique, Louis Renou, Paris 1950 (ANU DS425.R43)
- La doctrine du sacrifice dans les Brahmanas, Sylvain Lévi, E. Leroux, Paris
- La doctrine morale et métaphysique de Ramanuja, Olivier Lacombe, Maisonneuve Paris 1938 (ANU B132.V3.R371)
- L'Agnihotra, description de l'agnihotra dans le rituel védique d'après les srautasutras, par P.E. Dumont, Oxford 1939 (John Hopkins Press of Baltimore) (ANU BL1225.A45.D8)
- La grammaire de Panini, Louis Renou, 2 volumes, EFEO Maisonneuve Paris 1966 (ANU PK517.R4)
- La Kasikavrtti (adhyaya 1 pada 1), traduite et commentée par Yutaka Ojihara et Louis Renou, EFEO XLVIII Paris 1960-69
- Lakshmi Puja, by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, paperback, April 2001 1887472843
- Invoking Lakshmi: The Goddess of Wealth in Song and Ceremony, by Constantina Rhodes, Hardcover: 208 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (October 2010) 1438433212
- La langue Braj (dialecte de Mathura), by Dhirendra Varma, A. Maisonneuve Paris 1935, (ANU PK1963.V314.1935)
- La légende de Nala et Damayanti, Sylvain Lévi, Paris 1920
- Lalita cult, V.R. Ramachandra Dikshitar, MB
- Lalleshwari, by Swami Muktananda, 0914602667
- La Mahanarayana Upanishad, (2 volumes), par Jean Varenne, E. de Boccard, Paris 1960, (ANU BL1120.A613.1960)
- L'âme et le dogme de la transmigration dans les livres sacrés de l'inde ancienne, par Eric de Henseler, E. de Boccard Paris 1928 (ANU BL2015.R4.H4)
- La mythologie hindoue, son message, Jean Herbert, Editions Albin Michel, Paris 1953 (ANU BL1130.H4)
- Landscapes of Urban Memory: The Sacred in India's Silicon Valley, by Smriti Srinivas, library binding, July 2001 081663615X
- Language & release : Sarvajnatman's Pancaprakriya, by Ivan Kocmarek, hardcover, August 1985 8120800044
Language, Texts, and Society: Explorations in Ancient Indian Culture and Religion, (Cultural, Historical and Textual Studies of Religions) by Patrick Olivelle, Hardcover: 420 pages Publisher: Anthem Press (December 15, 2011) 0857284312
- La place de la particule négative na dans la phrase en vieil indien, par J. Gonda, E.J. Brill Leiden 1951 (ANU PK133.G6)
- La poésie religieuse de l'Inde antique, par Louis Renou, PUF No 8, Paris
- L'archéologie de l'Inde, D.P. Agrawal, Presses du CNRS, Paris 1988
- La réincarnation des âmes, par A. Desgeorges, Albin Michel Paris 1966 (ANU BL515.D43)
- La religion védique, vol. 1 à 4, d'après les hymnes du Rig-Véda, par Abel Bergaigne, Libraire Honoré Champion, Paris 1963 (ANU BL1115.B4)
- La sainte upanisad de la Bhagavad-gita, traduite du sanscrit par Jean M. Rivière, Archè Milano 1977 (ANU BL1138.64.F7)
- La sculpture de Barhut, A.K. Coomaraswamy, AMG Bibliothèque d'art, Paris 1966
- La sculpture hindoue, W. Cohn, Paris 1922
- L'âtman-brahman de le bouddhisme ancien, par K. Bhattacharya, EFEO vol. XC, Paris 1973
- Laukika-Nyaya-Sangrahah, (Laukikanyayaratnakarasya (Universal Laws of Interpretation, 2) by
Raghunathavarma, Sarla Devi Nagar, Murarilal Nagar 0943913292
- La vieille route de l'Inde, de Bactres à Taxila, A. Foucher, Paris 1942-47
- La vie publique et privée dans l'Inde ancienne par Jeannine Auboyer, (ANU DS425.A8)
- Law of Karma, by Nirmala Jha, 0318371456
- Laws of Manu (SBE vol. 25), tr. Georg Buhler, MB
- Laws of Manu (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty (Translator), 0140449604
- Layayoga : The Definitive Guide to the Chakras and Evoking Kundalini, by Shyam Sundar Goswami, paperback April 1999 issue 0892817666
- Learn Yoga in a weekend, by Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center, 0679427511
- Leave the temple : Indian paths to human liberation (Faith Meets Faith Series) by Felix Wilfred (Editor) 0883447819
- Le Bhagavata-purana, ou histoire pratique de Krishna, (ANU fPK3621.B5.F7)
- Le festin d'immortalité : étude de mythologie comparée indo-européenne, par Georges Dumézil, Pau Geuthner Paris 1924 (ANU BL660.D8)
- Legacy of women's uplift in India : contemporary women leaders in the Arya Samaj, by J. E. Llewellyn 0761992529
- Le lac spirituel, par Charlotte Vaudeville, Maisonneuve Paris 1955 (ANU BL1200.T814)
- Le Mahavastu (3 tomes), par Emile Sénart, Paris 1897 reprinted 1977 by Meicho-Fukyu-Kai, 2-13 Azabu-Juban, Minato-ku, Tokyo (ANU BQ1650.S5)
- Le mythe de Yayâti dans la littérature épique et puranique, par Michel Defourny, Les Belles Lettres Paris 1978, (ANU BL1147.D37)
- Le Nord-Ouest de l'Inde, J. Przyluski, JA 1914, p. 493-568
- L'enseignement de Ma Ananda Moyî, tr. par Josette Herbert, Collection Spiritualités Vivantes Albin Michel, Paris 1974
- L'enseignement de Râmakrishna, ed. Jean Herbert, collection Spiritualités Vivantes, Albin Michel, Paris 1949
- Le Râmâyana de Vâlmiki, tr. par Alfred Roussel, Maisonneuve Paris 1653 (ANU fPK3655.F7.1653, vol. 1)
- Le roi détenteur de la roue solaire en révolution "cakravartin" selon le Brahmanisme et selon le Bouddhisme, Indumati Armelin, Paris 1975 (ANU fBL2015.K5.A74-1015766)
- Les deux Ashoka, J. Filliozat, JA 1948, p. 191-195
- Les dieux indo-européens, par Georges Dumézil, PUF Paris 1952 (ANU BL660.D79)
- Les échanges de l'Inde et de l'empire romain aux premiers siècles de l'ère chrétienne,, de J. Filliozat, Revue Historique 1949
- Les écoles védiques et la formation du Véda, par Louis Renou, Cahiers de la Société Asiatique IX (1947) (ANU BL1115.R4)
- Les fleurs de rhétorique dans l'Inde, Diwekar, Paris 1930
- Les formations nominales et verbales du sanskrit par Batakrishna Ghosh, A. Maisonneuve Paris 1933, (ANU PK693.G5)
- Les inscriptions d'Ashoka, J. Bloch, Paris 1950 (ANU PK1485.A8. - 3610002)
- Les littératures de l'Inde, Louis Renou, PUF No 503 Paris 1951 (ANU PK2903.R4)
- Les littératures de l'Inde, H. de Glasenapp, Payot Paris 1963 (ANU PK2903.G573)
- Les littératures de l'Inde, par Victor Henry, Hachette Paris 1654 (ANU PK2903.H4)
- Les livres VII à XII de l'Atharva Veda, traduits et commentés, Victor Henry, 3 volumes, Paris 1892 à 1896
- Les mémoires de Wendel sur les Jât, les Pathans et les Sikhs, texte établi et annoté par Jean Deloche, EFEO, Maisonneuve Paris 1979 (ANU fDS430.W46)
- Les philosophies de l'Inde, Jean Filliozat (1970) (ANU GG B131.F54-1562054)
- Les premières relations entre l'Inde et l'Occident, Etienne Lamotte, La Nouvelle Clio, volume V, Paris 1953, p. 83-119
- Les rapports de l'Inde et de l'Occident des origines au règne d'Ashoka, Michel Give, Université catholique de Louvain 1967 (ANU GG CB251.D4.1967)
- Les relations extérieures de l'Inde (I)1, les échanges de l'Inde et de l'Empire romain aux premiers siècles de l'ère chrétienne, (ANU DS445.F5-340843)
- Les religions de l'Inde, A. Barth, Paris 1914
- Les religions de l'Inde, André Bareau, Paris 1966
- Les royaumes de l'Himalaya, A.W. MacDonald, Imprimerie Nationale, Paris 1985
- Les strophes de Samkhya (samkhya-karika) avec le commentaire de Gaudapada, par Anne-Marie Esnoul, Les Belles Lettres, Paris 1964
- Les Upanishads, texte et traduction sous la direction de Louis Renou, (ANU BL1120.A2.R4 - 395528)
- Le Svâdhyâya, récitation personnelle du Véda, Charles Malamoud, Paris 1977, (ANU PK3231.T3.1977)
- Le tantrisme, par Jean Varenne, Culture art et loisirs, Paris 1977 (ANU BL1245.T3.V37)
- Le Théâtre indien, par Sylvain Lévi, Champion Paris 1963 (ANU PK2931.E4)
- Le trône et son symbolisme dans l'Inde ancienne, par Jeannine Auboyer, (ANU STBliss KQOH - A894t)
- Letters on Yoga volume 3, by Sri Aurobindo, hardcover 1979, 0890712409
- Letters on Yoga, volume 1, by Sri Aurobindo, paperback issue 1979, 0890712360
- Letters on Yoga, volume 2, by Sri Aurobindo, paperback issue 1970, 8170580080
- Letters on Yoga, volume 3, by Sri Aurobindo, paperback issue 1970, 8170580099
- Le Véda, par Jean Varenne, Denoël Paris
- L'expression du sacré dans les grandes religions (t.2) : peuples indo-européens et asianiques, hindouisme, bouddhisme, religion égyptienne, gnosticisme, islam, par le Centre d'Histoire des Religions, Chemin du Cyclotron 2, B-1348 Louvain la Neuve (ANU BL1000.E9.V2)
- Le Yoga de la Bhagavad Gita, traduction commentée de Sri Aurobindo, Tchou Paris 1969
- Le Yoga, immortalité et liberté, Mircéa Eliade, Paris 1957
- Leadership Secrets From The Mahabharata, by Meera Uberoi, Hardcover: 104 pages Publisher: Penguin Books; (August 1, 2004) 014303040X
- L'hindouisme, Louis Renou, Paris PUF 475 - (1951) (ANU BL1202.R4.1966)
- L'hindouisme, par Anne-Marie Esnoul, Fayard/Denoel Paris 1972 (ANU BL1107.E85)
- L'histoire des idées théosophiques dans l'Inde : la théosophie brahmanique (E. Leroux Paris 1656)
- La théosopie bouddhique (Paul Geuthner Paris 1923) (ANU BP530.O4)
- L'histoire merveilleuse de Krishna, Henri Valentino, Librairie académique Perrin Paris 1923 (ANU BL1220.V3)
- Liberator : the epitome of the perfect wisdom and the perfect practice of the way of the heart, by Adi Da, 1570970114/rogergarinmichau">
- Life and Philosophy of Sri Sankara, by Jacob Kurian, hardcover, March 1986 8186218114
- Life & religion, by Max Muller, 1885395108
- Life & teachings of Anandamayi Ma, Alexander Lipski, 8120805305
- Life & teachings of Sai Baba of Shirdi (Suny Series in Religious Studies), by Antonio Rigopoulos, 0791412679
- Life & thought of Sankaracharya, Govind Chandra Pande, MB
- Life is a stretch : easy Yoga, anytime, anywhere, by Carol Blackman, Elise Browning Miller 1567180671
- Life of Eknath, Justin Abbott, MB
- Life of Ramakrishna, by Romain Rolland, 08741000809
- Life of Sri Raghavendraswamy
- Life of Sri Ramakrishna, by Advaita Ashrama Staff (Editor), 08741000779
- Life of Sri Ramakrishna, by Advaita Ashrama Staff (Editor), hardcover June 1950 8175050705
- Life of Tukaram, Justin Abbott, MB
- Life surrendered in god: the philosophy & practices of Kriya Yoga, Roy Eugene Davis, MB
- Light on the path, by Swami Muktananda, 0914602543
- Light on the Path, , paperback issue June 1998 by Swami Muktananda 0911307702
- Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Patanjala Yoga Pradipika, by B. K. S. Iyengar, 1855382253
- Lighting the Lamp of Wisdom : A Week Inside an Ashram, by Swami Tadatmananda, hardcover, December 2001 1893361373
- Lights for Gita, by Rachna Gilmore, children book ages 4-8, 0884481506
- Lights on Yoga, by Sri Aurobindo, 8170580579
- Like a thousand suns (The Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living, Vol. 2), by Eknath Easwaran, 0915132184
- L'Inde antique et la civilisation indienne, P. Masson-Oursel, Paris 1933
- L'Inde aux temps des Mauryas et des Barbares, Grecs, Scythes, Parthes et Yetchi, Louis de la Vallée-Poussin, collection Histoire du Monde, tome VI, de Boccard, Paris 1930
- L'Inde civilistrice, aperçu historique, S. Lévi Paris 1938
- L'Inde classique : manuel des études indiennes, par Louis Renou et J. Filliozat, 3 volumes, Payot Paris 1947-1949 (tome I) + EFEO Hanoi 1953 (tome II avec Paul Demiéville, Jean Filliozat, Olivier Lacombe, Pierre Meile) (ANU DS425.R45)
- L'Inde du VIIeme au XVI eme siècle, Ishvari Prasad, De Boccard Paris 1935
- L'Inde (sans les anglais), Pierre Loti, Calmann-Lévy Paris 1923 (ANU DS413.L6 -1923)
- L'Indo-aryen du Véda aux temps modernes, Maisonneuve Paris 1934 (ANU PK121.B5)
- The Linga purana Pt 1, (Ancient Indian Tradition And Mythology (Vol. 5)) translated by J.L. Shastri, Hardcover: 809 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (January 1, 1998) 812080340X MB
- The Linga purana Pt 2, (Ancient Indian Tradition And Mythology (Vol. 6)) translated by J.L. Shastri, Hardcover: 809 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (January 1, 1998) 8120803418 MB
- The Linga purana, (Great Epics of India: Purana 11) translated by Dipavali Debroy, Bibek Debroy, Paperback: 80 pages Publisher: Books for All, Delhi; reprint edition (2000) 817386151X
- L'Isvaragita, le chant de Siva, texte extrait du Kurma-purana, traduit du sanscrit par P.E. Dumont, Paul Geuthner Paris 1933 (ANU BL1135.P74.A24)
- Little book of Hindu wisdom (The 'Little Books' Series), by Stephen Cross, 1862041091
- Literature in the Vedic Age : Volume I the Samhitas, Volume II the Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads and Vedanga Sutras, by Sukamari Bhattacharji (Bagchi Indological Series 3-4) K.P. Bagchi 1984-86, Rs 300 0877738815/rogergarinmichau/" target="popup">trouver sur ou MLBD
- Littérature sanskrite, Louis Renou, Paris 1946
Sonic Liturgy: Ritual and Music in Hindu Tradition, (Studies in Comparative Religion) by Guy Beck, Hardcover: 240 pages Publisher: University of South Carolina Press (December 15, 2011) 1611170370
- Live Long, Look Young!: I Can't Believe It's Yoga for the Ageless, by Lisa Trivell, paperback, February 2001 1578260590
Lives of Indian Images, by Richard H. Davis, paperback May 1999 issue 0691005206
- Livewire Investigates Hinduism, by Chris Hartney , Gail Taylor , Brett Pember , Paperback Publisher: Cambridge University Press; (June 30, 2004) 0521601118
- Living at the source: yoga teachings of Vivekananda, by Swami Vivekananda, 0877738815
- Living Banaras : Hindu Religion in Cultural Context, (Suny Series in Hindu Studies) by Bradley R. Hertel, hardcover, April 19930791413314
- Living Banaras : Hindu Religion in Cultural Context, (Suny Series in Hindu Studies) by Bradley R. Hertel, paperback, April 19930791413322
- Living Banaras : Hindu Religion in Cultural Context, by Bradley R. Hertel, hardcover, February 1998 reprint8173042586
- Living Fearlessly: Bringing Out Your Inner Soul Strength: Selections from the Talks and Writings of Paramahansa Yogananda (How-To-Live Series) by Paramahansa Yogananda, paperback, September 2003, 0876124694
- Living Liberation in Hindu Thought, by Andrew O. Fort (Editor), Patricia Y. Mumme (Editor), hardcover, January
- Living liberation in Hindu thought, by Andrew Fort & Patricia Mumme (Editors), paperback, January 1996 0791427064
- Living texts from India, R. Barz and Monika Thiel, Otto Harrassowitz Wiesbaden 1989 (ANU 1729040)
- Living truth: where time & timelessness meet, by Jean Klein, 187776924X
- Living within (yoga approach to psychological health & growth), by Sri Aurobindo, 0941524221
- Living with kundalini: the autobiography of Gopi Krishna (Shambhala Dragon Editions) 0877739471
- Living with the Himalayan masters, by Ajaya, 0893890707
- Living Yoga - Abs Yoga for Beginners, NTSC Video (1998)B00000G3GH
- Living Yoga: A.M./P.M. Yoga for Beginners Set, NTSC Video set (1998)094567189X
- Living Yoga - Back Care Yoga for Beginners, NTSC Video (1998) 0945671636
- Living your Yoga: finding the spiritual in everyday life, by Judith Lasater, paperback, January 2000 0962713880
- Logic, language & reality (Indian philosophies & contemporary issues), Bimal Motilal,
- Logic of Gotama, Kisor Kumar Chakrabarti, MB
- Lord of Arur, the Tyagaraja Cult in Tamil Nadu, Rajeshwari Ghose, MB
- Lord of meeting rivers: devotional poems of Basava, Kamil Zvelebil, MB
- Lord Who Is Half Woman : Ardhanarisvara in Indian and Feminist Perspective, by Ellen Goldberg, paperback, April 2002 079145326X
- L'ordre des mots dans l'Aitareya-brâhmana, par J.M. Verpoorten, Les Belles Lettres Paris 1977 (ANU PK811.V4)
- L'oubli de l'Inde, une amnésie philosophique, Roger Pol-Droit, PUF Paris 1989
- Love and Devotion , by NITYA CHAITANYA YATI, hardcover, February 1995 81241000589
- Love and truth in the Ramayana of Tulsidas, by Anantanand Rambachan, 0963419605
- Love divine: studies in Bhakti & devotional mysticism, by Karel Werner (Editor), 07007041000
- Love of God and social duty in Ramacaritamanasa, E.J. Babineau, MB
- Crazy in Love of God: Ramakrishna's Caritas Divina, by Narasingha P. Sil, Paperback: 276 pages Publisher: Susquehanna University Press; 1 edition (October 31, 2009) 1575911337
- Love never faileth: Eknath Easwaran on St. Francis, St. Augustine, Mother Teresa & St. Paul, by Eknath Easwaran, 0915132907
- Love poems of Ghananand, K.P. Bahadur, MB
- Love song of the Dark Lord : Jayadeva's Gitagovinda, by Barbara Stoler Miller (Editor), 0231110979
- Love songs of Vidyapati, W.G. Archer, MB
- Love teachings of Kama Sutra: with extracts from Koka Shastra, Ananga Ranga & other famous Indian works on love, by Vatsyayana, Indra Sinha (Translator), 156924779X
- Love treasures: 'the Mother', Book One, by Sri Aurobindo, Usha Patel (Illustrator), 0890713332
- Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry by W. G. Archer , Paperback: 192 pages Publisher: Dover Pubns; (April 16, 2004) 0486433714
Loving Ganesa: Hinduism's endearing elephant-faced God (Rishi Collection), by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, 0945497644
Loving Ganesa: Hinduism's endearing elephant-faced God (Rishi Collection), by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, paperback, April 2000 0945497776
- L'univers - histoire et description de tous les peuples : Inde, par M. Dubois de Jancigny, aide de camp du roi d'Oude et par Mr Xavier Raymond, Firmin Didot éditeurs, 56 rue Jacob, Paris 1845 (ANU DS407.D58)
- Lustful Maidens and Ascetic Kings : Buddhist and Hindu Stories of Life, by Roy C., Amore, Larry D. Shinn, Sharon Wallace (Illustrator) 0195028392
- Madhusudana Sarasvati Advaita-Siddhih (sections on Mithyatva), tr. Karuna Bhattacharya, gen .ed. Sibajiban Bhattacharya, MB
- Madhvâcharya philosophy, KT Pandurangi, DVP
Mahabharata, by William Buck, B. A. Van Nooten (Introduction), Shirley Triest (Illustrator), B. A. Van Nooten (Introduction), paperback, November 2000 0520227042
- Mahabharata, (Penguin Classics) by John D. Smith (Editor, Translator, Introduction), Paperback: 912 pages Publisher: Penguin Classics (July 28, 2009) 0140446818
- Mahabharata, tr. by Leeming, 08894100051
- Mahabharata, tr. C. Rajagopalachari, Paperback: 483 pages Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan/Mumbai/India; 52nd edition (January 1, 2005) 8172763689
- Mahabharata : an English version based on selected verses, tr. by Chakravarthi V. Narasimhan, 0231110553
- Mahabharata : volume 1 Book 1 : The Book of the Beginning, by J. A. B. van Buitenen (Translator), Paperback: 545 pages Publisher: University Of Chicago Press (February 15, 1980) 0226846636
- Mahabharata : volume 2 Book 2-The Book of the Assembly Hall and Book 3-The Book of the Forest, by J. A. B. van Buitenen (Translator), Paperback: 871 pages Publisher: University Of Chicago Press (September 15, 1981) 0226846644
- The Mahabharata, Volume 3: Book 4: The Book of the Virata; Book 5: The Book of the Effort, by J. A. B. van Buitenen (Translator), Paperback: 572 pages Publisher: University Of Chicago Press (November 15, 1978) 0226846652
- The Mahabharata, Volume 7: Book 11: The Book of the Women Book 12: The Book of Peace, Part 1, by James L. Fitzgerald, Hardcover: 848 pages Publisher: University Of Chicago Press (February 15, 2003) 0226252507
- Mahabharata : Book 1 : The Book of the Beginning, tr. by A. V. Buitenen, 0226846482
- Mahabharata : Book 2-The Book of the Assembly Hall and Book 3-The Book of the Forest, tr. by J. A. B. Van Buitenen, 0226846644
- Mahabharata : Book 4- Virata, (Clay Sanskrit Library) tr. by Kathleen Garbutt, Hardcover: 400 pages Publisher: NYU Press (February 1, 2007) 081473183X
- Mahabharata : Book 4-The Book of Virata : Book 5-The Book of the Effort, tr. by J. A. B. Van Buitenen, 0226846652
- Mahabharata Book Five: Preparations for War, (Clay Sanskrit Library) by Kathleen Garbutt, Hardcover: 450 pages Publisher: NYU Press (January 1, 2008) 0814731910
- Mahabharata Book Five: Preparations for War, by Vyasa , Kathleen Garbutt (Translator), Hardcover: 475 pages Publisher: NYU Press (August 1, 2008) 081473202X
- Mahabharata Book Six: Bhishma, by Vyasa , Alex Cherniak (Translator), Hardcover: 450 pages Publisher: NYU Press (August 1, 2008) 0814716962
- Mahabharata Book Six: Bhishma, by Vyasa , Alex Cherniak (Translator), Hardcover: 550 pages Publisher: NYU Press; Volume 2 edition (August 1, 2009) 0814717055
- Mahabharata Book 7: Drona, by Vaughan Pilikian, Hardcover: 420 pages Publisher: New York University Press (August 2006), 0814767230
- Mahabharata : Book 8- Varna, (Clay Sanskrit Library) tr. by Adam Bowles, Hardcover: 400 pages Publisher: NYU Press (February 1, 2007) 0814799817
- Mahabharata Book Eight: Karna, (Clay Sanskrit Library) by Adam Bowles, Hardcover: 450 pages Publisher: NYU Press (January 1, 2008) 0814799957
- Mahabharata Book 9: Shayla, (Clay Sanskrit Library) (Hardcover) by Justin Meiland, Hardcover: 360 pages Publisher: New York University Press (October 30, 2005) 0814757065
- Mahabharata Book 10 and 11 : Dead of Night and The Women by Kate Crosby (editor), Hardcover: 350 pages Publisher: NYU Press (November 1, 2009) 0814717276
- Mahabharata Book Twelve (Volume 3): “Peace” Part Two: “The Book of Liberation”, (Clay Sanskrit Library) by Alex Wynne , Hardcover: 573 pages Publisher: NYU Press; Volume Three edition (April 1, 2009) 081479453X
- The Mahabharata : a literary study, by Krishna Chaitanya, 8189600048
- The Mahabharata : an English version based on selected verses, tr. by Chakravarthi V. Narasimhan, 0231110553
- The Mahabharata : Epic of the Bharatas, by Romesh C. Dutt, 8124200572
- The Mahâbhârata-tâtparya-nirNaya & yamaka-bhârata (uncommented), published by Ratna Publications, Varanasi, 1992.
- The Mahabharata Patriline: Gender, Culture, and the Royal Hereditary, by Simon Pearse Brodbeck, Hardcover: 270 pages Publisher: Ashgate Publishing (September 15, 2009) 0754667871
- Mahabharata : The Greatest Spiritual Epic of All Time, by Krishna Dharma, Hardcover: 944 pages Publisher: Torchlight Publishing; illustrated edition edition (August 15, 1999) 1887089179
- Maha Calisa Samgraha: an anthology of Calisas & Aratis forming part of the Hindu religious poetry & public worship, tr. Atma Ram Sharma, MB
- MahaNarayanaUpanisad, Jean Varenne, DeBoccard Paris 1964
- Maharaj, by T. S. Anantha Murthy, 091392217X
- The Maharishi Effect: A Personal Journey Through the Movement That Transformed American Spirituality, by Geoff Gilpin, Hardcover: 240 pages Publisher: Tarcher (October 19, 2006) 1585425079
- Maharishi : the biography of the man who gave transcendental meditation to the world, by Paul Mason, 1852305711
- Maharishis Absolute Theory of Defence, Sovereignty in Invincibility
- Maharishis Absolute Theory of Government, Automation in Administration
- Maharishi's Concordance for the Bhagavad-Gita, Prepared by Charles Donahue and Donna Seibert
- Maharishi's Enlightenment to Every Individual: Invincibility to Every Nation
- Maharishi's Life Supported by Natural Law: Lectures by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
- Maharishi's Love and God
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Bhagavad-Gita: A New Translation & Commentary, Chapters 16
- Maharishi's Concordance to Maharishis Science of Being & Art of Living, Prepared by Craig Schuyler Shaw
- Maharishi's Science of Being and Art of Living
- Maharishi's University of Management, Wholeness on the Move
- Maharishi's Introduction to Maharishi Vedic University
The Rise of Mahasena: The Transformation of Skanda-karttikeya in North India from the Kusana to Gupta Empires, (Brill's Indological Library) by Richard Mann, Hardcover: 275 pages Publisher: Brill Academic Pub (December 31, 2011) 9004217541
- Mahishasuramardini in Indian Art, by Shanti Lal Nagarby, hardcover, december 1988 8185179093
- Mahimnastava or Mahimnastotra, W. Norman Brown MB
- Maitrayaniya Upanishad, by E.B. Cowell (Translator), Hardcover: 180 pages Publisher: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan,India; Reprint edition (January 14, 2008) 8180901556
- Major religions of India, Susunaga Weeraperuma, MB
- Make Me A Man!: Masculinity, Hinduism, and Nationalism in India, (S U N Y Series in Religious Studies) by Sikata Banerjee, Hardcover: 181 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (July 30, 2005) 0791463672
- Man and His Becoming According to the Vedanta, by Rene Guenon, hardcover, September 2001 reprint 0900588624
- Man and His Becoming According to the Vedanta, by Rene Guenon, paperback, September 2001 reprint 0900588616
- Man Who Was a Woman and Other Queer Tales of Hindu Lore, by Devdutt Pattanaik (Editor), paperback, September 2001 1560231815
- Mandalas and Yantras in the Hindu Traditions, (Brill's Indological Library, V 18) by Gudrun Buhnemann, hardcover, March 2003 9004129022
- Mandala Oracle by Amber Lotus Publishing, calendar, July 2003, 1569371563
- Mandukya Upanishad & the Agama sastra: an investigation into the meaning of the Vedanta, Thomas E. Wood, MB
- Om the Eternal Witness: Secrets of the Mandukya Upanishad, by Swami Rama, Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: Lotus Press (January 25, 2008) 8188157430
- Manimekhalai: the dancer with the magic bowl, by Merchant Prince Shattan, Alain Danielou, 0811210979
- Mantra Healing Collection, [UNABRIDGED] by Shri Anandi Ma, Audio CD Publisher: Sounds True; Unabridged edition (October 1, 2004) 159179191X
- Mantra: hearing the divine in India, by Harold G. Coward, David J. Goa, 0231107838
- Mantra: Hearing The Divine In India And America, by Harold G. Coward, David J. Goa, Paperback: 128 pages Publisher: Columbia University Press; 2nd edition (December 31, 2004) 02311291000
- Mantra Interpretation in the Satapatha-Brahmana, (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina, Vol 32) by J. Gonda, hardcover, August 1997 9004087761
- Mantra, Kirtana, Yantra & Tantra, by Swami Jyotir Maya Nanda, 0934696064
- Mantras : a musical path to peace, by Henry Marshall 1885394349
- Mantras et diagrammes rituels dans l'hindouisme, André Padoux, CNRS Paris 1988
- Mantras : words of power, by Sivananda Radha, 0931454662
- The Mantram Handbook, by Eknath Easwaran, Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: Nilgiri Press; Fourth edition edition (September 9, 2001) 0915132982
- Mantra Yoga and Primal Sound: Secret of Seed (Bija) Mantras, by David Frawley, Paperback: 192 pages Publisher: Lotus Press (December 16, 2010) 0910261946
The Mahanubhavs, (Cultural, Historical and Textual Studies of Religions) by Antonio Rigopoulos, Hardcover: 98 pages Publisher: Anthem Press (December 15, 2011) 0857284010
- Manusmrti (10 Vols. set.) with the Manubhasya of Medhatithi, by Ganganath Jha (editor and translator), Hardcover: 6302 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass,; 2nd edition (December 1999) 8120811550 MB
- Manu's Code of Law: A Critical Edition and Translation of the Manava-Dharmasastra, (South Asia Research (New York, N.Y.) by Manu, Patrick Olivelle, Suman Olivelle, Hardcover: 1056 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press; (November 2004) 0195171462
- Manuel de grammaire élémentaire de la langue sanskrite, J. Gonda, Maisonneuve Paris 1966 (ANU PK666.G65 - 345885)
- Manuel pour étudier la langue sanscrite, par Abel Bergaigne, Honoré Champion éditeur, Paris 1966 (ANU PK666.B4)
- Manuel pour étudier le sanscrit védique, A. Bergaigne et V. Henry, Emile Bouillon éditeur 67 rue Richelieu Paris (1890) (ANU PK237.B4)
- Manusmrti with the manubhasya of Medhatithi, by Mahâmahopâdhyâya Ganganatha Jhâ
- Mapping Invisible Worlds, (Cosmos, Vol 9 1993) by Gavin D. Flood (Editor), paperback, April 1994 0748609607
- Masks of god : oriental mythology, by Joseph Campbell 0140194428
- Materials for the study of Navya Nyaya logic, D.H. Ingalls, 8120803841
- Matériaux pour servir à l'histoire de la philosophie de l'Inde, Paul Regnaud, Champion vol. 28 et 31, Paris
- Mathura, a Gazetteer, by D. L. Drake-Brockman (Editor) 0836413245
- Mathura: the cultural heritage, by Doris Meth Srinivasan, 8185054371
- Maya in physics, Nrusingh Charan Panda, MB
- Maya in Sankara, Thomas O'Neil, MB
- The Meaning of Life in Hinduism and Buddhism, by Floyd H Ross, Hardcover: 182 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (June 11, 2008) 0415461464
- Medieval bhakti movements in India, author ???; Munshiram Manoharlal, Delhi 1989 (ANU 1729205)
- Medieval India & Hindi Bhakti poetry : a socio-cultural study, by Savitri Chandra Shobha, 8124103674
- Meditate : Happiness Lies Within You, by Muktananda 0911307621
- Meditation: Excerpts from talks by Sri Swami Satchidananda, by Swami Satchidananda, Paperback: 32 pages Publisher: Integral Yoga Publications (August 1, 2011) 0932040071
- Meditation: a simple eight-point program for translating spiritual ideals into daily life, by Eknath Easwaran 091532664
- Meditation, by Monks of the Ramakrishna Order, 0702500739
- Meditation & mantra, Vishnu Devananda, MB
- Meditation and Reality : A Critical View, by Douglas A. Fox, paperback, May 1986 0804206627
- Meditation in Sankara's Vedanta, by Jonathan Bader, paperback, December 1990 8185179514
- Meditation Is Boring : Putting Life in Your Spiritual Practice, by Linda Johnsen, paperback issue, May 20000893891797
- Meditation Kit: Traditional Tools to Awaken the Spirit paperback, April 2003 1886069824
- Meditation practice & Yoga techniques: an authoritative guide by Sankara, India's greatest religious & philosophical genius, by Trevor Lwheelett, January 2000 0710306148
- Meditation Revolution: A History and Theology of a Siddha Yoga Lineage, by Douglas Renfrew Brooks, Hardcover: 711 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (December 2000) 8120816471 MB
- Meditation: Traditional Tools to Awaken the Soul, by Mandala (Editor), Hardcover: 28 pages Publisher: Mandala; Kit edition (August 15, 2006), 1932771948
- Meditation & Its Practices: A Definitive Guide To Techniques And Traditions Of Meditation In Yoga And Vedanta, by Swami Adiswarananda, Paperback: 473 pages Publisher: Skylight Paths Publishing (April 2008) 1594731055
- Meditations on Shiva: the Shivastotravali of Utpaldeva, by Constantina Rhodes Bailly (Translator), paperback, March 19950791425304
- Meditations through the Rg Veda four dimensional man, by Antonio T. De Nicolas, 0892960397
- Meditation throughout the day, by Vasanthi Bhat 0965549917
Meeting God : elements of Hindu devotion, by Stephen P. Huyler, hardcover, September 1999 0300079834
Meeting God : elements of Hindu devotion, by Stephen P. Huyler, paperback, March 2002 0300089058
- Memorial Sylvain Lévi, MB
- The Memory of Love: Surdas Sings to Krishna, by John Stratton Hawley, Paperback: 304 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA; abridged edition annotated edition (April 7, 2009) 0195373995
- Merging with Siva; Hinduism's Contemporary Metaphysics, by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, paperback issue, April 1999 0965549917
- Merging with Siva; Hinduism's Contemporary Metaphysics, by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, paperback issue, April 1999, 1408 pages 0945497741
- Messages from Amma: In the Language of the Heart, by Amrtanandamayi, Janine Canan (Editor), hardcover, Celestial Arts; (May 2004) 1587612143
- Metaphysics of experience in Advaita Vedanta: a phenomenological approach, Debabrata Sinha, MB
- Méthode pour étudier la langue sanscrite par E. Burnouf et L. Leupol Paris 1861 (ANU PK663.A2.B8 - 1861 - 495081)
- Methods of Knowledge According to Advaita Vendanta, by Swami Satprakashananda, hardcover, October 1975 0874811546
- Method of the Siddhas: talks on the spiritual technique of the saviors of mankind, by Adi Da, 1570970157
- Method of the Vedanta (a critical account of the Advaita Vedanta tradition), Swami Satchidanandendra, tr. A.J. Alston, MB
- Mind of light, by Sri Aurobindo, paperback Lotus Press, (September 25, 2004), 0940985705
- Minor law books: Narada & Brihaspati Smrti (SBE vol. 33), tr. Julius Jolly, MB
- The Devotional Poems of Mirabai, translated by A.J. Alston, Paperback: 144 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (January 1, 1998) 8120804422 MB
- In the Dark of the Heart: Songs of Meera, (Sacred Literature Trust Series) by Shama Futehally (Translator), Paperback: 160 pages Publisher: Yale University Press (April 15, 2010) 0300165153
- Mission & message of Ramalinga Swami, T. Dayanandan Francis, MB
- Mitra-Varuna: an essay on two Indo-European representations of sovereignty, 2nd ed., by Georges Dumezil, 0942299124
- Modern Hindu Thought : The Essential Texts, by Arvind Sharma (Editor), paperback, July 2001 0195653157
- Modern Hindu Thought: An Introduction, by Arvind Sharma (Editor),Hardcover: 224 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press (December, 2005) 0195676386
- Modern Hinduism in India,by G.R. Thursby 9004100334
- Modern India 1885-1947, by Sumit Sarkar, MAcMillan India 1985 (ANU DS479.S265)
- Monographies sanscrites, par Louis Renou (ANU fPK663.R4)
- Moplah uprising (1921-23), by Sukhbir Choudhary, Agam Prakashan 1 Ansari Road Delhi 1977 (ANU DS485.M35.C47.1977)
- Moral dilemmas in the Mahabharata, ed. Bimal Krishna Motilal, 8120806034
- Morality and Religion in Advaita and Visistadvaita, by Purnananda Shaw, hardcover, May 1991 9991649611
- More about Ramakrishna, by Swami Prabhananda, 0874812429
- Divine Mother, Blessed Mother: Hindu Goddesses and the Virgin Mary, by Francis Clooney, Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (June 16, 2010) 0199738734
- Mother of Agni Yoga , 1977 reprint 0933574185
- Mother of bliss: Anandamayi Ma (1896-1982), by Lisa Lassell Hallstrom, 019511647X
- Mother of the universe: visions of the Goddess and Tantric hymns of enlightenment, by Lex Hixon, 083560702X
- Mountain Goddess: gender & politics in a Himalayan pilgrimage, by William S. Sax, 019506979X
- Mrgendrâgama (Kriyapâda et caryâpâda) avec le commentaire de Bhatta-Nârâyanakantha, édition critique de N.R. Bhatt, Institut Français d'Indologie, Pondicherry 1962 (ANU BL1135.T53.A23)
- Mrgendrâgama, sections de la doctrine et du yoga, Paris 1980 (ANU BL1245.S5.M72 - 1068473)
Mudras : Yoga in Your Hands by Gertrud Hirschi, paperback, May 2000 1578631394
- Mukteshwari: aphorisms (a Siddha Yoga publication), by Swami Muktananda, 0911307354
- Mundaka Upanishad with commentary of Shankara, by Swami Gambhirananda, 0874812038
My Guru and his disciple, by Christopher Isherwood, paperback, October 2001 reprint 0816638960
- My Father's Guru : A Journey Through Spirituality and Disillusion, by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, paperback, October 1998 reprint 0671025732
- Mysteries of the Mahabharata, by N.V. Thandani, Hardcover: 11000 pages Publisher: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan,India (July 20, 2007) 8180901319
- Mysterious play of Kali: an interpretative study of Ramakrishna (American Academy of Religion Studies in Religion, No. 56), by Carl Olson, hardover issue, 1559603395
- Mysterious play of Kali: an interpretative study of Ramakrishna, by Carl Olson, paperback issue, 1559603409
- Mystic Poetry; The Hamsaduta & Uddhava-Sandesa of Rupa Goswami, by Jan Brzezenski (Translator), paperback March 1999 issue 1886069093
- Mystical Stories from the Bhagavatam : Twenty-Six Timeless Lessons in Self-Discovery, by Amal Bakhta, hardcover issue, August 2001 1887089276
- Mystical stories from the Mahabharata : Twenty-Six Timeless Lessons in
Self-Discovery, by Amal Bakhta, hardcover issue, October 20001887089276
- Mysticism in Maharashtra, R.D. Ranade, MB
- Myth As Argument : The Brhaddevata As Canonical Commentary, by Laurie L. Patton, hardcover, January 1997 3110138050
- Mythes et légendes extraits des Brahmana, traduits du sanskrit par Jean Varenne, Gallimard Paris 1967 (ANU BL1119.A33.V3)
- Mythes et religions de l'Inde, par Nityabodhananda, chez Maisonneuve et Larose, Paris réédition novembre 2001
- Myth of the Aryan invasion of India, by Frawley, 8185990204
- Myth of the Holy Cow, by Dwijendra Narayan Jha, hardcover, June 2002
- Mythologie indienne et peinture de Haute-Asie, I. Le dieu bouddhique de la fortune, M. Lalou, Artibus Asiae, Ascona 1946, p. 97-111
- Mythology of Brahma, by G. M. Bailey, 0195614119
- Myths and Gods of India : The Classic Work on Hindu Polytheism from the Princeton Bollingen Series, by Alain Danielou, 0892813547
- Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization (Bollingen Series, 6), by Heinrich Zimmer, Joseph Campbell (Editor) 0691017786
- Myths of middle India, by Verrier Elwin, 0195629639
- Myths of the Hindus & Buddhists, by A.K. Commaraswamy, 0486217590
- Naked song, by Laldyada, Coleman Barks (Translator), 0961891645
- Nala & Damayanti, by Norman M. Penzer, London 1926
Nala épisode du Mahabharata, par Eugène Burnouf, Paris 1856
- Nalopakhyana, story of Nala, an episode of the Mahabharata, by Monier Monier-Williams, London 1879
- Nalopakhyana, tr. by Devi Prasad Malaviya
- Nama Japa: the prayer of the name, Vandana Mataji, MB
- Narada Bhakti sutras: the gospel of divine love, by Narada, 0874814278
- Narada purana, tr. G.V. Tagare, AITM vol. 15-19, MB
- Narada's way of divine love: the bhakti sutras, by Swami Prabhavananda (Translator), 0874815088
- Sri Devnarayan Katha, by Aditya Malik, Hardcover: 424 pages Publisher: DK Print World (November 30, 2007) 8124602255
- Nârâyanîya parvan du Mahâbhârata, tr. de Anne-Marie Esnoul, Les Belles Lettres 95 Bd Raspail Paris 1979 (ANU PK3635.F7.N28)
- Nashik Kumbh Mela: A Spirtual Sojourn, by Govind Swarup, Hardcover: 152 pages Publisher: India Book House Ltd (January 25, 2007) 8175083794
- Natural science of the ancient Hindus (Icpr Series in Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences), by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya (Editor), 8120803299
- Nature of Man According to the Vedanta, by John Levy, Paperback: 120 pages Publisher: Sentient Publications; (September 25, 2004) 1591819208
- Navya-Nyaya doctrine of negation: the semantics & ontology of negative statements in Navya-Nyaya philosophy, by Bimal Krishnal Matilal, 0674606507
- Navya-nyaya system of logic, D.C. Guha, MB
- Nectar of immortality: sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's discourses on the eternal, by Robert Powell (Editor) 1884997139
- Neither This Nor That But...Aum; One Hundred Meditations, by NITYA CHAITANYA YATI, hardcover, June 1995 81241000570
- A New Approach: Hinduism 2nd Edition, by Veronica Voiels, Paperback Publisher: Hodder Arnold H&S (May 27, 2005) 0340815043
- New chakra healing: the revolutionary 32-center energy system, by Cyndi Dale, 1567182003
- A New God in the Diaspora?: Muneeswaran Worship in Contemporary Singapore, by Vineeta Sinha, Paperback: 356 pages Publisher: University of Hawaii Press (August 15, 2005) 9971693216
- New Perspectives on Advaita Vedanta : Essays in Commemoration of Professor Richard De Smedt, S.J, (Numen Book Series, 85) by Bradley J. Malkovsky (Editor), hardcover issue,
May 20009004116664
- Nighantu & the Nirukta: the oldest Indian treatise on etymology, philology & semantics, sanskrit text with english tr. Lakshman Swarup, MB
- Non-renunciation: themes and interpretations of Hindu culture, by T. N. Madan, 0195638093
- Notes from a Mandala: Essays in the History of Indian Religions in Honor of Wendy Doniger, by Laurie L. Patton (Editor), David L. Haberman (Editor), Hardcover: 352 pages Publisher: University of Delaware Press (January 31, 2010) 0874130603
- Notes sur la géographie ancienne du Gandhara, A. Foucher, BEFEO 1652
- Notes sur les manuscrits sanscrits provenant de Bamiyan et de Gilgit, S. Lévi
- Nothing exists that is not Siva: Commentaries on the Siva-Sutra, Vijnanabhairava, Gurugita & other sacred texts, by Swami Muktananda, 0911307567
- Nyayasudha, Dr.BNK Sharma - MLB
- Nyaya-sutra of Gotama (4 volumes), engl. tr. Ganganath Jha, MB
- Nyaya-sutra of Gotama, ed. Nandlal Sinha, tr. S.C. Vidyabhushan, MB
- Offering Flowers, Feeding Skulls: Popular Goddess Worship in West Bengal, by June McDaniel, Hardcover: 352 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press; (May 2004) 0195167902
- Office yoga: 75 simple stretches for busy people, by Darrin Zeer, Hardcover, April 20000811826856
- Oh terrifying Mmother : sexuality, violence and worship of the goddess Kali, by Sarah Caldwell, hardcover, May 2000 019564462X
- On being & what there is : classical Vaisesika & the history of Indian ontology, by Wilhelm Halbfass, 0791411788
- On Hinduism: Reviews and Reflections, by Ram Swarup, hardcover, October 2000 818599062X
- 101 Questions and Answers on Hinduism, by John Renard, hardcover, June 2002 0517220814
- One Religion Too Many: The Religiously Comparative Reflections of a Comparatively Religious Hindu, by Arvind Sharma, Paperback: 144 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (March 4, 2011) 1438432488
- Awakening into Oneness, by Arjuna Ardagh, Paperback: 267 pages Publisher: Sounds True, Incorporated; Reprint edition (April 1, 2009) 1591796733
- Only God: A Biography Of Yogi Ramsuratkumar, by Regina Sara Ryan, Martin Jay, Hardcover: 750 pages Publisher: Hohm Press; (November 1, 2004) 1890774606
- Open heart, open mind, practical lessons in loving your life, by Swami Chetanananda, Linda L. Barnes 0915801809
- Open moment: reflections on the spiritual life, by Swami Chetanananda, 0915801523
- Ordinary Magic, by Malcolm Bosse, 0374425175
- The oracle of Rama: An Adaptation of Rama Ajna Prashna of Goswami Tulsidas with commentary, by David Frawley, Paperback: 195 pages Publisher: Motilal Books (May 1999) 8120815599 MB
- Origin and Development of Vaisnavism, by S. JAISWAL, hardcover, August 1981 0836455916
- The Origin and Development of Religion in Vedic Literature, by Paanjabarava Desamukha, Hardcover Publisher: Martino Publishing (November 2006) 1578985838
- Origins & development of classical Hinduism, by A. L. Basham, 0195073495
- The Origins of Yoga and Tantra: Indic Religions to the Thirteenth Century, by Geoffrey Samuel, Paperback: 424 pages Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (June 9, 2008) 0521695341
- Origins of the Indian Planetary Deities, (Studies in Asian Thought and Religion, Vol 16) by Stephen Markel,
hardcover, May 1995 0773494014
- Other peoples' myths : the cave of echoes, by Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty, 0226618579
- Outlines of Indian philosophy, S. Hiriyanna, MB
- Outlines of Madhva philosophy, K.Narain, MB
- Padma purana, tr. N.A. Deshpande, AITM vol. 39-48, MB
- Padma purana Part 2, tr. N.A. Deshpande, hardcover, June 1989 8120805836
- Padma purana Part 3, tr. N.A. Deshpande, hardcover, November 1990 8120806247
- Padma purana Part 5, tr. N.A. Deshpande, hardcover, September 1990 8120807014
- Padma purana Part 7, tr. N.A. Deshpande, hardcover, February 1990 8120807685
- Padma purana Part 8, tr. N.A. Deshpande, hardcover, February 1991 812080807X
- Padma purana Part 9, tr. N.A. Deshpande, hardcover, October 1991 8120808819
- Padma purana Part 10, tr. N.A. Deshpande, hardcover, August 1992 8120808975
- Pali metre, a contribution to the history of Indian literature, A.K. Warder, Luzac London 1967
- Pancakrama, tr. by Louis de la Vallée-Poussin, "Etudes et textes tantriques", recueil de travaux publiés par la faculté de philosophie et lettres, Université de Gand, fasc. 16, Gand et Louvain 1896 + Transactions of International Congress of Orientalists OC Genève 1894-I, p. 137-146
- Pancaratra samhitas & early Vaisnava theology, Mitsunori Matsubhara, MB
- Pancatantra, tr. française de E. Lancereau, Gallimard Paris 1965 réédition de l'original publié en 1871) (ANU PK3741.P3.F7)
- Pancatantra: the book of India's folk wisdom (World's Classics),by Patrick Olivelle (Translator), paperback, December 1997 0192832999
- Panchikaranam, by Shankara, 0874100068X
- Panini: his work & its traditions, George Cardona, Hardcover: 763 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Pub; 2. rev. & enl. ed edition (April 1997) 8120804198 MB
- Panini's Grammatik, by Otto Von Bohtlingk (Author), Hardcover: 837 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass,; Indian edition (January 1, 2001) 81201000252 MB
- Paratrisika Vivarana by Abhinavagupta: the secret of tantric mysticism, ed. Bettina Baumer, tr. Jaideva Singh, MB
- Parmarathadarsana of Ramavatar Sharma, ed. Janardan Shastri Pandeya, MB
- Parvati: Goddess of Love, by Harsha Dehejia, Hardcover: 120 pages Publisher: Mapin Publishing Gp Pty Ltd (January 25, 2007) 1890206121
- Parvatidarpana: an exposition of Kashmir Saivism through the images of Siva & Parvati, Harsha Dehejia, MB
- Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (Tr. from Sanskrit), Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra Vasu, 0897442202
- Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, by Rama Prasada (Translator), Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra Vasu (Introduction), hardcover issue, July 1998 8121504244
- The Path Supreme, by Rahul Ghosh, Hardcover: 280 pages Publisher: SRBY (UK) (February 2010) 0956447902
- Paths to God : Living the Bhagavad Gita, by Swami Ram Dass, Hardcover: 352 pages Publisher: Harmony; (October 5, 2004) 1400096028
- Paths to God : Living the Bhagavad Gita, by Swami Ram Dass, Paperback: 352 pages Publisher: Three Rivers Press (October 25, 2005) 1400096036
- Paths to Transcendence: According to Shankara, Ibn Arabi & Meister Eckhart, (Spiritual Masters. East and West) by Reza Shah-Kazemi, Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: World Wisdom (March 1, 2006) 0941532976
Path to the Soul, by Ashok Bedi, paperback, September 2000 1578631874
- Pathway of non-duality: Advaita Vada (an approch to some key-points of Gaudapada's Asparsavada and Samkara's Advaita-Vedanta by means of a series of questions answered by an Asparsin), Raphael, MB
- Pathways to Joy : Master Vivekananda on the Four Yoga Paths to God, by Swami Vivekananda, Paperback: 312 pages Publisher: Inner Ocean Publishing (June 1, 2006) 1930722672
- Paysans de la plaine du Gange (1860-1950), Jacques Pouchepadass, EFEO 1989 (vol. CLVII) (ANU 1728778)
- Peace and Purity : The Story of the Brahma Kumaris a Spiritual Revolution, by Liz Hodgkinson, paperback, March 2002 1558749624
- Peace Mantras, [UNABRIDGED] by Shri Anandi Ma, Audio CD Publisher: Sounds True; Unabridged edition (April 1, 2005) 1591792541
- Pearls of Wisdom, by Dadi Janki, paperback September 1999 1558747230
- Peasant revolt in Malabar, a history of the Malabar rebellion (1921), by R.H. Hitchcock, Usha publications, 1 Ansari Road, Delhi 1983 (ANU fDS485.M35.H57.1983)
- The Penguin Swami Chinmyananda Reader, by Anita Raina Thapan, Paperback: 320 pages Publisher: Penguin Global (August 30, 2006) 0144000628
- Perceiving in Advaita Vedanta, Bina Gupta, hardcover, August 19910838752136
- Perception: an essay on classical Indian theories of knowledge, by Bimal Krishna Matilal, 0198246250
- Perception, knowledge & disbelief (a study of Jayarasi's scepticism), Eli Franco, MB
- Perfect relationship: the guru & the disciple, by Swami Muktananda & Swami Chidvilasananda, 0914602535
- Performative Politics and the Cultures of Hinduism, (Anthem South Asian Studies) by Raminder Kaur, Paperback: 320 pages Publisher: Anthem Press (May 30, 2005) 1843311399
- Persistence of religion: an essay on Tantrism & Sri Aurobindo's philosophy (Numen Book Series , No 8), by K. W. Bolle, 9004033076
- Perspectives in the Vedic & the classical Sanskrit heritage, by G. V. Davane, 81241000317
- Perspectives on Nyaya logic & epistemology, by Sukharanjan Saha, 8170960061
- Perspectives on Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Vedanta tradition, by M. Sivaramkrishna (Editor), 8146013230
- Phenomenology & Indian philosophy, by D.P. Chattopadhyaya, Lester Embree, Jitendranath Mohanty, 0791406628
- Philology & confrontation: Paul Hacker on traditional & modern Vedanta, by Paul Hacker, 0791425827
- Philology & confrontation: Paul Hacker on traditional & modern Vedanta, by Paul Hacker, hardcover July 1995 0791425819
- Philosophical anthropology in Saiva Siddhanta with special reference to Sivagrayogin, Jayandra Soni, MB
- Philosophical Essays, by Surendranath Dasgupta, hardcover, December 1990 8120807502
- Philosophical traditions of India, P.T. Raju MB
- Philosophies of India (Bollingen Series, 20), by Heinrich Zimmer, 0691017581
- Philosophies of India, Heinrich Zimmer, MB
- Contemporary Philosophy: A New Survey: volume 10: philosophy of religion, by Guttorm Fløistad (Editor), Hardcover: 416 pages Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (January 1, 2010) 9048135265
- Philosophy & theistic mysticism of the Alvars, S.M.S Chari, MB
- Philosophy of Bhakti, by Chhaganlal Lala, 8170185572
- Philosophy of classical Yoga, by Georg Feuerstein 0892816031
- Philosophy of devotion (a comparative study of Bhakti and Prapatti in Visistadvaita, St Bonaventura and Gabriel Marcel), John Plott; MB
- Philosophy of Jnanadeva, B.P. Bahirat, MB
- Philosophy of Saivism : An Existential Analysis of Its Underlying Experiences, by Frederick L. Kumar, hardcover, September 1988 8120403398
- Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, by Satyajyoti Chakravarty, 8146013222
- Philosophy of Sri Madhvacarya,ed. B.N.K. Sharma, 8120800680
- Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore, (Ashgate World Philosophies Series) by Kalyan Sen Gupta, Ashgate, Kalyan Sen Gupta, Hardcover: 208 pages Publisher: Ashgate Publishing (June 30, 2005) 0754630366
- Phoenix rising Yoga therapy: a bridge from body to soul, by Michael Lee, 1558745130
- Pilgrim of Love : The Life and Teachings of Swami Kripalu, by Atma Jo Ann Levitt, Paperback: 275 pages Publisher: Consortium; (October 15, 2004) 097493593X
- A Christian Pilgrim in India: The Spiritual Journey of Swami Abhishiktananda (Henri Le Saux), (The Perennial Philosophy) by Harry Oldmeadow, Paperback: 344 pages Publisher: World Wisdom (January 25, 2008) 1933316454
- Pilgrimage and Power: The Kumbh Mela in Allahabad, 1765-1954, by Kama Maclean, Hardcover: 360 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (August 20, 2008) 0195338944
- Place of the hidden moon: erotic mysticism in the Vaisnava-Sahajiya cult of Bengal, by Edward C. Jr Dimrock, 0226152375
- Play of consciousness: a spiritual autobiography/Chitshakti Vilas, by Swami Muktananda, 0911307338
- Play of consciousness: a spiritual autobiography : Chitshakti Vilas, by Swami Muktananda, paperback, April 2000 0911307818
- Playing for Real: Hindu Role Models, Religion and Gender, by Jacqueline Suthren Hirst (Editor), Lynn Thomas (Editor), hardcover, Oxford University Press; (March 2004)
- Playing Host to Deity : Festival Religion in the South Indian Traditionby Paul Younger, hardcover, January 20020195140443
- Plays ascribed to Bhasa, original thirteen texts in Devanagari, ed. by C.R. Devadhar, Oriental Book Agency, 15 Shukrawar, Poona 2 (1962)
- Pocket Idiot's Guide to Hinduism by Nancy Lewis, Cybelle. Shattuck, paperback, November 2002 0028644824
- Poems from the Sanskrit, by John Brough, 0140441980
- Poems of Suradasa, by Krishna Bahadur, Hardcover: 365 pages Publisher: Abhinav Pubns; 1 edition (January 1999) 8170173698
- Poems of Tukaram, J. Fraser & K.N. Marathe, MB
- Poems to Siva : the hymns of the Tamil saints (Princeton Library of Asian Translations), by Indira Viswanathan Peterson, 0691067678
- Poems to the Child-God: structures & strategies in the poetry of Surdas, by Kenneth E Bryant, 0520039602
- Poésie sanskrite conservée dans les anthologies et les inscriptions, tome I fasc. 46 ICI (1980), tome II fasc. 49 ICI (1982), tome III fasc. 51 ICI (1985), L. Sternbach, (ANU PK2916.S7)
- Poetry of Kings: The Classical Hindi Literature of Mughal India, (South Asia Research) by Allison Busch, Hardcover: 352 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA; 1 edition (March 18, 2011) 0199765928
- Popular dictionary of Hinduism, by Karel Werner, 0844204218
- Portrait of the Hindus: Balthazar Solvyns and the European Image of India 1760-1824, by Robert L. Hardgrave, hardcover, February 2004 0195220412
- Post-classical Hindu and Sikh spirituality, (World Spirituality, Vol 7) by J. K.R. Sundararajan, Bithika Mukerji (Editor) 0824507568
- The Power of the Sacred Name: Indian Spirituality Inspired by Mantras, by V. Raghavan (Author), William J. Jackson (Editor), M. Narasimhachary (Foreword), Paperback: 252 pages Publisher: World Wisdom (October 16, 2011) 1935493965
- Power Mudras: Yoga Hand Postures for Women by Sabrina Mesko, paperback, October 2002 0345445627
- Power, Freedom and Grace : A Short Guide to Lasting Happiness, by Deepak Chopra, Hardcover: 128 pages Publisher: Amber-Allen Publishing (August 15, 2006) 1878424815
- Power places of Kathmandu: Hindu & Buddhist holy sites in the sacred valley of Nepal, by Kevin Bubriski, Keith Dowman, 089281960X
- Power Yoga: the total strength & flexibility workout, by Beryl Bender Birch, 0020583516
- Practical Sanskrit dictionary, by Arthur D. MacDonnell, 0198643039
- Practical Sanskrit-English dictionary containing appendices on Sanskrit prosody & important literary & geographical names of ancient India, 8120805674
- Pragmatics & classical Sanskrit:a pilot study in linguistic politeness (Pragmatics & Beyond : New Series, No 28), by Lieve Van De Walle, 1556192967
- Praise of the Goddess: The Devimahatmya and Its Meaning, by Devadatta Kali (Commentary), hardcover, December 2003 089296080X
- Praises to a formless god: Nirguni texts from North India (Suny Series in Religious Studies), by David N. Lorenzen, 0791428060
- Prakrti: the principle matter in the Samkhya & Yoga systems of religious thought, by Knut Jacobsen, 0820434655
- Prana: a guide to ashram living, by Vivian Joseph, 0882389955
- Prana, Pranayama, Prana Vidya, by Niranjanananda Saraswati, 8185787840
- Prana: the secret of yogic healing, by Atreya, 0877288852
- Prapancasara Tantra of Sankaracarya, by Arthur Avalon (Editor), 0897442393
- Prarthana; Songs of Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura Mahasaya, paperback October 1999 0965385892
- Prasna Upanishad, by Swami Gambhiranada (Translator) 0874812046
- Pratimakosha, encyclopedia of Indian iconography, Bangalore 1990 (ANU 1803070/071)
- Pratyabhijnahrdayam: the secret of self-recognition, (sanskrit text with english translation, notes & introduction), Jaideva Singh, Hardcover: 187 pages Publisher: Motilal (February 1998) 8120803221 MB
- Prayer, by Mohandas Gandhi, paperback, February 20001893163091
- Prayer & blessing: ancient Indian ritual terminology (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina, Vol 33), by J. Gonda, 9004089950
- Prayers & meditations, by Aurobindo, 0897442199
- Pre-Aryan & pre-Dravidian in India, by Sylvain Lévi, J. Przyluski and J. Bloch, translated from the French original, by P.C. Bagchi (ANU PK102.P7.1975 - 756727)
- Précis de grammaire palie, par Victor Henry, EFEO Paris 1654
- Precolonial India in Practice : Society, Region, and Identity in Medieval Andhra, by Cynthia Talbot, hardcover, October 2001 0195136616
- Présence de Râm, Swâmi Râmdas, tr. Jean Herbert, collection Spiritualités Vivantes, Editions Albin Michel, Paris 1956
- Presence of Siva, by Stella Kramrisch, 0691019304
- "Presenting" the Past : Anxious History and Ancient Future in Hindutva India, by S. P. Udayakumar, Hardcover: 232 pages Publisher: Praeger Publishers (July 30, 2005) 0275972097
- Presuppositions of India's philosophies, Karl Potter, MB
- Priceless Rama, by Murar, Hardcover: 400 pages Publisher: New York University Press (August 2006) 0814782957
- A Priest's Guide for the Great Festival Aghorasiva's Mahotsavavidhi, (South Asia Research) by Richard H Davis, Hardcover: 208 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (December 14, 2009) 0195378520
- Prince of Ayodhya, (The Ramayana, Book I) by Ashok K. Banker, hardcover, November 2003 0446530921
- Principal Upanishads,[ABRIDGED] by Swami Nikhilananda (Editor), paperback, July 2003 048642717X
- Principal Upanishads, by Alan Jacobs, paperback, O Books; (March 2004) 1903816505
- Principles and practice of Hindu religion =: Sanatana dharma sastra : a comparative study of the ancient tradition and the perennial philosophy, (Bhaavan's book university) by Bala N Aiyer , Hardcover: 198 pages Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan; 1st edition (January 1, 1999) 8172761422
- Priyadarsika, a Sanskrit drama (Columbia University. Indo-Iranian, No 10), by Harshadeva, G.K. Nariman (Translator) 0404504809
- Problem of evil & Indian thought, Arthur Herman, MB
- Problem of evil (with special reference to Sri Aurobindo), by Madhuri Mishra, 8185157626
- Problem of rebirth, by Sri Aurobindo, 0890714602
- Problem of universals in Indian philosophy, R.R. Dravid, MB
- Problems & perspectives in religious discourse: Advaita Vedanta implications, by John A. Grimes, 0791417921
- Problems & perspectives in religious discourse: Advaita Vedanta implications, by John A. Grimes, hardcover, February 19940791417913
- Proceedings of the Fifth World Sanskrit Conference, Varanasi, India, October 21-26, 1981, Edited by R.N. Dandekar and P.D. Navathe, Unknown Binding: 968 pages Publisher: Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan 56-57 Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi, India (1985) B0000CQLOY
- Prolégomènes au Védanta de Sankaracharya, par Louis Renou, Paris 1951 (ANU B133.S4.B814-1562957)
- Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence, by Stephen Knapp, paperback issue, October 20000961741066
- Psychology of mystical awakening: Patanjali's yoga sutras (New World Hinduism, Vol 1), by Swami Savitripriya 1879722011
- Puja: a study in Smarta ritual, Gudrun Buhneman, MB
- Puja and samskara, by Musashi Tachikawa, paperback, Delhi July 2001, ISBN 8120817516 MB
- Pura Besakih: Temple, Religion and Society in Bali (Verhandelingen Van Het Koninklijk Instituut Voor Taal-, Land- En Volkenkunde, Number 193), paperback, October 2002 9067181463
- Purana index (3 volumes), V.R. Ramachandra Dikshitar, MB
- Purana Perennis : Reciprocity and Transformation in Hindu and Jaina Texts, by Wendy Doniger (Editor), hardcover April 1993 07914131000
- Purana Perennis : Reciprocity and Transformation in Hindu and Jaina Texts, by Wendy Doniger (Editor), paperback April 1993 0791413829
- Puranic encyclopedia: a comprehensive dictionary with special references to the epic & puranic literature, ed. Vettam Mani, MB
- Puranic science speaks of universe, V.Badarayana Murthy
- Pure yoga by Yogi Pravananda: a translation from the Sanskrit into English of the tantric work, the Gherandasamhita, with a guiding commentary by Yogi Pravananda, by Tony Rodriguez & Kanshi Ram, 812080922X
- Purifying the earthly body of God : religion and ecology in Hindu India, paperback issue, (Suny Series in Religious Studies)
by Lance E. Neslon (Editor), 0791439240
- Purifying the earthly body of God : religion and ecology in Hindu India, hardcover issue, (Suny Series in Religious Studies)
by Lance E. Neslon (Editor), 0791439232
- Purpose of Yoga, by Gopi Krishna, 8185674973
- Qualities of Sri Krsna, by Satsvarupa Dasa Gosvami, 0911233644
- Quest for certainty : a comparative study of Heidwheeler and Sankara, by John Grimes, hardcover, July 1989 0820410292
- Quest for enlightenment: articles from Back to Godhead magazine, by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, 0892132922
- Quest for the Original Bharata Samhita and Mahabharata, by SISIR KUMAR SEN, paperback, June 1995 8172760345
- Quest for the Origins of Vedic Culture: The Indo-Aryan Migration Debate, by Edwin Bryant, paperback, December 2003 0195169476
- Quest of God: the saga of an extraordinary pilgrimage, by Swami Ramdas, 1884997015
- Quiz in Gita, Raghavendran, (Coimbatore)
- Radha, diary of a woman's search, by Swami Sivananda Radha, 0931454165
- Radha and Krishna, (The Mandala Stand-Up Altar Series) by B. G. Sharma, hardcover, April 2002 1886069409
- Radhakrishnan: Centenary Volume, by G. Parthasarathi, D.P. Chattopadhyaya (Editor), 0195624394
- Radhasoami reality: the logic of a modern faith, by Mark Juergensmeyer, 0691073783
- Radiant eternity: reflections on Sri Ramakrishna, by M. Sivaramkrishna, 8146018003
- Raja Yoga: a simplified & practical course, by Wallace Slater, 0835601315
- Raja Yoga (Life & Works of Swami Sivananda Series/Bsi 170), by Swami Sivananda, 0949027073
- Raja Yoga, by Swami Vivekananda, paperback June 1980 091120623X
- Raja Yoga or Conquering the Internal Nature, by Swami Vivekananda, paperback December 1953 08748111000
- Raja Yoga Sutras, by Swami Jyotir Maya Nanda, paperback June 1978 0934664382
- Shri Ramacharitamanasa or the Holy Lake of the Acts of Rama, by R.C. Prasad (editor and translator), Hardcover: 930 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (December 1999) 8120807626 MB
- Rama & the demon King: an ancient tale from India,
- Rama, the Demon Slayer (Tales of Heaven and Earth) by Michelle Esclapez, Marie Mallard (Illustrator), Simona Sideri, August 1999
edition 0886829348
- Ramakrishna: a biography in pictures, 0874811678
- Ramakrishna as we saw him, by Chetanananda, 0916356655
- Ramakrishna & his disciples, by Christopher Isherwood, 0874100037X
- Ramakrishna & is message, by Swami Vivekananda 0874811260
- Ramakrishna & the vitality of Hinduism, by Solange Lemaitre, 0879960415
- Ramakrishna, his life & sayings, by Friedrich M. Mueller, 0404114520
- Ramakrishna Kathamrita & Ramakrishna: memoirs of Ramakrishna, by Swami Abhedananda, 0874816548
- Ramakrsna Paramahamsa: a psychological profile (Brill's Indological Library, Vol. 4), by Narasingha P. Sil, 9004094784
- Ramakrishna: the unique phenomenon, by M. Sivaramkrishna, 8146011386
- Sri Ramakrishna, the Face of Silence, by Swami Nikhilananda, Dahn Gopal, Nikhilananda, Adiswarananda, Hardcover: 288 pages Publisher: Skylight Paths Publishing (July 30, 2005) 1594731152
- Ramana Maharshi & the path of self-knowledge, by Arthur Osborne, 0877280711
- Ramanuja Gita Bhasya, by Swami Adidavananda, 8171203604
- Rama, the Demon Slayer, (Tales of Heaven and Earth)
by Michelle Esclapez, Marie Mallard (Illustrator), Simona Sideri, August 1999 0886829348
Ramayana, by William Buck, B. A. Van Nooten, Shirley Triest (Illustrator), B. A. Van
Nooten (Introduction), paperback, November 2000 0520227034
Ramayana, by William Buck, B. A. Van Nooten, Shirley Triest (Illustrator), B. A. Van
Nooten (Introduction), paperback, August 2000 8120817206
Ramayana, by Krishna Dharma, hardcover, May 2000 1887089225
- Ramayana, by R.C. Dutt, 04100004034
- Ramayana, by Lakshmi Lal, 0863112838
- Ramayana, C. Rajagopalachari, Paperback: 477 pages Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan/Mumbai/India (January 1, 2007) 8172763654
- The Ramayana, by Bulbul Sharma, Paperback: 144 pages Publisher: Penguin Global (January 9, 2008) 0143330314
- Ramayana : a journey, by Ranchor Prime, 1556708017
- Ramayana: A Modern Retelling of the Great Indian Epic by Ramesh Menon , Paperback: 720 pages Publisher: North Point Press; (May 19, 2004) 0865476950
- Ramayana : a shortened modern prose version of the Indian epic (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics), by R. K. Narayan 0140187006
- Ramayana: A Tale of Gods and Demons by Ranchor Prime, B. G. Sharma, Paperback: 147 pages Publisher: Mandala Publishing Group; (April 2004) 1932771026
- Ramayana and the Mahabharata Condensed into English Verseby Romesh C. Dutt (Translator), Valmiki Ramayana, paperback, December 2002 0486425061
- Ramayana at a glance, Sant Keshavadas, MB
- Ramáyana Book Five, (Clay Sanskrit Library) by Valmiki, Hardcover: 480 pages Publisher: New York University Press (August 2006) 0814731783
- Ramayana: global view, by Lallan Prasad Vyas (Editor), 8124192049
- Ramayana: India's immortal tale of adventure, love & wisdom, hardcover issue, by Kenneth Anderson (Editor), 1887089144
- Penguin Companion to the Ramayana, Paperback: 248 pages Publisher: Penguin Global (March 19, 2008) 0143100467
- Ramayana of Tulsidas, by F.S. Growse (Translator), 0839603630
- Ramayana of Valmiki: an epic of ancient India, volume 1 : Balakanda, by Robert P. Goldman, 0691065616
- The Ramayana of Valmiki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume 2: Ayodhyakanda by Shri Valmiki , Robert P. Goldman (Editor), Sheldon I. Pollock (Translator), Hardcover: 418 pages Publisher: Princeton Univ Pr (June 1991) 0691066604
- The Ramayana of Valmiki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume 3: Aranyakanda (The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol. 2), by Shri Valmiki , Robert P. Goldman (Editor), Sheldon I. Pollock (Translator), Hardcover: 590 pages Publisher: Princeton University Press (January 1987) 069106654X
- Ramayana of Valmiki: an epic of ancient India, volume 4 : Kiskindhakanda by Shri Valmiki , Robert P. Goldman (Editor), Sheldon I. Pollock (Translator), 0691066612
- Ramayana of Valmiki: an epic of ancient India : Sundarakanda (The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol 5), by Robert P. Goldman et al, 0691066620
- Ramayana Of Valmiki: An Epic Of Ancient India by Robert P. Goldman (translator),Hardcover Publisher: Princeton University Press (November 15, 2009) 0691066647
- Ramayana of Valmiki: an epic of ancient India : Balakanda (The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol 1), (Clay Sanskrit Library) by Valmiki , Robert P. Goldman (Translator), Hardcover: 424 pages Publisher: New York University Press; Bilingual edition (February 1, 2005) 0814731635
- Ramayana Book Three: The Forest (The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol 3), (Clay Sanskrit Library) by Valmiki , Sheldon I. Pollock (Translator), Hardcover: 448 pages Publisher: New York University Press; New Ed edition (June 1, 2006) 0814767222
- Ramayana of Valmiki: an epic of ancient India : Sundarakanda (The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol 5), (Clay Sanskrit Library) by Valmiki ,Sally Sutherland Goldman (translator), Robert P. Goldman (Translator), Hardcover: 400 pages Publisher: New York University Press (November 15, 2006) 0814731783
- Ramayana of Valmiki: translated from the original Sanskrit, by Makhanlal Sen, 8121500931
- Ramayana Revisited, by Mandakranta Bose (Editor), Hardcover: 368 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press; (September 30, 2004) 0195168321
- Ramayana Revisited, by Mandakranta Bose (Editor), paperback: 368 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press; (October 30, 2004) 019516833X
- Ramayana Stories in Modern South India: An Anthology, by Paula Richman (Editor), Paperback: 258 pages Publisher: Indiana University Press (March 2008) 0253219531
- Ramayana: the story of Rama, by Valmiki, 088253291X
- Rambles in Vedanta, B.R. Rajam Iyer, MB
- Rapid Sanskrit method (a), by George L., III Hart,reprint MLBD 2000 8120801733
- Rapt in the Name: The Ramnamis, Ramnam, and Untouchable Religion in Central India, by Ramdas Lamb, hardcover, July 2002 0791453855
- Ravana power without virtue, by Anantanand Rambachan, hardcover, August 1996 0963416464
- Ravenous hyenas & the wounded sun: myth & ritual in ancient India (Myth and Poetics), by Stephanie W. Jamison 080142433X
- Rauravâgama vol. 1, édition critique par N.R. Bhatt, IFI Pondicherry 1961 (ANU BL1135.T54.A23)
- Readings in Eastern Religions by Harold Coward, Ronald Neufeldt, Eva K. Neumaier, Paperback: 400 pages Publisher: Wilfrid Laurier University Press; 2nd edition (December 1, 2006) 0889204357
- The Hindu Realism: Being an Introduction to the Metaphysics of the Nyaya-Vaisesika system of Philosophy, by Jagadisha Chandra Chatterji, Paperback: 212 pages Publisher: Jain Pub Co (July 1, 2007) 0895819708
- Indian realism, by Jadunath Sinha, Hardcover: 287 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (February 5, 1999) 8120800850 MB
- Realities of the dreaming mind, by Sivananda Radha, Timeless Books; 2nd edition (March 2004) 193201800X
- Realization of the supreme Self: the Bhagavad Gita Yoga, by Trevor Lwheelett, 0710304331
- Rebirth & Karma - U.S. Edition , by Sri Aurobindo 0941524639
- Recherches archéologiques à Bégram, J. Hackin, Paris 1939
- Recherches sur la symbolique et l'énergie de la parole dans certains textes tantriques, André Padoux, E. de Boccard Paris 1963 (ANU BL1245.T3.P3 - 382707)
- Recherches sur l'histoire de la Samhita du Rig-Veda, A. Bergaigne, E. Leroux Paris 1886 (ANU PK3017.B5)
- Recherches sur les routes de l'Inde au temps des Mogols, étude critique des textes, Jean Deloche, EFEO Paris 1968
- Rediscovering God with transcendental argument : a contemporary interpretation of monistic Kashmiri Saiva philosophy, (Suny Series) by David Peter Lawrence, hardcover, September 1999 0791440575
- Rediscovering God with transcendental argument : a contemporary interpretation of monistic Kashmiri Saiva philosophy, (Suny Series)
by David Peter Lawrence, paperback, April 1999 0791440583
- Reflections of the self: poetic aphorisms, by Swami Muktananda, 0914602500
- Reflections on the Tantras, S. Chattopadhyaya 8120806913
- Reincarnation and Karma: How They Really Affect Us : The Eastern Explanation of Our Past and Future Lives and Good or Bad Experiences by Stephen Knapp, Paperback: 136 pages Publisher: iUniverse, Inc. (February 15, 2005) 0595341993
- Reincarnation and Karma: How They Really Affect Us : The Eastern Explanation of Our Past and Future Lives and Good or Bad Experiences by Stephen Knapp, Format: Adobe Reader File Size: 837K Publisher: iUniverse, Inc. (February 15, 2005) B0007UAGKC
- Relation d'un voyage aux Indes Orientales par un gentilhomme français, Georges de Virgile, Paris 1695
- Relations in Indian Philosophy (Sri Garib Dass Oriental Series, No 147), by V.N. Jha (Editor), 817030329X
- Religion against the self: an ethnography of Tamil rituals, by Isabelle Nabokov, hardcover, January 2000 0195113960
- Rethinking Religion in India: The Colonial Construction of Hinduism, (Routledge South Asian Religion) by Esther Bloch (Editor), Marianne Keppens (Editor), Rajaram Hegde (Editor), Hardcover: 192 pages Publisher: Routledge (January 15, 2010) 041554890X
- Religion against the self: an ethnography of Tamil rituals, by Isabelle Nabokov, paperback, January 2000 0195113659
- Indian Religions: Renaissance And Renewal , the Spalding Papers on Indic Studies, by Anna S. King (Editor), Spalding Symposium on Indian Religions (Editor), Hardcover: 320 pages Publisher: Equinox Publishing (February 28, 2007) 1845531698
- Religion and Art of the Chamba Valley, by Seema Bawa, Hardcover: 200 pages Publisher: Agam Kala Prakashan; 1 edition (May 1998) 8173200386
- Religion & philosophy of the Atharvaveda, by Dr N.J. Shende, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Poona 1952
- Religion & philosophy of the Padma purana, by Dr (Mrs) Sharda Arya, senior lecturer in Sanskrit at Daulat Ram College, University of Delhi, Nag publishers, 11 A/U.A. Jawaharnagar Delhi 7 (1988) (ANU BL1140.4.P347.A79
- Religion & philosophy of the Veda & Upanishads, by A.B. Keith, 0896843041
- Religion & social system of the Virasaiva community (Contributions to the Study of Anthropology, No. 8), by Dan A. Chekki, 0313302510
- Religion Against the Self : An Ethnography of Tamil Rituals, by Isabelle Nabokov, hardcover, April 2000 0195113960
- Religion Against the Self : An Ethnography of Tamil Rituals, by Isabelle Nabokov, paperback, April 2000 0195113659
- Religion and Identity in South Asia and Beyond: Essays in Honor of Patrick Olivelle, (Cultural, Historical and Textual Studies of Religions) by Steven E. Lindquist (Editor), Hardcover: 392 pages Publisher: Anthem Press (October 1, 2011) 0857287907
- Religion and Public Memory: A Cultural History of Saint Namdev in India, by Christian Lee Novetzke, Hardcover: 336 pages Publisher: Columbia University Press (May 30, 2008) 023114184X
- Religion in South Asia, by G.A. Oddie (Editor) hardcover, June 1991 0945921187
- Religion, Narrative and Public Imagination in South Asia: Past and Place in the Sanskrit Mahabharata, (Routledge Hindu Studies Series) by James Hegarty, Hardcover: 240 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (October 1, 2011) 0415558638
- Religion of Love, by Swami Vivekananda, paperback, January 1992 8175050918
- Religion of the Rigveda, by H.D. Griswold, Hardcover: 392 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass,; 2 edition (June 1, 1999) 8120807456 MB
- Religion of the Veda: Die Religion Des Veda, by Hermann Oldenberg, 8120803922
- Religion Philosophy Yoga: a selection of articles, Jean Filliozat translated into English by Maurice Shukla, MB
- Indian Religions: Renaissance And Renewal , the Spalding Papers on Indic Studies, by Anna S. King (Editor), Spalding Symposium on Indian Religions (Editor), King Anna S. (Editor), Hardcover: 320 pages Publisher: Equinox Publishing (June 30, 2007) 1845531698
- Religions of India: Hinduism, Yoga, Buddhism, by Thomas Berry, 0231107811
- Engaging South Asian Religions: Boundaries, Appropriations, and Resistances, (S U N Y Series in Hindu Studies) by Mathew N. Peter Schmalz (Editor), Peter Gottschalk (Editor), Hardcover: 256 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (March 2011) 1438433239
- Religious Conversion Movements in South Asia : Continuities and Change, 1800-1990, (Religion & Society in South Asia Series) by G.A. Oddie (Editor) hardcover, December 1997 0700704728
- Religious Dialogue As Hermeneutics : Bede Griffith's Advaitic Approach, (Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change. Series Iiib, South Asia, Vol. 3) by Kuruvila Pandikattu, paperback, September 2000 1565181387
- Religious doctrines in the Mahabharata, by Nicholas Sutton, hardcover, 8120817001
- Religious doctrines in the Mahabharata, by Nicholas Sutton, paperback, 8120817028
- Religious Identity And Political Destiny: Hindutva In The Culture Of Ethnicism, by Deepa Reddy, Hardcover: 224 pages Publisher: Altamira Press (May 28, 2006) 0759106851
- Religious Identity And Political Destiny: Hindutva In The Culture Of Ethnicism, by Deepa Reddy, Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: AltaMira Press (October 28, 2005) 075910686X
- Religious institutions & cults in the Deccan, R.N. Nandi, MB
- Religious philosophy of Tagore & Radhakrishnan: a comparative & analytical study, Harendra Prasad Sinha MB
- Religious Processes : The Puranas and the Making of a Regional Tradition in
South Asia, hardcover, February 2000 0195649893
- Religious Therapeutics : Body and Health in Yoga, Ayurveda, and Tantra, (Suny Series in Religious Studies) by Gregory P. Fields, paperback, April 2001 0791449165
- Religious Therapeutics : Body and Health in Yoga, Ayurveda, and Tantra, (Suny Series in Religious Studies) by Gregory P. Fields, hardcover, April 2001 0791449157
- Religious Traditions in South Asia : Interaction and Change, (Religion & Society in South Asia Series) by G.A. Oddie (Editor) hardcover,
April 1998 0700704213
- Remembrance, by Chidvilasananda 091130763X
- Renaissance et Karma, Shri Aurobindo, Editions du Rocher Monaco, 1983
- A Renunciate Order for a New Age, by Swami Kriyananda, Paperback: 148 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers (August 16, 2010) 1565892526
- Renunciation in Hinduism: a medieval debate, Patrick Olivelle, MB
- Representing Hinduism : The Construction of Religious Traditions and National Identity, by Vasudha Dalmia (Editor), Heinrich Von Stietencron (Editor), hardcover, December 1995 0803991940
- Representing Hinduism : The Construction of Religious Traditions and National Identity, by Vasudha Dalmia (Editor), Heinrich Von Stietencron (Editor), paperback, December 1996 0803991959
- Resistant Hinduism: sanskrit sources on anti-christian apologetics in early nineteenth century India, Richard Young, MB
- Resonate with stillness: daily contemplations, by Muktananda, 0911307427
- Responses to 101 Questions on Hinduism, by John Renard, January 1999 080913845X
- Rethinking India's Oral and Classical Epics : Draupadi Among Rajputs, Muslims,
and Dalits, by Alf Hiltebeitel, hardcover issue, February 1999 0226340503
- Rethinking India's Oral and Classical Epics : Draupadi Among Rajputs, Muslims,
and Dalits, by Alf Hiltebeitel, paperback issue, April 1999 0226340511
- Rethinking the Mahabharata, by Alf Hiltebeitel, hardcover, September 2001 reprint 0226340538
- Rethinking the Mahabharata, by Alf Hiltebeitel, paperback, September 2001 reprint 0226340546
- Return of Sarasvati: translations of the poetry of Prasad, Nirala, Pant & Mahadevi, by David Rubin (Editor) 0936115084
- Return to Shiva, by Valmiki, 0886950066
- Revolution of the mystics: on the social aspects of Virasaivism, J.P. Schouten,9024234255
- Righteous Rama: the evolution of an epic, by J.L. Brockington, 019561710X
- Rg.Bhashyam, K.Narasimhan
- Rig Veda (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger (Translator), Paperback: 352 pages Publisher: Penguin Classics (September 27, 2005) 0140449892
- Rigveda, by Arnold hardcover, December 1978 0404535097
- Rig Veda: a metrically restored text with an introduction & notes (Harvard Oriental, Vol 5), by Barend A. Van Nooten, 0674769716
Rig Veda (Classic), by Wendy O'Flaherty, 0140444025
- Rigveda Brahmanas: the Aitareya & Kausitaki Brahmanas of the Rigveda, tr. A.B. Keith, hardcover, June 19810800230604
- Rgveda for the Layman: A Critical Survey of One Hundred Hymns of the Rgveda, With Samhita-Patha, Pada-Patha and Word-Meaning and English Translationby Shyam Ghosh, hardcover, September 2002 8121510430
- Rigveda Samhita, tr. by Wilson 9995319837
- Rigveda Samhita : The Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans, by Friedrich M. Mueller, hardcover, May 1973 reprint 040411461X
- Rig-vedic culture of the prehistoric Indus, by Svami Sankarananda
- Rise of the Goddess in the Hindu tradition, by Tracy Pintchman, 0791421120
- Rise of a Folk God: Vitthal of Pandharpur, (South Asia Research) by Ramchandra Chintaman Dhere (Author), Anne Feldhaus (Translator), Hardcover: 370 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (October 10, 2011) 0199777594
- Rise of the religious significance of Rama, Frank Whaling, MB
- Ritual & mantras: rules without meaning, Fritz Staal, MB
- The Rise of Wisdom Moon, By Krishnamisra,Translated by Matthew Kapstein, Foreword by J.N. Mohanty, Hardcover: 350 pages Publisher: NYU Press (November 1, 2009) 0814748384
- Ritual & speculation in early Tantrism: studies in honor of Andre Padoux (Suny Series in Tantric Studies), by Teun Goudriaan (Editor), 0791408981
- Ritual Art of India,by Ajit Mookerjee 0892817216
- Role of Pramanas in Hindu-Christian Epistemology, by K. P. Aleaz, hardcover, January 1991 818509439X
- Role of Reason in Sankara Vedanta, by S.P. Verma, hardcover, June 1992 0836458389
- Role of Reason in Sankara Vedanta, by S.P. Verma, hardcover, May 1993 9993236977
- Rome and India: the ancient sea trade, by Vimala Begley (Editor), Richard D. Depuma (Editor) 0299129604
- Spiritual Roots of Yoga: Royal Path to Freedom, by Ravi Ravindra, Paperback: 350 pages Publisher: Morning Light Press; 1st edition (September 28, 2006) 1596750111
- Rosary of Hyms (Selected Poems of Surdas), by Jaikishandas Sadani (Translator), 8122403123
- Rudi: entering infinity, by Swami Rudrananda, 0915801418
- Rules & regulations of Brahmanical asceticism: Yatidharmasamuccaya of Yadava Prakasa (Suny Series in Religion), by Patrick Olivelle (Editor), paperback, November 1994 0791422844
- Rules & regulations of Brahmanical asceticism: Yatidharmasamuccaya of Yadava Prakasa (Suny Series in Religion), by Patrick Olivelle (Editor), hardcover, February
1995 0791422836
- Rules Without Meaning : Ritual, Mantras and the Human Sciences (Toronto Studies in Religion, Vol 4) by Frits Staal, paperback, February 1990 0820405531
- Sabdapramana: word & knowledge: a doctrine in Mimamsa-Nyaya philosophy: towards a framework Sruti-Pramanya (Studies of Classical India), by Purusottama Bilimoria, 9027726752
- Sabdapramanyam in Sabara and Kumarila: towards a study of the Mimamsa experience of language, Francis D'Sa, MB
- Sacred Books of the East, by Max Muller, 9991500952
- Sacred books of the East (50 volumes), ed. F. Max Muller & H. Oldenberg, MB
- Sacred law of the Aryas (SBE vol. 2,14), Georg Buhler, MB
- Sacred marriage of a Hindu Goddess, William Harman, MB
- Sacred Verses, Healing Sounds, Volumes I and II : The Bhagavad Gita, Hymns of the Rig Veda,by Deepak Chopra , audio CD, February 2004 1878424785
- Sacred Waters : A Pilgrimage Up the Ganges River to the Source of Hindu Culture, by Stephen Alter, hardcover, October 2001 0151005850
- Sacred thread: Hinduism in its continuity & diversity, by J. L. Brockington, 0748608303
- Sacrificial ritual in the Satapatha Brahmana, Naama Drury, MB
- SadAchara vinoda, V.Prabhanjanacharya, Vyasanakere Prakashana, Bangalore
- Sadguru Dattatreya, Sadguru Sant Keshavadas, MB
- Sadhana, by RABINDRANATH TAGORE, Paperback: 144 pages Publisher: Three Leaves; (September 21, 2004) 0385510960
- Sadhana of the Heart: A Collection of Talks on Spiritual Life, by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, Paperback: 184 pages Publisher: Siddha Yoga Publications (April 1, 2007) 1930939051
- Sadhu Beware by J. Donald Walters, Michele Eby, Swami Kriyananda, Paperback: 128 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers (February 25, 2006) 1565892143
- Sadhus : India's mystic holy men, by Dolf Hartsuiker, 0892814543
- Wandering With Sadhus: Ascetics of the Hindu Himalayas, by Sondra L. Hausner, Paperback: 247 pages Publisher: Indiana University Press (November 30, 2007) 0253219493
- Sages of Ancient India: The Holy Lives of Dhruva and Prahlad, by Bhakti Ballabha Tirtha, hardcover, April 2002 1886069581
- Sages of Ancient India: The Holy Lives of Dhruva and Prahlad, by Bhakti Ballabha Tirtha, Paperback: 158 pages Publisher: Mandala Publishing; Revised edition (October 30, 2009) 1601090250
- Sahaja Yoga (Studies in New Religious Movements, 1) by Judith Coney, hardcover, January 2000 0700710612
- Sai baba, man of miracles, by Howard Murphet, 0877283354
- Sai baba : the ultimate experience, by Phyllis Krystal, 0877287945
- Saiva Devotional Songs of Kashmir : A Translation and Study of Utpaladeva's Shivastotravali (The Suny Series in the Shaiva Traditions of Kashmir) by Constantina R. Bailly, paperback, June 1987 0887064930
- Saiva Devotional Songs of Kashmir : A Translation and Study of Utpaladeva's Shivastotravali (The Suny Series in the Shaiva Traditions of Kashmir) by Constantina R. Bailly, paperback, June 1987 0887064930
- Saiva Devotional Songs of Kashmir : A Translation and Study of Utpaladeva's Shivastotravali (The Suny Series in the Shaiva Traditions of Kashmir) by Constantina R.
Bailly, hardcover, June 1987 0887064922
- The Saiva Upanisads, by T. R. Srinivasa Ayyangar (Translator), Paperback: 322 pages Publisher: Jain Pub Co (May 1, 2007) 0895819813
- Saivism: some glimpses by Ganesh Vasudeo Tagare, hardcover, May 1996 81241000767
- Sakta pithas, D.C. Sircar, MB
- Saktas: an introductory & comparative Study, by Ernest A. Payne, 0486298663
- Sakti iconography in tantric Mahavidyas, by Sarbeswar Satpathy, 8185094446
- Shakti Mantras: Tapping into the Great Feminine Energy Within, by Thomas Ashley-Farrand, paperback, October 2003 0345443047
- Sakti Sadhana: steps to Samadhi: a translation of the Tripura Rahasya, by Rajmani Tigunait, 0893891401
- Sakuntala: Texts, Readings, Histories, by Romila Thapar, Paperback: 296 pages Publisher: Columbia University Press (February 8, 2011) 0231156553
- The Samanya Vedanta Upanisad-s, by T. R. Srinivasa Ayyangar (Translator), Paperback: 570 pages Publisher: Jain Pub Co (May 1, 2007) 089581983X
- Samaveda, S.V. Ganapati, MB
- Samaveda: Sanskrit text with English translationby D. CHAND, hardcover, September 1995 8121501997
- Classical Samkhya And Yoga: The Metaphysics Of Experience, (Routledgecurzon Hindu Studies Series) by Mikel Buley, Hardcover: 224 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (November 30, 2006) 0415394481
- Samkhya Philosophy (Sacred Books of the Hindus; No. 11), by Kapila, 040457811X
- Samkhya-Sutras of Pancasikha & the Samkhyatattvalcka, by Hariharananda Aranya, 0896843130
- Samkhya system, a history of the Samkhya philosophy, by Arthur B. Keith, 0404173195
- Samnyasa Upanisads: Hindu scriptures on asceticism & renunciation, by Patrick Olivelle, 0195070453
- Sanscrit et culture : l'apport de l'Inde à la civilisation, par Louis Renou, (ANU PK103.R4)
- Sankara's Advaita, R.D. Karmakar, Oriental Book Agency Poona
- Shankara and Indian Philosophy (Suny Series in Religious Studies) by Natalia Isayeva, hardcover, October 1992 0791412814
- Sankara: the man and his philosophy by T.S. RUKMANI, paperback, September 1991 8185425337
- Sankara's crest jewel of discrimination, by Swami
Prabhavananda, Christopher Isherwood, 08741000388
- Sankara on the Yoga sutras, Trevor Lwheelett, MB
- Sankhayana Srauta Sutra, W. Caland, MB
- Sannyasini Gauri Mata Puri Devi, by Mothers Trust / Mothers Place, Paperback: 96 pages Publisher: Xlibris Corporation (November 14, 2007) 1425735398
- Samskrta-Subodhini : A Sanskrit Primer, (Michigan Papers on South and Southeast Asia) (Paperback) by Madhav Deshpande, Paperback: 504 pages Publisher: Centers for South and Southeast Asia, Th (August 1, 1999) 089148079X
- Teach Yourself Sanskrit Complete Course, by Michael Coulson, Paperback: 960 pages Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 2 edition (October 20, 2003) 0071426663
- Sanskrit: an introduction to the classical language (Teach Yourself), by Michael Coulson, 0844238252
- Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary Containing Appendices on Sanskrit Prosody and Important Literary and Geographical Names of Ancient India 2004 Deluxe Edition, by V.S. Apte, Hardcover: 1145 pages Publisher: South Asia Books (January 1, 2000) 8120805674 MB
- A Sanskrit English Dictionary 2005 Deluxe Edition: Etymologically and Philologically Arranged with Special Reference to Cognate Indo-European Languages, by M Monier-Williams, Hardcover: 1333 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass (November 30, 2005) 8120831055 MB
- Sanskrit grammar, Manfred Mayrhofer
- Sanskrit grammar, Whitney, 06747810009
- A Sanskrit grammar,: including both the classical language, and the older dialects, of Veda and Brahmana, by William Dwight Whitney, Paperback: 580 pages Publisher: Cornell University Library (April 6, 2009) 1429765860
- Sanskrit linguistics and mathematics in Ancient India, by Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat, Indian Horizons, Vol. 44, No 4, December 1995
- Sanskrit Pronunciation, by Bruce Cameron, Ph.D. Hall (Editor), Paperback Publisher: Theosophical University PR; Bk&Cassett edition (September 1, 1992) 1557000212
- Sanskrit Syntax, by J. S. Speijer, Hardcover: 402 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass,; 3rd edition (January 1, 1998) 8120804821 MB
- Sanskrit: keys to the wisdom-religion, by Judith M. Tyberg, 0913004294
- A Sanskrit Reader: Text and Vocabulary and Notes, by Charles Rockwell Lanman, Hardcover: 405 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Delhi (2007 reprint) 8121511267 MB
- Sanskrit tradition & Tantrism, by Teun Goudriaan (Editor), 9004092455
- Sanskrit Worterbuch, by Otto Bothlingk and Steben Bande, hardcover, Delhi September 2003 reprint 8120809076 MLBD
- Santosha Avatara Gita : (the revelation of the great means of the divine heart-way of no-seeking & non-separateness), by Adi Da, 1570970092
- Sri Sarada Devi, The Holy Mother: Her Teachings And Conversations, by Swami Nikhilananda, Hardcover: 336 pages Publisher: Skylight Paths Publishing; (September 1st, 2004)1594730709
- Sri Sarada Devi, The Holy Mother: Her Teachings And Conversations, by Swami Nikhilananda, Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Skylight Paths Publishing (December 18, 2009) 1594731799
- Sarada Tilaka Tantra, ed. Arthur Avalon, MB
- Sarasvati in Sanskrit literature, by Mohammad Israil Khan, Crescent Publishing House, F/D-56, New Kavinagar, Ghaziabad, 1978 (ANU BL1225.S25.K44)
- Sarasvati - Riverine Goddess of Knowledge: From the Manuscript-carrying Vina-player to the Weapon-wielding Defender of the Dharma, (Brill's Indological Library) by Catherine Ludvik, Hardcover: 350 pages Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers (May 30, 2007) 9004158146
- The Sarva-Darsana-Samgraha or Review of the Different Systems of Hindu Philosophy, (Trubner's Oriental Series) by E.B. Cowell, Hardcover: 296 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (July 26, 2001) 0415245176
- Satapatha Brahmana (SBE vol. 12,26,41,43-44), tr. J. wheeleling, MB
- Satapatha Brahmana in the Kanviya recension, W. Caland & Raghuvira, MB
- Sathya Sai baba : the embodiment of love, by Pwheely Mason, Ron Laing, 0946551529
- Satyagraha: The Gandhian Faith of Non-Violence, by Jesse Van Der Valk, Hardcover: 288 pages Publisher: Curzon Pr (August 30, 2006) 0700711767
- Saunakiya Caturadhyayika : a Pratisakhya of the Saunakiya Atharvaveda, (Harvard Oriental Series , No 52)
by Madhav M. Deshpande (Editor), 0674789873
- Saundarya Lahari of Sri Sankara by Shankara, paperback, 8171202446
- Saundaryalahari of Sankaracarya: Sanskrit text in Devanagari with Roman transliteration, English translation, explanatory notes, Yantric diagrams, by V.K. Subramanian, hardcover reprint 1990, 8120802020
- Saundaryalahri of Sri Sankaracharya, (text, English tr.), tr. by V.K. Subramaniam, 0874815851
- The Sauptikaparvan of the Mahabharata: The Massacre at Night, (Oxford World's Classics) by W. J. Johnson (Translator), Paperback: 192 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (September 1, 2008) 0199549761
- Savata Samhita, by Alasinga Bhatta, HHardcover: 775 pages Publisher: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office (January 14, 2008) 817080244X
- Savitri: a legend & a symbol, by Sri Aurobindo, 0897449347
- Savitri: a tale of ancient India, by Aaron Shepard, Vera Rosenberry (Illustrator), 0807572519
- Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna, by Sri Ramakrishna, 0874814316
- Science of meditation, Rohit Mehta, MB
- Science of religion, by Paramahansa Yogananda, 0876120044
- Science, philosophy & culture: in historical perspective (Phispc Monograph Series on History of Philosophy, Science and Culture in India, No 1), by Surendra Nath Sen (Editor), Ravinder Kumar (Editor), D.P. Chattopadhyaya, 8121506867
- Search in secret India, by Paul Brunton, 0877286027
Second coming of Christ, by Yogananda, paperback, June 1984 0937134058
- Secrets of Prana, Pranayama & Yoga-Asanas, by Swami Narayanananda, 8787571463
- Secret of self-transformation: a synthesis of Tantra & yoga, Rohit Mehta, MB
- Secret of the three cities: an introduction to Hindu Sakta Tantrism, by Douglas Renfrew Brooks, 0226075699
- Secret of the Siddhas, by Swami Muktananda, 0914602527
- Secret of the Three Cities; An Introduction to Hindu Satka Tantrism, by Douglas Renfrew Brooks, Hardcover: 307 pages Publisher: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers; 1st Indian ed edition (January 1, 1999) 8121508894 MB
- Secrets of the Veda, new U.S. edition, by Sri Aurobindo, 0914955195
- Secrets of Yantra Mantra & Tantra, by L.R. Chawdhri, 8146013656
- Secularism's last sigh : Hindutva and the (mis) rule of Llaw, (Law in India)
by Ratna Kapur (Editor), hardcover October 1999 0195648137
- Seeds of light, by Sivananda Radha, 0931454220
- Seeing Krishna : the religious world of a brahmin family in Vrindaban, by Margaret H. Case, paperback October 1999 0195130111
- Seeing Krishna : the religious world of a brahmin family in Vrindaban, by Margaret H. Case, hardcover October 1999 0195130103
- Seeing through texts : doing theology among the Srivaisnavas of South India (Suny Series, Toward a Comparative Philosophy of Religions) by Francis X.
Clooney, hardcover, July 1996 0791429954
- Seeing through texts: doing theology among the Srivaisnavas of South India, by Francis X. Clooney, paperback, August 1996 0791429962
- Seeking Mahadevi : Constructing the Indentities of the Hindu Great Goddess, by Tracy Pintchman (Editor), paperback, July 2001 0791450082
- Selected doctrines from Indian philosophy, by Vet Ury Ramakrishna Rao, 8170990009
- Selected essays, by Muktananda (Editor), 0911307370
- Selections from classical sanskrit literature, by John Brough, Luzac London 1951 (ANU PK3595.B7)
Selections from classical sanskrit literature, by Gaurinath Shastri, MB
- Selections from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna : Annotated & Explained, by Swami Nikhilananda, Kendra Crossen Burroughs, Andrew Harvey, paperback, November 2002 1893361462
- The Character of the Self in Ancient India: Priests, Kings, and Women in the Early Upanisads, (S U N Y Series in Hindu Studies) by Brian Black, Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (January 31, 2008) 0791960148
- Self & its states: a state of consciousness doctrine in Advaita-Vedanta, Andrew Fort, MB
- Self and non-self: the Drigdrisyaviveka attributed to Samkara, by Raphael, hardcover, July 1990 0710303777
Self realization in Kashmir Shaivism: the oral teachings of Swami Lakshmanjoo, by John Hughes, paperback issue, 0791421805
Self realization in Kashmir Shaivism: the oral teachings of Swami Lakshmanjoo, by John Hughes, hardcover issue, 0791421791
- Self-Surrender (Prapatti) To God In Shrivaishnavism: Tamil Cats Or Sanskrit Monkeys?, (Routledge Hindu Studies S.) by S. Mueller, Hardcover: 256 pages Publisher: Routledge; (March 31, 2007) 0415391857
- "Self-Surrender", "Peace", "Compassion" and "The Mission of the Goose": Poems and Prayers from South India, by Appayya Dikshita, Nilakantha Dikshita, Vedanta Deshika, Translated by Yigal Bronner & David Shulman, Foreword by Gieve Patel, Hardcover: 316 pages Publisher: NYU Press (Clay Sanskrit Library) (September 1, 2009) 081474110X
- Writing the Self: The Life and Philosophy of a Bengali Baul Guru, by Jeanne Openshaw, Hardcover: 336 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (December 15, 2009) 0198062478
- Sept Upanishads, traduction commentée précédée d'une introduction générale aux upanishads, Jean Varenne, collection Points Sagesse, Editions du Seuil, Paris 1981
- Serpent power: being the Satcakra-Nirupana & Paduka-pancaka : two works on Laya-Yoga, by Arthur Avalon 0486230589
- Servant of God (Sayings of a Self-Realised Sage Swami Ramdas), by Susunaga Weeraperuma (Compiler), Hardcover: 258 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (January 1, 1999) 8120813286 MB
- Seven great untenables: sapta-vidhânupapatti, John Grimes, MB
- Seven schools of Yoga: an introduction, by Ernest Wood, 0835604357
- Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga : A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit, by Deepak Chopra , David Simon , Hardcover: 224 pages Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; New Ed edition (August 12, 2005) 0471736279
- Sexual secrets: the alchemy of ecstasy, by Nik Douglas, Penny Slinger, Douglas Nik0892812664
- Shaiva devotional songs of Kashmir: a translation & study of Utpaladeva's Shivastotravali (Suny Series in the Shaiva Traditions of Kashmir), by Constantina R. Bailly, 0887064930
- Shakti: Realm of the Divine Mother, by Vanamali , Paperback: 352 pages Publisher: Inner Traditions (August 26, 2008) 1594771995
- Shakti Tantra in search of soul: journey on the path of bliss, by Bobbi Janson, 1575020459
- Shambhala encyclopedia of Yoga, by Georg Feuerstein, paperback April 2000 1570625557
- Samkara's Advaita Vedanta: A Way Of Teaching, (Routledgecurzon Hindu Studies Series) by Jacqueline Suthren Hirst, J. G. Suthren Hirst, Hardcover: 272 pages Publisher: Routledge/Curzon (June 1, 2005) 0415355494
- The Secret Sankara: On Multivocality and Truth in Sankara's Teaching, (Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture) by Yohanan Grinshpon, Hardcover: 182 pages Publisher: Brill Academic Pub (December 2010) 9004189262
- Satyagraha by Jesse Valk, Hardcover: 288 pages Publisher: RoutledgeCurzon; 1 edition (December 30, 2006) 0700711767
Shiva, by Paula Fouce, Denise Tomecko, Paula Fouche, paperback, October 2001 9748304248
- Shiva, (The Mandala Stand-Up Altar Series) by B. G. Sharma (Illustrator), hardcover, March 2002 1886069352
- Shiva Samhita, by James, Mallinson, Hardcover: 192 pages Publisher: YogaVidya.com (December 1, 2006) 0971646643
- Siva's Demon Devotee: Karaikkal Ammaiyar, by Elaine Craddock, Hardcover: 208 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (May 2010) 1438430876
- Shree Maa : The Life of a Saint, by Swami Satayananda Saraswati, Swami Satgananda 1887472495
- Shree Maa, the Guru & the Goddess (the complete text and translation of Kasyapa Sutra, Srigurugita and Lalita Trisati), Satyananda Sarasvati and Vittalananda Sarasvati translators, February 2000 reprint 1887472789
- Shri Ramacharitamanasa or the Holy Lake of the Acts of Rama, basic text in Devanagari with Hindi & English translations, tr. R.C. Prasad, MB
- Siddhantabindu, tr. K.N. Subramanian, Rishi Publications, 76 Chandrika colony, Varanasi 221010 (1989) (ANU 1728896)
- Siddha quest for immortality: sexual, alchemical & medical secrets of the Tamil Siddhas, by Kamil V, Prof. Kvelebil, 1869928431
- Siddha Yoga Practice: Discovering a New Religious Movement, by John Paul Healy, Hardcover: 240 pages Publisher: Ashgate Publishing (February 15, 2010) 0754669335
- Silence speaks from the chalkboard of Baba Hari Dass, 09110000194
- Simple guide to Hinduism (World Religions Series), by Venika Kingsland, 1860340180
- Simple Yoga , by Cybele Tomlinson, Vimala McClure, hardcover, July 2000 1573241954
- Singing to the Goddess : Poems to Kali and Uma from Bengal, by Rachel Fell McDermott, paperback issue, October 20000195134346
- Singing to the Goddess : Poems to Kali and Uma from Bengal, by Rachel Fell McDermott, hardcover issue, October 20000195134338
- Sita's Story, (Hindu Values Series) by Jacqueline Suthren Hirst 1896209408
- Siva,(The Mandala Stand-Up Altar Series) by B. G. Sharma (Illustrator), hardcover issue, August 2001 1886069352
- Siva descending, by Gregory Benford, William Rotsler, 0812516907
- Siva dans le Mahâbhârata, par Jacques Scheuer, PUF Paris 1982 (ANU BL1138.27.S33)
- Siva in art, literature, and thought by Shanti Lal Nagar8173870195
- Siva in Trouble: Festivals and Rituals at the Pasupatinatha Temple of Deopatan, (South Asia Research) by Axel Michaels, Hardcover: 312 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (May 2, 2008) 0195343026
- The Writings of Swami Sivananda: A Biographical Study, by Tilak Pyle , Calvin Mercer , Christopher Key Chapple (Foreword), Hardcover: 76 pages Publisher: Edwin Mellen Pr; 1 edition (September 30, 2007) 0773452621
- Sivananda Lahari of Sri Sankara, by Shankara, paperback, April 1987 0874815452
- Siva purana, tr. J.L. Shastri, AITM vol. 1-4, MB
- Siva Purana, Part IV (Ancient Indian Traditiona and Mythology Series) by J.L. Shastri (Editor) , hardcover, December 1988 9991405860
- Siva Samhita by Rai B. Vasu (Translator), hardcover, April 19968121505070
- Sivastotravali of Utpaldeva (text in devanagari with english tr. & intro.), N.K. Kotru, MB
- Sivasutras: the yoga of supreme identity, Jaideva Singh, hardcover, December 1988 8120804066
- Sivasutras: the yoga of supreme identity, Jaideva Singh, paperback, June 1988 8120804074
Siva, the erotic ascetic, by Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty 0195202503
- Sivananda companion to Yoga, by Lucy. Lidell, 0671960884
- Siva's warriors: the Basava Purana of Pakluriki Somanatha, by Palakuriki Somanatha, 0691055912
- Six lighted windows: memories of swamis in the West, by Swami Yogeshananda, 0874814103
- Six systems of Indian philosophy, by Max F. Muller 0686203054
- Sixty upanishads of the Veda (2 volumes), tr. V.M. Bedekar & G.B. Palsule, MB
- Skanda-Purana, ed. G.P. Bhatt, tr. G.V. Tagare, AITM vol. 49-67, MB
- Skanda-Purana, Part 1, by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, August 1992 8120809661
- Skanda-Purana, Part 2, by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, June 1993 81201000228
- Skanda-Purana, Part 3, by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, May 1993 81201000732
- Skanda-Purana, Part 4, by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, June 1993 81201000821
- Skanda-Purana, Part 5, by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, November 1994 8120811518
- Skanda-Purana, Part 6, by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, May 1994 8120811313
- Skanda-Purana, Part 7, by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, May 1995 8120812034
- Skanda-Purana, Part 8, by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, September 1995 8120812328
- Skanda-Purana, Part 9, by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, October 1996 8120812603
- Skanda-Purana, Part 10, by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, July 1996 8120813642
- Skanda-Purana, Part 11, by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, August 1997 8120813650
- Skanda-Purana, Part 12, by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, August 1997 8120813936
- Skanda-Purana, Part 13, by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, December 1997 8120813995
- Skanda-Purana, Part 14, (AITM vol 62) by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, Delhi 1999 8120816986 MLBD
- Skanda-Purana, Part 15, (AITM vol 63) by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, Delhi 2001 8120818377 MLBD
- Skanda-Purana, Part 16, (AITM vol 64) by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, Delhi 2002 8120818415 MLBD
- Skanda-Purana, Part 17, (AITM vol 66) by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, Delhi 2003 8178220466 MLBD
- Skanda-Purana, Part 19, (AITM vol 67) by G. V. TAGARE, hardcover, Delhi September 2003 8120819845 MLBD
- Sky of the heart: jewels of wisdom from Nityananda, tr. by M. U. Hatengdi, 0915801639
- Slaves of the Lord: the path of the Tamil saints, by Vidya Dehejia, 8121500443
- Sleep As a State of Consciousness in Advaita Vedanta, by Arvind Sharma, Hardcover: 160 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press; (October 7, 2004) 079146251X
- Sleeping bag Yoga; stretch! relax! energize! for hikers, ^bikers, and addlers by Erin Widman, paperback issue, April 1999 1570611653
- Social and cultural history of ancient India, by M.L. Bose 8170222877
- Social and cultural vision of India : facts against fiction, by A. K. Biswas 8173070385
- Social And Religious Reform: The Hindus of British India, (Debates in Indian History and Society) by Amiya P. Sen (Editor), Paperback: 248 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press (December, 2005) 0195677021
- Social life in ancient India, by H.C. Chakladar
- Social message of the Gita symbolized as Lokasamgraha, Satya Agarwal, MB
- Social role of the Gita: how and why, Satya Agarwal, MB
- Society in Ancient India, by SURES CHANDRA BANERJI, hardcover, June 1997 81241000791
- Sociology, ideology & utopia: socio-political philosophy of East & West (Philosophy of History and Culture, Vol 18), by D. P. Chattopadhyaya, 9004108076
- Soma : The Divine Hallucinogen, by David Spess, hardcover, December 1999 0892817313
- Some aspects of India's philosophical & scientific heritage (Phispc Monograph Series on History of Philosophy, Science and Culture in India, No 2), by Prajit K. Basu (Editor), Ravinder Kumar (Editor), D.P. Chattopadhyaya, 8121506875
- The Song of Krishna: The Illustrated Bhagavad Gita, by Los Angeles County Museum of Art (Illustrator), Edwin Arnold (Translator), Hardcover: 320 pages Publisher: Abrams (March 1, 2010) 01000982463
- Songs for Siva: Vacanas of Akka Mahadevi : Vacanas of Akka Mahadevi, by Vinaya Chaitanya, Paperback: 152 pages Publisher: AltaMira Press (May 28, 2005) 0759108978
- Songs for Siva: Vacanas of Akka Mahadevi, by Shiva Prakash (Author), Vinaya Chaitanya (Translator), Paperback: 150 pages Publisher: Yale University Press (February 15, 2010) 0300165277
- Song of Krsna, by Deben Bhattacharya (Editor), 0877284229
- Song of Rama: Visions of the Ramayana, by Devi Vanamali, paperback, July 2001 1884997244
- Songs of Ecstasy : Tantric and Devotional Songs from Colonial Bengal, by Hugh B. Urban, hardcover, June 2001 0195139003
- Songs of the Harsh Devotee : The Tevaram of Cuntaramurttinayanar, (University of Pennsylvania Studies on South Asia, Vol 6)
by David Dean Shulman (Translator), hardcover, April 1990 0936115076
- Songs of the Saints of India, by John Stratton Hawley, Mark Juergensmeyer, Paperback: 268 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA; New Ed edition (January 16, 2008) 0195694201
- Songs for Siva: Vacanas of Akka Mahadevi, (Sacred Literature Trust Series) by Shiva Prakash (Author), Vinaya Chaitanya (Translator), Paperback: 150 pages Publisher: Yale University Press (April 15, 2010) 0300165277
- Sonic theology: Hinduism & sacred sound, Guy Beck, MB
- Two Souls: Four Lives--: The Lives & Former Lives of Paramhansa Yogananda and His Disciple Swami Kriyananda, by Catherine Kairavi, Paperback: 480 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers (August 16, 2010) 1565892445
- Sounds of Tantra: Mantra Meditation Techniques from Tools for Tantra [ABRIDGED], by Harish Johari, Publisher: Destiny Books; Abridged edition (May 2004) 1594770034
- Source book in Indian philosophy, by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Charles A. Moore, 0691019584
- The two Sources of Indian Asceticism, by Johannes Bronkhorst, Hardcover: 116 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass,; 1 edition (March 1998) 8120815513 MB
Spanda-Karikas : The Divine Creative Pulsation, by Jaideva Singh, hardcover, December 19948120808169
- Specific principles of Kashmir Shaivism, by Dr BN Pundit, published by Manohar Lal Munshiram, Delhi
- Speaking of: Yoga & Nature-Cure Therapy, by K.S. Joshi, paperback, May 1993 8146013605
- Spectrum of Ecstasy; Embracing Emotions as the Path of Inner Tantra, by Ngakpa Chogyam, Andrea Antonoff (Editor) 0965394808
- The Spice Trade of the Roman Empire, 29 B.C. to A.D. 641, (Oxford University Press academic monograph reprints) by James Innes Miller, Hardcover: 294 pages Publisher: Clarendon Press (January 1969) 0198142641
- The Spirit of Hindu Law, by Donald R. Davis, Hardcover: 216 pages Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (February 28, 2010) 0521877040
- Spiritual fundamentals : an introduction to Vedic wisdom, by Stephen Knapp 1887089136
- Spiritual Quest And the Way of Yoga, by Swami Adiswarananda, Hardcover: 308 pages Publisher: Skylight Paths Publishing (September 1, 2005) 1594731136
- Spiritual treasures of Saint Ramadasa, V.H. Date, MB
- Spiritual sex : the secrets of Tantra from the ice age to the new millennium, by Nik Douglas 0671537393
Spiritual Teaching of Ramana Maharshi, by Ramana Maharshi, Paperback: 144 pages Publisher: Shambhala; (August 10, 2004) 1590301390
- Splendor of Recognition: An Exploration of the Pratyabhijna-Hrdayam: A Text on the Ancient Science of the Soul, by Pwheely Bendet, Swami Shantananda, paperback, Siddha Yoga Pubns; (March 2004) 1930939000
- Spread of Vaisnavism in Gujarat Up to 11000 A.D. : A Study With Special
Reference to the Iconic Forms of Visnu, by Haripriya Rangarajan, hardcover, December 1990 817039192X
- Sraddha: the Hindu book of the dead, R.C. Prasad MB
- Sri Aurobindo: a brief biography, by Peter Heehs 019562307X
- Sri Aurobindo & his Yoga, by M.P. Pandit, 0941524256
- Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga, by Kireet Joshi, hardcover, April 1998 8121508312
- Sri Aurobindo & Karl Marx: integral sociology &
dialectical sociology, by D.P. Chattopadhyaya, 8120803884
- Sri Aurobindo & the Mother: glimpses of their experiments, experiences & realisations, by Kireet Joshi, 8120806557
- Sri Aurobindo as a Political thinker: an interdisciplinary study, by Som P. Ranchan, K.D. Gupta, 8122001114
- Sri Aurobindo on himself, by Sri Aurobindo, 0890713170
- Sri Bhakti Raksaka Madhuri; A Glimpse Into the Heart of Guru Maharaja, by Bhakti N. Swami 1886069018
- Sri Brahma-samhita, by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Thakura, paperback, January 1985 0892131454
- Sri Durgasaptasati (with hindi commentary), ed. by Satyavrat Singh, with foreword by Gaurinath Shastri, Institute for Pauranic & Vedic studies and research, Naimisharanya, Sitapur, (1983), (ANU BL1140.4.M373.1983)
- Sri Gayatri Mantrartha Dipika: illuminations on the essential meaning of Gayatri mantra, by Swami B. G. Narasingha, hardcover October 1999 188606900X
- Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Winand M. Callewaert, MB
- Shri Krishna Caitanya & the Bhakti religion, by E Weber, 3820411917
- Sri Krsna Caitanya : A Historical Study of Gaudiya Vaisnavism, by A.N. Chatterjee, hardcover, December 1984 0836413210
- Srimad Bhagavad Gita, G.V.Nadgouda
- Srimad Bhagavad Gita Bhasya of Sri Samkaracarya, by Shankara, A.G. Warrier (Translator), paperback, March 1984 0874815258
- Srimad Bhagavatam, by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, published by Bhaktivedanta Book Trust.
- Srimad Bhagavata Saroddhara, Vishnutirtha
- Sri Raghavendra Tiirtha's upanishad khandârtha, by K.B. Archak, DVP.
- Sri Ramakrishna: a prophet for the new age, by Richard Schiffman, 1557782083
- Sri Ramakrishna: as swami Vivekananda saw him, 0874814529
- Sri Ramakrishna, the great master, by Swami Saradananda (Translator), 0874814960
- Sri Sarwarthachintamani, 2 volumes, tr. Suryanarain Rao, MB
- Sri Satyanarayana puja, tr. Satguru Sant Keshavadas, MB
- Sri Tattvacintamani of Purnananda (critically edited for original mss (ch. I-VIII with an original commentary by Bhuvanmohan, Shankhyatirtha & ch. XIX-XXVI with notes by Chintamani Bhattacharya, with an introduction by Prabodha Chandra Bagchi, MB
- Sri Tattva Sandarbha, tr. Sataya Narayana Dasa & Kundali Dasa, MB
- Star in the Eastby Roland Vernon, hardcover, March 20010312238258
- Step-by-step Yoga for Pregnancy: Essential Exercises for the Childbearing Year, by Wendy Teasdill, paperback, March 2000 0809225433
- Stories of Indian saints, Justin Abbott, MB
- Stories About Posts: Vedic Variations Around the Hindu Goddess, by Madeline Biardeau, Marie Louise Reiniche, Tai Walker, Hardcover: 239 pages Publisher: University of Chicago Press; (October 2004) 0226045951
- Stress & its management by Yoga, K.N. Udupa, MB
- Stri: Women in Epic Mahabharata, (Hellenic Studies - Ilex) by Kevin McGrath, Paperback: 230 pages Publisher: Center for Hellenic Studies (March 31, 2009) 0696031989
- Structure & meaning of Badarayana's Brahma Sutras: a translation & analysis of Adhyaya 1, by George C.,Jr. Adams, 8120809319
- Structure of the world in Udayana's realism: a study of the Lakasaniovali & the Kiranavali, by Musashi Tachikawa 9027712913
- Structures grammaticales des langues dravidiennes, J. BLoch, Maisonneuve Paris 1946 (ANU PL4603.B55 - 3810005)
Studies on the Carvaka/Lokayata , (Cultural, Historical and Textual Studies of Religions) by Ramkrishna Bhattacharya, Hardcover: 254 pages Publisher: Anthem Press (December 15, 2011) 0857284339
- Studies in Hindu and Buddhist art, by P. K. Mishra (Editor), Hardcover: 413 pages Publisher: Abhinav Pubns; 1 edition (January 1, 1999) 817017368X
- Studies in Hinduism, by Rene Guenon, Henry D. Fohr, hardcover, October 2001 0900588705
- Studies in Hinduism, by Rene Guenon, Henry D. Fohr, paperback, October 2001 0900588691
- Studies in Hinduism IV: On the Mutual Influences and Relationship of Visistadvaita Vedanta and Pancaratra, by Gerhard Oberhammer (Editor), Marion Rastelli (Editor), Hardcover: 325 pages Publisher: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press (December 30, 2007) 3700136803
- Studies in Indian & Indo-Indonesian Tantrism (the Kunjarakarnadharmakathan & the Yogatantra) Max Nihom MB
- Studies in Indian literature & philosophy: collected articles of J.A.B. Van Buitenen, ed. Ludo Rocher MB
- Studies in Indian thought (collected papers of Professor T.R.V. Murti), ed. Harold Coward, MB
Studies in the Kasikavrtti. The Section on Pratyaharas: Critical Edition, Translation and Other Contributions, (Cultural, Historical and Textual Studies of Religions) by Pascale Haag (Editor), Vincenzo Vergiani (Editor), Hardcover: 276 pages Publisher: Anthem Press (December 15, 2011) 0857284347
- Studies in Mimamsa ( Dr Mandan Mishra felicitation volume), ed. R.C. Dvivedi, MB
- Studies in South Asian devotional literature : research papers, 1988-1991 presented at the fifth conference on devotional literature in New Indo-Arya, by Alan W. Entwistle, Francoise Mallison (Editor), 8173040958
- Studies in the History of Indian philosophy: an anthology of articles by scholars eastern & western, by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya (Editor), hard cover issue, 8170960630
- Studies in the Mahapuranas, by Sures Chandra Banerji, hardcover, January 1992 818509442X
- Studies in the Puranic records of the Hindu rites & customs, R.C. Hazra, MB
- Studies in the Tantra & the Veda, by M.P. Pandit 9999720668
- Study of Hinduism , (Studies in Comparative Religion (University of South Carolina)) by Arvinda Sharma (Editor), Arvind Sharma (Editor), hardcover, February 2003 1570034494
- Study of yoga, Jajneshwar Ghosh, MB
- Study on three Vedic Suktas, Nagesh D.Sonde
- Sukla Yajurveda Samhita, (text), ed. Jagdish Lal Shastri, MB
- Sundar Kanda, Satyananda Sarasvati & Shree Maa, MB
- Sun worship in ancient India, L.P. Pandeya, MB
- Super consciousness: a guide to meditation, J. Donald Walters, MB
- Supreme Adventure : Exploring the Inner World, by Peter Hayes, paperback, March 20010911307850
- Sur Das: poet, singer, saint (Publications on Asia of the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, Vol 40), by John Stratton Hawley, 02959100023
- Suresvara's Vartika on Ajatasatru Brahmana, Shoun Hino & K.P. Jog, MB
- Suresvara's Vartika on Asva and Asvamedha Brahmana, tr. & ed. K.P.Jog & Shoun Hino, hardcover, December 19908120806433
- Suresvara's Vartika on Khila Khanda with half verse index, Shoun Hino & K.P. Jog, MB
- Suresvara's Vartika on Madhu Brahmana, ed. & tr. by K.P. Jog & Shoun Hino, hardcover, February 19888120804384
- Suresvara's Vartika on Purusavidha Brahmana, K.P. Jog & Shoun Hino, hardcover, March 19938120811127
- Suresvara's Vartika on Saptanna Brahmana, tr. & ed. Shoun Hino & K.P. Jog, hardocover, April 19969996393291
- Suresvara's Vartika on Sisu and Murtamurta Brahmana, K.P. Jog & Shoun Hino, MB
- Suresvara's Vartika on Udgitha Brahmana (Brhadaranyakopanisad 1.3), ed. & tr. by K.P. Jog & Shoun Hino, hardcover, May 1992 8120808673
- Suresvara's Vartika on Yajnavalkya-Maitreyi dialogue (Brhadaranyakopanishad 2.4 and 2.5), Shoun Hino, MB
- Survey of Hinduism, by Klaus K. Klostermaier, Hardcover: 700 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press; 3 edition (July 5, 2007) 0791960814
- Swami Vivekananda: a reassessment, by Narasingha P. Sil, 0945636970
- Swami Vivekananda in India, A Corrective Biography by Rajgopal Chattopadhyay, hardcover, march 1998 8120815866
- Sylvain Lévi et la linguistique indienne (ANU pPK418.B55 - 384733)
- Taittiriya Brahmana (4 volumes), R. Shama Sastri & Srinivasacharya, MB
- Taittiriya Pratisakhya, William Dwight Whitney MB
- Taittiriya Samhita of Black Yajur Veda (10 volumes) (text), A. Mahadeva Sastri & K. Rangacharya, MB
- Tales & parables of Sri Ramakrishna, 0874814936
- Tales from Ramakrishna, 087481152X
- Tales from the Kathasaritsagara (Penguin Classics), by Somadeva, Arshia Sattar,Wendy D. O'Flaherty, 0140446982
- Tales of sex & violence, folklore, sacrifice & danger in the Jaiminiya Brahmana, by Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty 0226618528
- Talks on Agni, by Torkom Saraydarian, paperback, May 1987 0911794565
- Tantra, by Ramiro A. Calle, paperback, 2001 8486221250
- Tantra, by Indra Sinha, paperback, October 2000 01000599981
- Tantra : a handbook for spiritual lovers, by Jivan Swann, 0962205214
- Tantra for Gay Men, by Bruce Anderson, paperback, November 2002 1555837492
- Tantra in Bengal : a study in its origin, development and influence, by S.C. Banerji, hardcover, August 1992 8185425639
- Tantra: Indian rites of ecstasy, by Nik Douglas, 6302890098
- Tantra in practice, by David Gordon White (Editor), hardcover, September 20000691057788
- Tantra in practice, by David Gordon White (Editor), paperback, September 20000691057796
- Tantra of the Beloved, by Michael Virochana Khalsa 0959804897
- Tantraloka of Abhinavagupta (8 volumes) (text in devanagari with exhaustive English introduction & indices), ed. R.C. Dvivedi & Navjivan Rastogi, MB
- Tantrarajatantra (text, introduction by Arthur Avalon), ed. Lakshmana Shastri, MB
- Tantras, studies on their religion & literature, Chakravarti, Oriental Book Agency Poona
- Tantra: the art of conscious loving, by C. Muir 0916515869
- Tantra : The Cult of Ecstasy, by Indra Sinha, paperback issue, October 200001000599981
- Tantra: the path of ecstasy: an introduction to Hindu Tantrism, by Georg Feuerstein, 157062304X
- Tantra, the supreme understanding: discourses on the tantric way of Tilopa's Song of Mahamudra, by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, 0880506431
- Tantra : the way of action : a practical guide to its teachings and techniques, by Francis King 0892812745
- Tantravarttika of Kumarila Bhatta (a commentary on Sabara's Bhasya on the Purvamimansa Sutras of Jaimini) (2 volumes), tr. Ganganatha Jha, MB
- Tantra Vidya: based on archaic astronomy & Tantric Yoga, Oscal Marcle Hinze, tr. V.M. Bedekar 8120805240
- Tantra without tears, by Christopher S. Hyatt, 1561840602
- Tantra Yoga, by Nik Douglas, 0689601723
- Tantric quest : an encounter with absolute love, by Daniel Odier, Jody Gladding (Translator)0892816201
- Tantric Yoga : the royal path to raising Kundalini power, by Gavin Frost 0877286922
- Tantric visions of the divine feminine: the ten Mahavidyas, by David Kinsley, hardcover issue, 0520204980
- Tantric visions of the divine feminine: the ten Mahavidyas, by David Kinsley, paperback issue, 0520204999
- Tantric Yoga & the wisdom goddesses, David Frawley 1878423177
- Tantric Yoga: the royal path to raising Kundalini power, by Gavin & Yvonne Frost, 0877286922
- Vedic Tantrism, A Study of Rgvidhana of Saunaka with Text and Translation, by M.S. Bhat, Hardcover: 437 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Pub; 2 edition (February 5, 1998) 8120801970 MB
- Tattvacintamani of Gangesa Upadhyaya, text with sanskrit commentary, S.C. Vidyabhusana, MB
- Tat Tvam Asi: that thou art ( the path of fire according to Asparsa yoga), Raphael, MB
- Tattwaprakasham : Recorded Talks of Sri Adwayananda, by K. Padmanabha Menon, hardcover, August 1997 0914793225
- Tattwaprakasham : Recorded Talks of Sri Adwayananda, by K. Padmanabha Menon, hardcover, 2nd edition, August 1997 0914793209
- Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, 0874811333
- Teachings of the Hindu Mystics, by Andrew Harvey (Editor), paperback, November 2001 1570624496
- The Teachings of the Odd-eyed One: A Study and Translation of the Virupaksapancasika, With the Commentary of Vidyacakravartin, (SUNY series in Hindu Studies) (Paperback) by David Peter Lawrence, Paperback: 192 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (July 2009) 0791475549
- Teachings of Yoga, by Georg Feuerstein (Editor), 157062318X
Teach Yourself Hinduism, by Owen Cole and V. P. Kanitkar, paperback, May 2003 0071419624
- Teach Yourself Sanskrit, Michael Coulson, Hodder & Stoughton 1989
- Techniques du Yoga, Mircéa Eliade, Paris 1948
- Temple Consecration Rituals in Ancient India: Text and Archaeology, (Brill's Indological Library) by Anna A. Slaczka, Hardcover: 300 pages Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers (September 30, 2007) 900415843X
- The Temple of Jagannath: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting and Ritual, by Dinanath Pathy, Hardcover: 246 pages Publisher: Sandeep Prakashan (April 1, 2002) 8175741058 MB
- Jagannatha cult: Origin, rituals, festivals, religion, and philosphy : a critical study of Sthala Purana "Niladri Mahodayam", by Bidyutlata Raya, 303 pages Publisher: Kant Publications (1998) 8186218076
- Temple Towns of Tamil Nadu, by George Michell, Hardcover: 128 pages Publisher: Marg Publications; 2Rev Ed edition (January 25, 2007) 8185026211
- Terminologie grammaticale du sanskrit, Louis Renou, Honoré Champion éditeur 7 Quai Malaquais Paris 75006 (1942),
(ANU PK654.R4)
- Textes sanskrits, par Jean Varenne, Ophrys Paris (ANU PK3595.V3)
- Texts of the White Yajurveda or Vajasneya-Samhita, hardcover, September 1987 8121500478
- Textual sources for the study of Hinduism, by Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty (Editor) et al, paperback, November 1990 0226618471
- That compassionate touch of Ma Anandamayee, Narayana Chaudhuri, MB
- The ABC's of chakra therapy: a workbook, by Deedre Diemer, 1578630215
- The Acarya: Sankara of Kalaki, I.S. Madugula, MB
- The Achaemenid & India, Sudhakar Chattopadhyaya, IHQ XXVI, 1950, p. 100/117
- The Advaita of art, Harsha V. Dehejia, MB
- The Advaita tradition in Indian philosophy, Chandradhar Sharma, MB
- The Advaita Vedanta of Brahma-Siddhi, by Allen Wright Thrasher, 8120809823
- The Advaitic theism of the Bhagavata purana, Daniel P. Sheridan, hardcover, July 19868120801792
- The adventures of young Krishna: the blue god of India, by Diksha Dalal-Clayton, children books, 0195081137
- The aesthetics of wonder: new findings in Sanskrit Alankarasastra, by A.V. Subramanian, 8120804449
- The Agamasastra of Gaudapada, Vidhushekhara Bhattacharya, MB
- The Aitareya Brahmanam of the Rigveda, Containing the Earliest Speculations of the Brahmans on the Meaning of the Sacrifical Prayers, by Major B.D. Basu, hardcover, June 1974 0404578489
- The alchemical body: Siddha traditions in medieval India, by David Gordon White, 0226894975
- The Alchemical Body : Siddha Traditions in Medieval India, by David Gordon White, paperback January 1999 issue, 596 pages 0226894991
- The American Yoga association beginner's manual, by Alice Christensen, 0671619357
- The American Yoga Association's Yoga for sport, by Alice Christensen, paperback March 2000 0809226219
- The analyst & the mystic: psychoanalytic reflections on religion & mysticism, by Sudhir Kakar, 0226422836
The aphorisms of Siva: the Sivasutra with Bhaskara's commentary, the Varttika (Suny Series in Tantric Studies), by Mark S.G. Dyczkowski (Translator), 0791412636
- The art and iconography of Vishnu-Narayan, by Nanditha Krishna, 0865900256
- The art and theology of Srivaisnava thinkers : the De Nobili endowment lectures, by Francis Xavier Clooney 8185427593
- The Arthasamgraha of Laugaksi Bhaskara (sanskrit text with english translation), A.B. Gajendragadkar & R.D. Karmarkar, MB
- The artful universe: an introduction to the Vedic religious imagination (Suny Series in Hindu Studies), by William K. Mahony, 0791435792
- The artful universe: an introduction to the Vedic religious imagination (Suny Series in Hindu Studies), by William K. Mahony, paperback, February 1998 0791435806
- The art of everyday ecstasy : the seven Tantric keys for bringing passion, spirit and joy into every part of your life, by Margo Anand, hardcover June 1998 0767901649
- The art of everyday ecstasy : the seven Tantric keys for bringing passion,
spirit and joy into every part of your life, by Margo Anand, paperback April 1999 0767901991
- The art of sadhana: a practical guide to daily devotion, by Bhakti Promode Puri Maharaja, hardcover September 1999 1886069026
- The art of tantric sex, by Nitya Lacroix, Mark Harwood (Photographer), 0789414775
- The Aryans In The Rigveda, (Leiden Studies in Indo-European 1) by F.B.J. Kuiper 9051833075
- The ascent, Yogi Mahajan, MB
- The Asrama System : The History and Hermeneutics of a Religious Institution, by Patrick Olivelle, hardcover, October 1993 019508327X
- The Astadhyayi of Panini, by Rama Nath Sharma 9990338086
- The Atharvaveda, by Devi Chand (Translator) 81215017253.
- The Atharvaveda: Sanskrit text with English translation, by Devi Chand (Translator), hardcover, June 1982 0836424182
- The auspicious wisdom: the texts & traditions of Srividya Sakta Tantrism in South India, by Douglas Renfrew Brooks, 0791411451
- The Authorized Sri Caitanya-Saraswanta Parampara, by Swami B. G. Narasingha, hardcover May 1999 1886069050
- The basic ways of knowing: an indepth study of Kumarila's contribution to Indian epistemology, G.P. Bhatt MB
- The beginning & the end of religion, by Nicholas Lash, 0521566355
- The Bhakti movement & the status of women : a case study of Virasaivism, by Leela Mullatti, 8170172500
- The Bhakti sect of Vallabhacarya, by Richard Barz 9993234192
- The Body Divine: the symbol of the body in the works of Teilhard de Chardin & Ramanuja, by Anne Hunt Overzee, 0521385164
- The book of Hindu imagery: gods, manifestations & their meaning, by Eva Judy Jansen, Tony Langham (Translator) 9074597076
- The book of miracles : the classic miracle stories of christianity, judaism, buddhism, hinduism and islam, by Kenneth Woodward, hardcover April 2000 06842325334
- The Brhadaranyakopanishad with Madhva's commentary, Dr.BNK Sharma, MB
- The Brahma-Sutras, by Badarayana, 08741000760
- The Brahma Sutras: the philosophy of spiritual life, by S. Radhakrishnan, 083710291X
- The breath of God, by Swami Chetanananda, 0915801051
- The bridge to the three holy cities, Richard Salomon MB
- The Broken World of Sacrifice : An Essay in Ancient Indian Ritual, by J. C. Heesterman, paperback, June 1993 0226323013
- The Broken World of Sacrifice : An Essay in Ancient Indian Ritual, by J. C. Heesterman, library binding, June 1993 0226323005
- The butter thief, by Chris Murray, 0892132744
- The call of the Upanishads, Rohit Mehta, MB
- The Cambridge history of India, Cambridge 1922
- The camphor flame: popular Hinduism & society in
India (Princeton Paperbacks), by C. J. Fuller, 0691020841
- The canon of the Saivagama & the Kubjika Tantras of the western Kaula tradition, Mark Dyczlpwski, MB
- The Caurasi pad of Sri Hit Harivams: introduction, translation, notes, & edited Braj bhasa text, by Hita Harivamsa Gosvami, 0824803590
- The Celestial Key to the Vedas : Discovering the Origins of the World's Oldest Civilization, by B. G. Sidharth, paperback October 1999 issue 0892817534
- The chakras and esoteric healing, Zachary F. Lansdowne, MB
- The chronology of the reign of Asoka Moriya, by P. wheelermont, Leiden 1956
- The commentary of Shri Madhva on Mandukya Upanishad, by Nagesh D.Sonde
- The commentary of Shri Madhva on Isha and Kena Upanishad, by Nagesh D.Sonde
- The commentary of Shri Madhva on Katha Upanishad, by Nagesh D.Sonde
- The compassionate universe, by Eknath Easwaran, 0915132583
- The complete commentary by Sankara on the Yoga Sutras: a full translation of the newly discovered text, by Trevor Lwheelett, hardcover, December 1990 0710302770
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to Hinduism (Complete Idiot's Guides) by Linda Johnsen, Paperback: 432 pages Publisher: Alpha; 2 edition (May 5, 2009)
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to Meditation (Complete Idiot's Guides) by Joan Budilovsky, Bernie S. Siegel, Eve Adamson, paperback January 19990028629078
- The complete illustrated book of Yoga, by Swami Vishnu-Devananda, 0517884313
- The complete Yoga book : Yoga of breathing, Yoga of posture & Yoga of meditation/three volumes in one, by James Hewitt, 0805209697
- The concept of Maya in Samkara and Radhakrishnan, by Donald Tuck, hardcover, 083641375X
- The concept of personality in Sri Aurobindo's integral Yoga psychology & A. Maslow's humanistic/transpersonal psychology, by Joseph Vrinte, 8121506476
- The concept of Rudra-Siva through the ages, Mahadeva Chakravarti, MB
- The concept of salvation in Vedanta, by Saroj Kulshreshtha, 0317617885
- The concept of theft in classical Hindu law: an analysis & the idea of punishment, by Chanchal A. Bhattacharya 8121504759
- The concept of Upasana: worship in Sanskrit literature, by Rajani Patki, 8170304830
- The concise Ramayana of Valmiki, by Swami Venkatesananda, 0887068634
- The concise Sanskrit-English dictionary, by Vasudeo Govind (Compiler), Davidovic Mladen, 0781802032
- The condensed gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, 9996118258
- The cult of Draupadi: mythologies, from Gingee to Kuruksetra, by Alf Hiltebeitel, 0226340457
- The cult of Draupadi: on Hindu ritual & the Goddess, by Alf Hiltebeitel, 0226340473
- The cult of the Goddess Pattini, by Gananath Obeyesekere, 0226616029
- The dance of Shiva, by William Deverell, 0771026641
- The dance of Siva: essays on Indian art & culture, by Ananda Coomaraswamy, 0486248178
- The dance of Siva: religion, art & poetry in south India (Cambridge Studies in Religious Traditions, No 7), by David Smith, 0521482348
- The Devi Gita : the song of the Goddess, a translation, annotation and commentary, by Cheever MacKenzie Brown (Editor) 0791439402
- The Dharmasutras : the law codes of ancient India, by Patrick Olivelle, paperback, November 1999 0192838822
- The Dhvanyaloka of Anandavardhana with the Locana of Abhinavagupta (Harvard Oriental Series, No 49), by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, M.V. Patwardhan, Daniel H. H. Ingalls,
- The dictionary of Sanskrit names, by Integral Yoga Inst (Compiler), 0932040357
- The Disinterested Witness : A Fragment of Advaita Vedanta Phenomenology, (Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy)
by Bina Gupta, hardcover, June 1998 01000115646
- The Disinterested Witness : A Fragment of Advaita Vedanta Phenomenology, (Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy)
by Bina Gupta, paperback, June 1998 01000115654
- The divine & demoniac: Mahisa's heroic struggle with Durga, by Carmel Berkson, 0195635558
- The divine light invocation: a spiritual practice for healing & for realizing the light within, by Swami Sivananda Radha, 0931454174
- The divine light invocation: a spiritual practice for healing & for realizing the light within, by Swami Sivananda Radha, 0931454174
- The doctrine of the Upanishads & the early Buddhism, Hermann Oldenberg, MB reprint October 1997
- The doctrine of vibration: an analysis of the doctrines & practices of Kashmir Shaivism, (Suny Series in the Shaiva Traditions of Kashmir), by Mark Dyczkowski, paperback
issue, 0887064329
- The doctrine of vibration: an analysis of the doctrines & practices of Kashmir Shaivism (Suny Series in the Shaiva Traditions of Kashmir), by Mark S.G. Dyczkowski, hardcover 0887064310
- The doctrine of the Upanisads & early Buddhism, Hermann Oldenberg, english tr. by Shridhar Shrotri, MB
- The Durgastotra, 08974441000
- The early history of India, from 1000 B.C. to the Muhammadam conquest, including the invasion of Alexander the Great, by Vincent A. Smith, Oxford 1924, (ANU DS451.S67.1924)
- The Early Upanisads : Annotated Text and Translation, (South Asia Research) by Patrick Olivelle (Translator), hardcover,
September 1998 0199604359
- The Eight Human Talents, by Gurmukh, hardcover, March 2000 0060195487
- The Embodiment of Bhakti, by Karen Pechilis Prentiss, hardcover November 1999 0199608133
- The encyclopedia of sacred sexuality : from aphrodisiacs and ecstasy to Yoni
worship and Zap-Lam Yoga, by Rufus C. Camphausen paperback issue, January 1999 0892817194
- The end of sorrow (The Bhagavad Gita for Living, Vol. 1), by Eknath Easwaran, 0915132176
- The epic beautiful: an English verse rendering of the Sundara Kanda of the Ramayana of Valmiki, by Sriniyasa Iyengar, 0836415450
- The essence & purpose of Yoga: the initiatory pathways to the transcendent, by Raphael, 1852308664
- The essence of Yoga: essays on the development of yogic philosophy from the Vedas to modern times, by Georg Feuerstein & J. Miller, 0892817380
- The essence of Yoga: reflections on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, by Bernard Bouanchaud, Rosemary Desneux (Translator), paperback, June 1997 0915801698
- The essential Tantra: a modern guide to sacred sexuality, by Kenneth Ray Stubbs, paperback January 2000 158542014X
- The Eternal Way : The Inner Meaning of the Bhagavad Gita, by Roy Eugene Davis, hardcover February 1999 issue 0877072485
- The ethical philosophy of the Gita: a comparative & critical study of the interpretations of Tilak & Ramanuja, by Madan P. Singh, 8185094969
- The experience of nothingness : Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's talks on realizing the infinite, Robert Powell (Editor), 1884997147
- The Experiential Dimension of Advaita Vedanta, by Arvind Sharma, hardcover, September 1993 81201000589
- The face of truth : a study of meaning & metaphysics in the vedantic theology of Ramanuja, by Julius J. Lipner, paperback, January 1986 0887060390
- The faith of ascetics and lay smartas (a study of the Sankaran tradition of Srngeri), Yoshitsugu Sawai, hardcover, January 1990 0710303491
- The flame and the light: meanings in Vedanta and Buddhism, by Hugh I'Anson, Fausset, 0837109965
- The forest book of the Ramayana of Kampan, by Eorge L. Hart, Hank Heifetz, 0520060881
- The formation of the Marathi language, Jules Bloch, (ANU PK4607.B64.1970)
- The French in India: from diamond traders to Sanskrit scholars, by Rose Vincent (Editor), 0861322592
- The fruits of our desiring: an enquiry into the ethics of the 'Bhagavad Gita' for our times, by Julius Lipner (Editor), paperback, November 1997 1896209300
- The glory of Bhagavadgita, V.Prabhanjanacharya, Vyasanakere Prakashana, Bangalore
- The glory of Puttaparthi, V. Balu, MB
- The Goddess of India : The Five Faces of the Eternal Feminine, by Devdutt Pattanaik, paperback, August 2000 0892818077
- The goddess of Tantra, by Pranab Bandyopadhyay, 8185094306
- The Gods of Asia : Image, Text, and Meaning, by T. S. Maxwell, paperback, January 1999 0195647335
- The Golden Gift of the Golden Lord: Prema Dhama Deva Stotram, by Swami B. Sridhara, paperback September 19991886069069
- The gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, by Swami Nikhilananda (Translator), hardcover issue, 0911206019
- The great book of Tantra : translations and images from the classic Indian texts, by Indra Sinha, 089281487X
- The great epic of India : character and origin of the Mahabharata, by E. Washburn Hopkins, 8120809955
- The great Indian novel, by Shashi Tharoor, 1559701943
- The Great Liberation : Mahanirvana Tantra, by Sir Woodroffe, 0897440234
- The gredks in Bactria & India, by W.W. Tarn, Cambridge 1966 (ANU DS451.T3.1966)
- The greeks in India, by George Woodcock, Faber & Faber London 1966
- The Hare Krishnas in India, by Charles R. Brooks, 0691031355
- The Harsa-Carita of Bana, by E.B. Cowell, F.W. Thomas, 999402390X
- The heart of Krishna, by Swami B. P. Puri, hardcover, October 20000945475063
- The hermit & the love-thief, by Bhartrihari, Bilhana, Barbara Stoller Miller, 0140445846
- The Hindu nationalist movement in India, by Christophe Jaffrelot, 0231103344
- The Hindu personality in education: Tagore, Gandhi, Aurobindo, by William Cenkner, 8173040400
- The Hindu sitting on his treasure, by Marco Koskas, hardcover, November 2000 156649107X
- The Hindu temple: an introduction to its meaning & forms, by George Michell, 0226532305
- The Hindu tradition, by Ainslie Thomas Embree (Compiler), 0394717023
- The Hindu vision, Anantanand Rambachan, MB
- The Hindu vision: forms of the formless, by Alistair Shearer, 05001000435
- The history & culture of Indian people, I. The Vedic age, II. The age of Imperial unity, III. The classical age; R.C. Majumdar et al, Bombay 1954
- The history of sacred places in India as reflected in traditional literature: papers on pilgrimage in South Asia(T'Oung Pao - Monographies), by H. Bakker (Editor), 9004093184
- The holy science: Kaivalya Darsanam., by Swami Yukteswar, 0876120516
- The human cycle: the ideal of human unity war & self-determination, by Sri Aurobindo, 0318363895
- The Hungry God : Hindu Tales of Filicide and Devotion, by David Shulman, hardcover, October 1993 0226755711
- The Hymns of Sankara, hardcover, July 1986 812080094X
- The Hymns of Sankara, paperback, July 1986 8120800974
- The hymns of Sankara, tr. & ed. by T.P. Mahadevan, MB October 1997 reprint
- The illustrated encyclopedia of Hinduism, by James Lochtefeld, hardcover October 2000 02325331803
- The illustrated encyclopedia of Hinduism, by James Lochtefeld, library binding October 2000 0232533179X
- The impact of Ramanuja's teaching on life & conditions in society, by G. Lakshamma, 8185067465
- The incarnation of love: 'radical' spiritual wisdom & practical instruction on self-transcending love & service in all relationships, by Da Free John, 0918801869
- The India book: essays & translations from Indian Asia, by Andrew Schelling, 1882022165
- The Indo-Aryan languages (Cambridge Language Surveys), by Colin P. Masica, 0521299446
- The Indo-Aryans of ancient South Asia: language, material culture & ethnicity (Indian Philology and South Asian Studies, Vol 1), by George Erdosy, (Editor), 3110144476
- The Indo-greeks, A.K. Narain, Oxford 1957
- The Indra hymns of the Rgveda (Orientalia Rhenotraiectina, Vol 36), by J. Gonda, 9004091394
- The Indus script & the Rg Veda, Egbert Richter, MB
- The Inner Conflict of Tradition : Essays in Indian Ritual, Kingship, and Society, by J. C. Heesterman, paperback, February 1985 0226322998
- The inner world, by Sudhir Kakar, 0195615085
- The innocence of Her form: the divine revelation of She Is, by Santosha Tantra, 0965367606
- The Integral Yoga: Sri Aurobindo's teaching & method of practice, by Sri Aurobindo, 0941524760
- The integrity of the Yoga Darsana : a reconsideration of the classical Yoga tradition, (Suny Series in Religious Studies) by Ian Whicher, hardcover issue, January 1999 0791438155
- The Jyotistoma Ritual : Jaiminiya Brahmana I, 66-364, (Orientalia Rhenotraiectina, Vol 34) by H.W. Bodewitz, hardcover, August 1987 9004091203
- The Kapalikas & Kalamukhas: two lost Saivite sects, David Lorenzen, MB
- The Karma Manuel: 9 days to change your life, by John Mumford, paperback July 1999 issue 1567184901
- The Kausikasutra of Atharvaveda (with extracts from the commentaries of Darila and Kesava), M. Bloomfield, MB
- The king & the corpse: tales of the soul's conquest of evil (Bollingen Series XI), by Heinrich Zimmer, 069101776X
- The Krsna cycle in the Puranas, Benjamin Solis MB
- The Kubjika upanishad, Teun Goudriaan & Jan Schoterman, MB
- The Lalita cult, V.R. Ramachandra Dikshitar MB
- The laws of Manu (Penguin Classics), by Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty (Translator), 0140449604
- The liberator: the epitome of the perfect wisdom & the perfect practice of the way of the heart, by Adi Da, 1570970114/rogergarinmichau">
- The life and teachings of Sai Baba of Shirdi (Suny Series in Religious Studies), by Antonio Rigopoulos, 0791412679
- The life divine, by Sri Aurobindo, - U.S. Edition 0941524612
- The life divine, by Sri Aurobindo, hardcover issue, 0941524620
- The life of Sri Aurobindo, by A.B. Purani, 8170580803
- This Light in Oneself : True Meditation, by J. Krishnamurti, paperback April 1999 1570624429
- The light of consciousness, by Richard D. Mann, 087395906X
- The Limits of Scripture : Vivekananda's Reinterpretation of the Vedas, by Anantanand Rambachan, hardcover, June 1994 0824815424
- The little book of Hindu wisdom (The 'Little Books' Series), by Stephen Cross, 1862041091
- The little Yoga bookby Erika Dilman, paperback issue, January 1999 0446673927
- The living Goddess,
by Linda Johnsen, hardcover issue, January 1999 0936663460
- The Lord of Arur, the Tyagaraja Cult in Tamil Nadu, Rajeshwari Ghose, MB
- The Love teachings of Kama Sutra: with extracts from Koka Shastra, Ananga Ranga & other famous Indian works on love, by Vatsyayana, Indra Sinha (Translator), 156924779X
- The Magadhas in Ancient India, B.C. Law, Lucknow 1946
- The Maharishi : the biography of the man who gave transcendental meditation to the world, by Paul Mason 1852305711
- The Mandukya Upanishad and the Agama sastra: an investigation into the meaning of the Vedanta, Thomas E. Wood, MB
- The masks of god : oriental mythology, by Joseph Campbell, 0140194428
- themes and Issues in Hinduism, by Paul Bowen (Editor), hardcover 0304338516
- Themes and Issues in Hinduism, by Paul Bowen (Editor), hardcover, November 1997 0304338508
- The method of the Vedanta (a critical account of the Advaita tradition), Swami Satchidanandendra, tr. A.J. Alston, hardcover, January 1990 0710301200
- The Mother, by Sri Aurobindo, 8170580595
- The myths & Gods of India : The Classic Work on Hindu Polytheism from the Princeton Bollingen Series, by Alain Danielou, 0892813547
- The myths and symbols in Indian art and civilization (Bollingen Series, 6), by Heinrich Zimmer, Joseph Campbell
(Editor) 0691017786
- The myths of middle India, by Verrier Elwin, 0195629639
- The Naiskarmyasiddhi of Suresvara : A Monograph, (Sri Garib Dass Oriental Series, No 136) by John Grimes, hardcover, October
1992 8170303176
- The nectar of immortality: sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's discourses on the eternal, by Robert Powell (Editor),
- The new Sivananda companion to Yoga, by Sivananda Yoga center, paperback, April 2000 0684870002
- The Nighantu & the Nirukta: the oldest Indian treatise on etymology, philology & semantics, sanskrit text with english tr. Lakshman Swarup, MB
- The Niti & Vairagya satakas of Bhartrhari, by M.R. Kale, MB
- The Nyâya Sûtras of Gotama, Nanda Lala Sinha & M.M. Satisa Chandra Vidyâbhûsana MB
- The Oceanic Feeling : The Origins of Religious Sentiment in Ancient India, (Studies in Classical India, No 3) by J. Moussaieff Masson, hardcover, June
1980 9027710503
- Theology After Vedanta : An Experiment in Comparative Theology, (Suny Series Toward a Comparative Philosophy of Religions) by Francis X., S.J. Clooney, hardcover, April 1993 0791413659
- The only dance there is: tallks given at the Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kansas, 1970& at Spring Grove Hospital, Spring Grove, Maryland, 1972., by Ram Dass, 0385084137
- The open moment : reflections on the spiritual life, by Swami Chetanananda, 0915801523
- The origins & development of classical Hinduism, by A. L. Basham, 0195073495
- The origins of evil in Hindu mythology, Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty, MB
- The origins of Virasaiva sects: a typological analysis of ritual & associational patterns in Sunyasampadane, Blake Michael, MB
- Theories of the chakras: bridge to higher consciousness, by Hiroshi Motoyama, 0835605515
- The Oxford history of India, V. Smith, Oxford 1923
- The Pancatantra (Penguin Classics),by Visnu Sarma, Chandra Rajan, 014044596X
- The path of perfection, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swâmi Prabhupâda,ISCON Sydney 1985
- The Path of the Mother : With the Divine Guidance of the Holy Mother, Ammachi, by Savitri L. Bess, paperback, May 2000 034542347X
- The Pathway of Non-Duality, (Advaitavada : An Approach to Some Key-Points of Gaudapada's Asparsavada&Samkara's Advaita Vedanta by Means of Series) by Raphael, hardcover, December 1992 1881338193
- The peasants armed, the Indian revolt of 1857, by Eric Stokes, Clarendon Press Oxford 1986 (ANU DS478.S85.1986)
- The perfect relationship : the guru and the disciple, by Muktananda, Chidvilasananda, paperback issue, February 1999 0911307761
- The persistence of religion: an essay on Tantrism & Sri Aurobindo's philosophy (Numen Book Series , No 8), by K. W. Bolle, 9004033076
- The philosophical traditions of India, P.T. Raju, MB
- The Philosophies of India : A New Approach, (Studies in Asian Thought and Religion, Vol. 14) by Frederick L. Kumar,
hardcover, June 1991 0889460639
- The philosophy of Bhartrhari, by Sastrim Gaunrinath 812170099X
- The philosophy of classical Yoga, by Georg Feuerstein 0892816031
- The philosophy of religion and Advaita Vedanta : a comparative study in
religion and reason, by Arvind Sharma, paperback, November 1999 0271010320
- The philosophy of Sadhana: with special reference to the Trika philosophy of Kashmir (Suny Series in Tantric Studies) by Debabrata Sen Sharma, 0791403475
- The philosophy of Sadhana: with special reference to the Trika philosophy of Kashmir (Suny Series in Tantric Studies) by Debabrata B. Sen Sharma, paperback issue, 0791403483
- The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, by Satyajyoti Chakravarty, 8146013222
- The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, by Satyajyoti Chakravarty, 8146013222
- The philosophy of Sri Madhvacarya, ed. B.N.K. Sharma, MB
- The Philosophy of the Upanishads by A.S. Geden, Paul Deussen, Paperback: 429 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass (August 1, 2011) 812081620X
- The place of the hidden moon: erotic mysticism in the Vaisnava-Sahajiya cult of Bengal, by Edward C. Jr Dimrock 0226152375
- The play of God : visions of the life of Krishna, by Devi Vanamali, Eknath Easwaran 1884997074
- The politics of history: Aryan invasion theory & the subversion of scholarship, by Navaratna S. Rajaram, 818599028X
- The positive background of Hindu sociology, Benoy Kumar Sarkar, MB
- The Pravargya Brahmana of the Taittiriya Aranyaka (an ancient commentary on the Pravargya ritual), tr. Jan Houben, hardcover, May 1992 8120808681
- The presence of Siva, by Stella Kramrisch, 0691019304
- The principal Upanishads, S. Radhakrishnan, George Allen & Unwin London 1953
- The psychic being: Soul: its nature, mission & evolution, by Aurobindo, 0941753766
- The psychology of Kundalini Yoga: notes of the seminar given in 1932 by C. G. Jung, by Carl Gustav Jung, paperback issue, April 1999 0691006768
- The Purana index (3 volumes), V.R. Ramachandra Dikshitar, MB
- The Purva Mimamsa Sutras of Jaimini (Sacred Books of the Hindus ; No 10), by Ganganath Jha, 04045710001
- The qualities of Sri Krsna, by Satsvarupa Dasa Gosvami 0911233644
- The quest for enlightenment: articles from Back to Godhead magazine, by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, 0892132922
- The quest for political & spiritual liberation: a study in the thought of Sri Aurobindo Ghose, by June Oconnor 0838617344
- Sri Ramakrishna, the Face of Silence, by Swami Nikhilananda , Dhan Gopel Mukerji , Paperback: 352 pages Publisher: Skylight Paths Publishing (September 2008) 1594732337
- The Ramayana, by Lakshmi Lal, 0863112838
- The Ramayana : a shortened modern prose version of the Indian epic (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics), by R. K. Narayan, 0140187006
- The Ramayana : global view, by Lallan Prasad Vyas (Editor), 8124192049
- The Ramayana of Valmiki : an epic of ancient India : Balakanda (The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol 1), by Robert P. Goldman et al, 0691065616
- The Ramayana of Valmiki : an epic of ancient India (The Ramayana of Valmiki, vol. 2), by Sheldon I. Pollock, 069106654X
- The Ramayana of Valmiki : an epic of ancient India : Kiskindhakanda (The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol 4), Robert P. Goldman et al, 0691066612
- The Ramayana of Valmiki : An Epic of Ancient India : Sundarakanda (The Ramayana of Valmiki, Vol 5), by Robert P. Goldman et al, 0691066620
- The Ramayana of Valmiki : translated from the original Sanskrit, by Makhanlal Sen, 8121500931
- The Essential Swami Ramdas, by Swami Ramdas, Paperback: 216 pages Publisher: World Wisdom; Commemorative ed edition (May 25, 2005) 0941532739
- Remember, be here now !, by Swami Ramdas, Paperback: 416 pages Publisher: Hanuman Foundation; Later Printing edition (October 12, 1971) 0517543052
- The Ravenous hyenas & the wounded sun: myth & ritual in ancient India (Myth and Poetics), by Stephanie W. Jamison, 080142433X
- There Is Only Now, by Scott Morrison, audio cassette, July 1997 1882496302
- The religion & philosophy of the Atharvaveda, by Dr N.J. Shende, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Poona 1952
- Religion, Narrative and Public Imagination in South Asia: Past and Place in the Sanskrit Mahabharata, (Routledge Hindu Studies Series) by James Hegarty, Hardcover: 256 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (December 31, 2010) 0415558638
- The religion & philosophy of the Veda & Upanishads, by A.B. Keith, 0896843041
- The religion of the Hindus, ed. Kenneth Morgan, MB
- The religion of the Rig Veda, H.D. Griswold, MB
- The religion of the Veda : translation into English of Hermann Oldenberg's Die Religion des Veda, by Shridhar B. Shrotri, 8120803922
- The religious, the spiritual & the secular: Auroville & secular India (Suny Series in Religious Studies), by Robert Neil Minor, 0791439925
- The return of Sarasvati: translations of the poetry of Prasad, Nirala, Pant and Mahadevi, by David Rubin (Editor) 0936115084
- The rise of the Goddess in the Hindu tradition, by Tracy Pintchman, 0791421120
- The roots, verb-forms and primary derivatives of the Sanskrit language, W.D. Whitney, MB
- The rose ceremony, by Swami Radha Sivananda, 0931454867
- The rule of the Achaemenids in India, Sudhakar Chattopadhyaya, IHQ XXV 1949, p. 184/204
- The sacred East: an illustrated guide to Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism and Shinto, by C. Littleton (Editor), paperback October 1999 1569752001
- The sacred law of the Aryas (SBE vol. 2,14), Georg Buhler, MB
- The sacred marriage of a Hindu Goddess, William Harman, MB
- The sacred thread : Hinduism in its continuity and diversity, by J. L. Brockington, 0748608303
- The sacrificial ritual in the Satapatha Brahmana, Naama Drury, MB
- Wandering With Sadhus: Ascetics of the Hindu Himalayas, (Contemporary Indian Studies) by Sondra L. Hausner, Paperback: 216 pages Publisher: Indiana University Press (November 30, 2007) 0253219493
- The saffron wave: democracy and Hindu nationalism in modern India, by Thomas Blom Hansen, hardcover issue, June 1999 0691006709
- Saivism in the Diaspora: Contemporary Forms of Skanda Worship, by Ron Geaves, Hardcover: 256 pages Publisher: Equinox Publishing (November 30, 2007) 1845532341
- The Saktas: an introductory & comparative study, by Ernest A. Payne, 0486298663
- The Samaveda: Sanskrit text with English translation, by Devi Chand, 0836446026
- The Samkhya philosophy (Sacred Books of the Hindus; No. 11), by Kapila, 040457811X
- The Samkhya-sutras of Pancasikha & the Samkhyatattvaloka of Hariharananda Aranya (2 parts in one), ed. Jajneshwar Ghosh, MB
- The Samnyasa Upanisads: Hindu scriptures on asceticism & renunciation, by Patrick Olivelle, 1991 0195070453
- The Sanskrit drama in its origin, development, theory & practice, by A. Berriedale Keith, 9004092455 (ANU PK2931.K4)
- The Sanskrit language : an introductory grammar and reader, by Walter Harding Maurer 0700703527
- The Sanskrit tradition & Tantrism, by Teun Goudriaan (Editor), 9004092455
- The Santosha Avatara Gita: (the revelation of the great means of the divine heart-way of no-seeking & non-separateness), by Adi Da, 1570970092
- The Sarva-Darsana-samgraha (or review of the different systems of the Hindu philosophy), tr. E.B. Cowell & A.E. Gough, MB
- The Sarva-Durgatiparisodhana-tantra, tr. by Tadeusz Skorupski, MB
- The Sauptikaparvan of the Mahabharata : The Massacre at Night, (Oxford World's Classics) by W. J. Johnson (Editor), paperback issue, January 1999 0192823612
- The science of breath & the philosophy of the Tattvas translated from the Sanskrit, with introductory & explanatory essays on nature's finer force, by Rama Prasad, 0787306762
- The Science of Yoga : a Commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in the Light of Modern Thought, by I. K. Taimni, paperback, September 1994 08351000238
- The secret of self-transformation: a synthesis of Tantra & Yoga, Rohit Mehta, MB
- The secret of the three cities: an introduction to the Hindu Sakta Tantrism, Douglas Brooks, MB
- The secrets of Prana, Pranayama & Yoga-Asanas, by Swami Narayanananda, 8787571463
The secret teachings of the Vedas : the eastern answers to the mysteries of Life, by Stephen Knapp, paperback, december 1990 0961741015
- The Self and Its States : A States of Consciousness Doctrine in Advaita Vedanta, by Andrew O. Fort, hardcover, December 1990 8120806336
- The Self is already attained, by Swami Muktananda 0914602772
- The sensuous immortals: a selection of sculptures from the pan-Asian collection: Los Angeles County museum of art, 25 October 1977-15 January 1978, by Pratapaditya Pal, 0262160684
- The Serpent power: being the Satcakra-Nirupana & Paduka-pancaka: two works on Laya-Yoga, by Arthur Avalon 0486230589
- The seven great untenables (Sapta-Vidha Anupapatti), by John Grimes, hardcover, December 1990 8120806824
- The Shambhala encyclopedia of Yoga, by Georg Feuerstein, 1570621373
- The simple guide to Hinduism (World Religions Series) by Venika Kingsland, 1860340180
- The Sivananda Companion to Yoga, by Lucy. Lidell 0671960884
- The Siva Samhita, (The Sacred Books of the Hindus, V. 15, Pt. 1.) by Srisa Chandra Vasu (Editor), hardcover, June 1974 0404578152
- The Shiva Samhita, by James Mallinson, Paperback: 192 pages Publisher: YogaVidya.com (April 15, 2007) 0971646651
- The sky of the heart : jewels of wisdom from Nityananda, tr. by M. U. Hatengdi, 0915801639
- The social message of the Gita symbolized as Lokasamgraha, Satya Agarwal, MB
- The social role of the Gita: how and why, Satya Agarwal, MB
- The society of the Ramayana, by Ananda Guruge 8170172659
- The Song of God: The Illustrated Bhagavad Gita, Hardcover Publisher: ABRAMS (September 2009) 01000982463
- The Spirit of Asia: Journeys to the Sacred Places of the East, by Alistair Shearer, Michael Freeman (Photographer), hardcover, October 2000 0500510237
- The spirit of Indian culture: saints of India, by Vivek Bhattacharya, 094050040X
- The spirituality of the future: a search à-propos of R. C. Zaehner's study in Sri Aurobindo & Teilhard de Chardin, by Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna, 0838620280
- The splendour of Mathura art & museum, by R.C. Sharma, 81241000155
- The Sraddha: the Hindu book of the dead R.C. Prasad, MB
- The stanzas on vibration: the Spandakarika with four commentaries: the Spandasamdoha by Ksemaraja, the Spandavrtti by Kallatabhattaby Mark S.G. Dyczkowski (Translator) 079141261X
- The story of Ramakrishna, by Swami Smaranananda 0874811686
- The structure & meaning of Badarayana's Brahma Sutras: a translation & analysis of Adhyaya 1, by George C., Jr. Adams, 8120809319
- The sword & the flute: Kali & Krishna, dark visions of the terrible & the sublime in Hindu mythology, David Kinsely, MB
- The synthesis of Yoga, by Sri Aurobindo, 0941524655
- The system of five cakras in Kubjikamatantra 14-16 (Groningen Oriental Studies, No 9), by Dory Heilijgers-Seelen 9069800594
- The Taittiriya Aranyaka (3 volumes in one) A. Mahadeva Sastri & Rangacharya, MB
- The Taittiriya Pratisakhya, R. Shama Shastri & K. Rangacharya, MB
- The Tantra of Svayambhu Vidyapada (with the commentary of Sadyojyoti), ed. & tr. Pierre Sylvain Filliozat, MB
- The Tantraloka of Abhinavagupta, R.C. Dvidevi
- The Teachings of the Odd-Eyed One: A Study and Translation of the Virupaksapancasika, With the Commentary of Vidyacakravartin, (S U N Y Series in Hindu Studies) by David Peter Lawrence , Hardcover: 192 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (September 4, 2008) 0791475530
- The Temples of Himachal Pradesh, by Shanti Lal Nagar, hardcover, December 1990 8185179484
- The ten principal Upanishads, put into English by Shree Purohit Swâmi and W.B. Yeats, Faber paperbacks
- The theism of Nyaya-vaisesika, C. Bulcke, MB
- The tree of Yoga, by B. K. S. Iyengar, 087773464X
- The triadic heart of Siva: Kaula tantricism of Abhinavagupta in the non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir (Suny Series in the Shaiva Traditions of Kashmir), by Paul Eduardo Muller-Ortega, 0887067867
- The tribal immigrations in Achaemenid India, Sudhakar Chattopadhyaya, IHQ XXV, 1949, p. 263/274
- The truth is, by H.W.L. Sri Poonja, paperback February 2000 1578631750
- The universal Mother, by Shanti Lal Nagar, 8170431131
- The upanaya: the hindu ceremonies of the sacred thread, tr. R.C. Prasad, MB
- The Veda and Indian culture: an introductory essay, Kireet Joshi, MB
- The Veda of the Black Yajus school (2 volumes), English tr. of Taittiriya Samhita, tr. A.B. Keith, MB
- The Vedanta philosophy, by Max F. Muller, 0318370344
- The vibrating universe, N.C. Panda, hardcover, June 1996 8120812913
- VishnutattvanirNayah, K.T.Pandurangi - Dvaita Vedanta Prakashana, Bangalore
- The Vivaha: the hindu marriage samskaras, Bhaiyaram Sarma, tr. R.C. Prasad, MB
- The way of karma, by Charles Breaux, 0877287732
- The way of love: the Bhagavata doctrine of Bhakti, by Subhash Anand, 8121506654
- The Way to God, by Mahatma Gandhi 1893163008
- The way to god as taught by Sri Ramakrishna, by Swami Lokeswarananda, 0874816939
- The Wisdom of Hinduism, by Klaus K. Klostermaier, hardcover, May 2000 1851682279
The wisdom of Shri Chinmoy, paperback, September 2000 1884997236
- The wisdom of the Vedas, (Theosophical Heritage Classics) by Jagadish Chandra Chatterji, David Frawley (Illustrator), paperback, October 1992 0835606848
- The Wisdom of Upanisads, (Widsom of India, No 7) by K.P. Bahadur, hardcover, December 1989 81410008962
- The Wisdom of Vedanta, The Wisdom of (Wisdom of India, No 5) by Krishna Prakash Bahadur, hardcover, June 1985 0865907250
- The wisdom of Vedanta, by S. Abhayananda, 0914557068
- The word speaks to the Faustian man: a translation & interpretation of the Prasthanatrayi & Sankara's Bhasya for the participation of the contemporary man (vol. 1: Isa, Kena, Katha & Prasna Upanishads), (vol. 2: Mundaka Upanisads with Gaudapada Karika), Som Raj Gupta, MB
- The world of Tantra, by B. Bhattacharya, 812150080X
- The Yoga cookbook : vegetarian food for body and mind, by The International Sivananda Yoga Center 0684856417
- The Yoga dance, by Sabrina Mesko 1578260396
- The Yoga of Delight, Wonder, and Astonishment : A Translation of the Vijnana-Bhairava With an Introduction and Notes , (Suny Series in Tantric Studies) by Jaideva Singh (Translator), hardcover,
June 1985 0791410730
- The Yoga of power: Tantra, Shakti & the secret way, by Julius Evola, Guido Stucco (Translator), 0892813687
- The Yoga of spiritual devotion: a modern translation of the Narada Bhakti Sutras,by Prem Prakash, paperback, April 1998 0892816643
- The Yoga of vibration & divine pulsation: a translation of the Spanda Karikas with Ksemaraja's Commentary, the Spanda Nirnaya (Suny Series in Tantric studies), by Jaideva Singh, hardcover issue, 0791411796
- The Yoga of vibration & divine pulsation: a translation of the Spanda Karikas with Ksemaraja's Commentary, the Spanda Nirnaya (Suny Series in Tantric studies), by Jaideva Singh, paperback issue, 079141180X
- The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, by Swami Satchidananda, paperback, October 1990 0932040381
- The Yoga tradition : its history, literature, philosophy and practice,
by Georg Feuerstein, paperback November 1998 0934252831
- The Yogi: portraits of Swami Vishnu-Devananda, by Gopala Krishna, 093666312X
- The Yoni: sacred symbol of female creative power,by Rufus C. Camphausen, 0892815620
- Thinking ritually: rediscovering the Purva mimamsa of Jaimini, Francis Clooney, MB
- This, by H.W.L. Sri Poonja, paperback February 2000 1578631769
- The Indian Theogony: A Comparative Study of Indian Mythology from the Vedas to the Puranas, by Sukumari Bhattacharji, PPaperback: 411 pages Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (December 3, 2007) 052105382X
- Classical Indian Ethical Thought : A Philosophical Study of Hindu, Jaina and Bauddha Morals, by Kedar Nath Tiwari, Paperback: 336 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (February 2002) 8120816080 MB
- Thoughts on Tantra & Vaisnavism, by K.P. Sinha, hardcover, November 1993 8185094632
- Thousand names of Vishnu: a selection with commentary, by Eknath Easwaran, 091513246X
- Three Paths of Devotion, by Prem Prakash, Ksemaraja Pratyabhijnahrdaya, Sankaracarya nirvanadasa, hardcover, July 2002 0936663278
- Thus spake Bhisma, M.M. Thakur, MB
- Tilak and Sankara on the Gita, by G.V. Saroja, hardcover, April 1985 0865905711
- Time in Indian philosophy: a collection of essays (Sri Garib Das Oriental Series No 111), by Hari Shankar Prasad (Editor), 8170302676
- Time to be holy: reflecting on daily life, by Swami Sivananda Radha, 0931454816
- Timeless in Time : Sri Ramana Maharshi, (The Library of Perennial Philosophy) by A.R. Natarajan, Eliot Deutsch, Paperback: 160 pages Publisher: World Wisdom (May 25, 2006) 1933316152
- Tirtha: the treasury of Indian expressions, ed. Vijaya Ghose, MB
To Be Victorious in Life, (How-To-Live Series, 1) by Paramahansa Yogananda, paperback, September 2002 0876124562
- To know the knower, by Swami Muktananda, 0914602918
- Tools for Tantra, by Harish Johari, 08921000556
- Totality in essence, Vimala Thakar, MB
- Towards a tantric goal, by B. Bhattacharya, 81410009578
- Trade Routes and Commerce of the Roman Empire, by M. P. Charlesworth, Paperback: 296 pages Publisher: Ares Publishers Inc.,U.S.; 2nd edition (December 21, 2000) 0890050635
- Tradition & modernity in Bhakti movements, by J. Lele (Editor), 9004063706
- Tradition of Advaita, by R. Balasubramanian (Editor), hardcover, May 1994 8121505887
- Tradition of teachers: Sankara & Jagadgurus today, William Cenkner, MB
- Tradition of the Himalayan Masters, by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Rajmani Tigunait, paperback, May 2003 0893892270
- Traditions & Rituals, (Incredible India) by Muthusamy Varadarajan, Hardcover: 102 pages Publisher: Wisdom Tree (October 15, 2007) 8183280714
- Tradition of the Seven Rsis, John Mitchiner, MB
- Traditions in Sadhana: studies in Tantra, Veda, Yoga, philosophy & mysticism, by M.P. Pandit, 81410008857
Tradition, Veda and Law: Studies on South Asian Classical Intellectual Traditions, (Cultural, Historical and Textual Studies of Religions) by Federico Squarcini, Hardcover: 178 pages Publisher: Anthem Press (December 15, 2011) 0857284363
- Transcreation of the Bhagavad Gita, by Ashok K. Malhotra 0023749210
- Transformative Philosophy: A Study of Sankara Fichte, and Heidwheeler, by John A. Taber, hardcover, June 1992 8170303451
- Treasury of Tantric ideas: a study of the Samrajyalaksmipithika, by Artatrana Sarangi, 8185094659
- Treatise on ancient Hindu music, by Arun Bhattacharya 0839600518
- Trésors mystiques de l'Inde, Marcel Hertsens, Chemins de lumière/Le Centurion 1968 (ANU BL1110.H4)
Triadic Heart of Siva: Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta in the Non-Dual Shaivism of Kashmir, by Paul Eduardo Muller-Ortega, Harvey P. Alper (Editor), paperback, February 1989 0887067875
- Triadic mysticism: the mystical theology of the Saivism of Kashmir, Paul Murphy, MB
- Tribes in ancient India, B.C. Law, Poona 1943
- Trident of wisdom (Suny Series in Tantric Studies), by Rajanaka Abhinavagupta, 0791401804
- Trilogy of Tantra, by Dr Ramakant Sharma Angiras, Natraj publishing House, Holi Mohalla, near Arya Samaj Mandir, Karnal 132001, (1989) (ANU BL1142.56.A53)
- Tripura Rahasya: The Secret of the Supreme Goddess, (Spiritual Classics) by Saraswati Ramananda (Editor), paperback, October 2002 0941532496
- Trois énigmes sur les cent chemins, recherches sur le Satapatha-Brahmana, par Armand Minard (en 2 tomes), E. de Boccard éditeur Paris 1949-56 (ANU PK243.M5)
- Back to the Truth: 5000 years of Advaita, by Dennis Waite, Paperback: 1000 pages Publisher: O Books (February 25, 2007) 1905047614
- Tukaram: the poet saint of Maharashtra (Monumenta Indica Series, No. 8), by Justin E. Abbot, 8170304970
- Tuladidasas Shriramacharitamanasa : The Holy Lake of the Acts of Rama, by R.C. Prasad (Editor), hardcover, December 2000 8120804430
Tulasidasa's Shriramacharitamanasa, (The Holy Lake of the Acts of Rama)
by R.C. Prasad (Translator), hardcover, December 19908120806808
- The Broken Tusk: Stories of the Hindu God Ganesha, by Uma Krishnaswarmi , Paperback: 128 pages Publisher: August House (October 25, 2006) 0874838061
- Two Traditions of Meditation in Ancient India, by Johannes Bronkhorst, paperback, June 1993 8120811143
- Um, Like... OM: A Girl Goddess's Guide to Yoga, by Evan Cooper Reading level: Ages 9-12, Paperback: 192 pages Publisher: Little, Brown (April 13, 2005) 0316980013
- Understanding Hinduism, by Frank Whaling, Paperback: 180 pages Publisher: Dunedin Academic Pr Ltd (September 21, 2006) 1903765366
- Understanding Hinduism, by Frank Whaling, Paperback: 177 pages Publisher: International Specialized Book Services (March 30, 2010) 1903765366
- Understanding in Human Context : _themes and Variations in Indian Philosophy, (New Perspectives in Philosophical Scholarship, Vol. 5) by Debabrata Sinha, hardcover, July 1996 0820427233
- Understanding mantras, Harvey P. Alper, MB
- Understanding Hinduism, by P. Unni et T. Paran, the Hindu Centre Singapore
- Understanding Hinduism, by Frank Whaling, Paperback: 180 pages Publisher: Dunedin Academic Press (May 21, 2009) 1903765366
- Une bilingue gréco-araméenne d'Ashoka, Daniel Schlumberger, JA 1958, p. 1-33
- Une inscription Indo-araméenne d'Ashoka provenant de Kandahar, Emile Benveniste et André Dupont-Sommer, JA tome CCLIV,
1966,p. 437-465
- Universals : Studies in Indian Logic and Linguistics, by Frits Staal, hardcover, May 1988 0226769992
- Un manuscrit français du XVIIIème siècle : recherche de la vérité sur l'état-civil, politique et religieux des hindous, par Jacques Maissin, EFEO, Maisonneuve Paris 1975 (ANU fDS425.M257)
- Un manuscrit inédit de Pierre Poivre : les mémoires d'un voyageur, texte reconstitué et annoté par Louis Malleret, EFEO 1968 (ANU fDS7.P6)
- Untouchable pasts : religion, identity, and power among a central Indian community, 1780-1950, (Suny Series in Hindu Studies) by Saurabh Dube 079143687X
- Unifying Hinduism: Philosophy and Identity in Indian Intellectual History, (South Asia Across the Disciplines) by Andrew J. Nicholson, Hardcover: 304 pages Publisher: Columbia University Press (September 24, 2010) 0231149867
The Upanishads, by Shyam N. Shukla, paperback, May 2000 0875730817
- The Upanishads, by Eknath Easwaran, Paperback: 368 pages Publisher: Nilgiri Press; Second Edition edition (August 28, 2007) 1586380214
- The Upanishads,by Jacob Needleman (Reader, audio cassette, January 1999 1574532642
- The Upanishads, (Longman Library of Primary Sources in Philosophy) by Keya Maitra, Daniel Kolak, Paperback: 300 pages Publisher: Longman (December 31, 2007) 0321273788
- The Upanishads, (Oxford World's Classics) by Patrick Olivelle, Paperback: 960 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press (June 15, 2008) 019996025X
- The Upanishads: texts, translations & commentaries, by Sri Aurobindo, 817058003X
- Upanishads, by Valerie J. Roebuck (Translator), Paperback: 590 pages Publisher: Penguin Books; (May 2004) 0140447490
- The Upanishads, (Longman Library of Primary Sources in Philosophy) by Keya Maitra, Daniel Kolak, Paperback: 300 pages Publisher: Longman (December 1, 2006) 0321273788
- Upanishads selections, by Alistair Shearer (Translator), Peter Russell (Translator), hardcover, June 2003 0609611070
- The Principal Upanishads: The Essential Philosophical Foundation of Hinduism, by David Frawley (Introduction), Alan Jacobs (Translator), Hardcover: 384 pages Publisher: Watkins (April 1, 2007) 190585708X
- Upanishadic thinkers (Walter Ruben's die Philosophen der Upanisaden), tr. S.B. Shrotri, MB
- Upanishads, by Max Muller, 0844631019
Upanisads, (Oxford World's Classics) by Patrick Olivelle (Translator), paperback, July 1998 0192835769
- Upanishads du Yoga, par Jean Varenne, Gallimard Paris 1971 (ANU BL1120.A32.V3)
- Vac: the concept of the word in selected Hindu Tantras, by Andre Padoux, Jacques Gontier (Translator), 0791402584
- Vac: the concept of the word in selected Hindu Tantras, by Andre Padoux, Jacques Gontier (Translator), hardcover issue, december 1990 0791402576
- Vadiraja's refutation of Sankara's non-dualism: clearing the way to theism, L. Stafford Betty, MB
- Vaikhânasasmârtasûtram, tr. by Dr. W. Caland, Asiatic Society of Bengal Calcutta 1929
- Vaishnava Saints, by Ananta Shakti, Paperback Publisher: Torchlight Publications; (September 1, 2004) 188708939X
- Vaisnavi: women & the worship of Krishna, Steven Rosen, MB
- Vaisnavism: contemporary scholars discuss the Gaudiya tradition, Steven Rosen, MB
- Vaisnavism: its philosophy, theology & religious discipline, S.M.S. Chari, MB
- Vaisanavism of Samkaradeva and Ramanuja: a comparative study, H.V.S. Murty, MB
- Vallabhacarya on the love games of Krishna, James Redington, MB
- Valmiki Ramayana: retold in verse, by Swami Rama, 0893891398
- Varaha in Indian Art, Culture and Literature, by Shanti Lal Nagar, hardcover, August 1993 8173050309
- Varaha purana, tr. S. Venkitasubramonia Iyer, AITM vol. 31-32, MB
- Varaha Purana, Part I (Ancient Indian Traditions and Mythology Series) by J.L. Shastri (Editor) , hardcover, April 1985 9995134829
- Varaha Purana, Part II (Ancient Indian Traditions and Mythology Series) by J.L. Shastri (Editor) , hardcover, April 1985 9995134837
- Varaha Images in Madhya Pradesh: An Iconographic Study, by Haripriya Rangarajan, Hardcover: 250 pages Publisher: Somaiya Publications; 1 edition (February 1, 1997) 8170392144 MB
- Vaastu: The Indian Art of Placement Design and Decorate Homes to Reflect
Eternal Spiritual Principles, by Rohit Arya, paperback, July 2000 0892818859
- Vaastu: The Indian Spiritual Alternative to Feng Shui, by Richard Craze, paperback, February 2003 1842227858
- Vasudhaiva Kutumkam; Cultural Reciprocation Between India and the World, by SURES CHANDRA BANERJI, hardcover, January 1999 8185616590
- Vasudevasrama, Yatidharmaprakasa: a treatise on world renunciation, Patrick Olivelle, MB
- Vâtûlanâtha sutra avec le commentaire d'Anantasaktipâda, traduction Lilian Silburn, E. de Boccard Paris 1959 (ANU BL1146.V3.F8)
- Vayu maha purana, tr. G.V. Tagare, AITM vol. 37-38, MB
- Vayu-Purana, Part 1, by G.V. Tagare (Translator), hardcover, May 1987 8120803329
- American Veda: From Emerson and the Beatles to Yoga and Meditation How Indian Spirituality Changed the West by Philip Goldberg, Hardcover: 416 pages Publisher: Crown Publishing Group; 1 edition (November 2, 2010) 0385521340
- Reading the Fifth Veda: Studies on the Mahabharata - Essays by Alf Hiltebeitel, (Numen Book Series) Vishwa Adluri (Editor), Joydeep Bagchee (Editor), Hardcover: 673 pages Publisher: Brill Academic Pub (December 2010) 9004185666
- Veda recitation in Varanasi, Wayne Howard, MB
- Discovering the Vedas: Origins, Mantras, Rituals, Insights, by Frits Staal, Paperback: 456 pages Publisher: Penguin Global (August 12, 2009) 0143099868
- The Holy Vedas ; Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda, translated by Dipavali Debroy, Hardcover: 450 pages Publisher: B.R. Publishing Corporation (March 1, 2006) 8176465291
- Veda laksana : vedic ancillary literature, K. Paramesvara Aithal, MB
- Vedanta for the West: the Ramakrishna movement in the United States (Religion in North America), by Carl T. Jackson, 025333098X
- Vedanta: heart of Hinduism, by Hans Torwesten 0802132626
- Vedanta Meditation & Its Practices: A Definitive Guide to Techniques and Traditions of Meditation in Yoga and Vedanta by Swami Adiswarananda, hardcover, September 2003, 1893361837
- Vedanta philosophy, by Max F. Muller, 0318370344
- Vedanta Philosophy (1899) : Lectures by the Swami Vivekananda on Raja Yoga Also
Pantanjali's Yoga Aphorisms, With Commentaries, and Glossary of
Sanskrit terms, by Swami Vivekananda (Editor), paperback, March 1997 1564597970
- Vedanta sutras with Ramanuja's commentary (SBE vol. 48), tr. George Thibaut, MB
- Vedanta sutras with Sanskara's commentary (SBE vol. 34,38), tr. George Thibaut, MB
- Vedanta sutras With the Sribhasya of Ramanujacarya- Vol. 1, by M. Rangacharya, Varadaraja, M.B. Aiyangar (Editor), hardcover, February
1988 8121500915
- Vedanta : Voice of Freedom, by Swami Vivekananda (Editor), hardcover, March 1990 0916356620
- Vedantasara of Sadananda Yogindra, by Swami Nikhilannda, Hardcover: 146 pages Publisher: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan,India (January 14, 2008) 8180901300
- Vedantic approaches to god, by Eric J. Lott, 0064943658
- Vedantic Meditation : Lighting the Flame of Awareness, by David Frawley; paperback, June 2000 1556433344
- Vedanta Way to Peace and Happiness Hardcover: 336 pages Publisher: Skylight Paths Pub; (April 2004) 1594730342
- The Vedanta Way to Peace and Happiness, by Swami Adiswarananda, Paperback: 240 pages Publisher: Skylight Paths Publishing (August 30, 2007) 1594731802
Vedic "Aryans" & the origins of civilization: a literary & scientific perspective, by Navaratna S. Rajaram, David Frawley, 1896096000
- Vedic Bibliograpy, by Louis Renou, Hardcover: 339 pages Publisher: Akshaya Prakashan,India; Reprint edition (January 1, 2008) 818864322X
- Vedic Ecology: Practical Wisdom for Surviving the 21st Century, by Ranchor Prime, hardcover, October 2002 1886069654
- Vedic experience: mantramanjari (an anthology of the Vedas for modern man & contemporary celebration), Ed. Raimundo Panikkar, hardcover, Delhi 2001 reprint, ISBN 8120819208 MB
- Vedic hermeneutics, K. Stachidananda Murty, MB
- Vedic hymns (SBE vol. 34,46), tr. F. Max Muller & H. Oldenberg, MB
- The Sacred Books of the East: Volume 32. Vedic Hymns. Part 1, by Friedrich Max Müller translator, Paperback: 696 pages Publisher: Adamant Media Corporation (February 22, 2001) Language: English 0543968677
- The Sacred Books of the East: Volume 32. Vedic Hymns. Part 1, by Friedrich Max Müller translator, Paperback: 684 pages Publisher: Kessinger Publishing, LLC (July 26, 2004) Language: English 1417930381
- The Sacred Books of the East: Volume 46. Vedic Hymns. Part 2, by Friedrich Max Müller translator, Paperback: 516 pages Publisher: Kessinger Publishing, LLC (July 2, 2004) Language: English 1417930373
- The Sacred Books of the East: Volume 42. Hymns of the Atharva-Veda, by F. Max Muller (Editor), Maurice Bloomfield (Translator), Paperback: 796 pages Publisher: Kessinger Publishing, LLC (July 26, 2004) 1417930071
- The Vedic Hymns Volume 1, by Max Muller translator, Format: Kindle Edition File Size: 709 KB Sold by: Digital Services Language: English B001N0M7MK
- The Vedic Hymns Volume 2, by Max Muller translator, Format: Kindle Edition File Size: 464 KB Sold by: Digital Services Language: English B001N0M83I
- Vedic literature (Samhitas & Brâhmanas), Jan Gonda, Harrassowitz Wiesbaden 1975
- Vedic mathematics, Bharati Krsna Tirtha, MB
- Vedic mythology, (2 volumes), Alfred Hilldebrandt, english tr. S.R. Sarma, MB
- Vedic mythology, A. Macdonell, MB
- Vedic symbolism, by Sri Aurobindo, 0941524302
- Vedic tantrism: a study of Rgvidhana of Saunaka, text & english tr. M.S. Bhat, MB
- Vedic texts: a revision (Professor C.G. Kashikar Felicitation Volume), ed. S.S. Bahulkar, MB
- Vedic Vrtra (a study & a suggested interpretation), A.K. Lahiri, MB
- Veiling Brilliance, by Devadatta Kali Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: Nicolas-Hays (December 2006), 0892541288
- Victory to the mother: the Hindu goddess of Northwest India in myth, ritual & symbol, by Kathleen M. Erndl, 0195070151
- Sri Vidya Sri Chakra Puja Vidhi, Tamil & English By Sri Chaitanyananda, Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam, RUSH, NY, USA Sri Vidya Temple publications
- A View of the History, Literature, and Religion of the Hindoos, by William Ward, Paperback: 416 pages Publisher: Cambridge University Press (February 28, 2010) 1108007910
- Vijayanagara, History and Legacy, by Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Hardcover: 380 pages Publisher: Aryan Books International; 1 edition (April 1, 2002) 8173051682
- Vijayanagara Voices: Exploring South Indian History and Hindu Literature, by William J. Jackson, Hardcover: 240 pages Publisher: Ashgate Publishing (February 28, 2005) 0754639509
- Vijayanagara Visions: Religious Experience and Cultural Creativity in a South Indian Empire, by William J. Jackson, Hardcover: 432 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (December 13, 2007) 019568320X
- Vijnana-Bhairava, text & English translation, by Jaideva Singh, MB
- Vinasikha Tantra (a Saiva Tantra of the left current), ed. Teun Goudriaan, MB
- Viraha-Bhakti: the early history of Krsna devotion in South India, by Friedhelm E. Hardy, 0195612515
- Vishnu & his incarnations, by Shakti M. Gupta, 8170392012
- Vishnu on Freud's Desk : A Reader in Psychoanalysis and Hinduism, by T.G. Vaidyanathan (Editor), Jeffrey J. Kripal (Editor), hardcover April
1999 issue 0195645715
- Vishnu on Freud's Desk : A Reader in Psychoanalysis and Hinduism, by T.G. Vaidyanathan (Editor), Jeffrey J. Kripal (Editor), paperback, December 2002 0195658353
- Vishnu the Blue God, by Parankusa Srinvasa Dasa, Paperback: 70 pages Publisher: Akshaya Prakashan,India (August 1, 2007) 8188643181
- Visnu the ever-free: a study of the Madhva concept of god, 0836423356
- Vishnu's Footsteps : Exploring the Sacred Sites, Texts, and Myths at the Heart of Hinduism, by Ariel Glucklich, Hardcover: 272 pages Publisher: HarperSanFrancisco (August 1, 2005) 0060591935
- Vishnu: Hinduism's Blue-Skinned Saviour by Joan Cummins, Hardcover: 296 pages Publisher: Mapin Publishing Pvt. Ltd. (March 16, 2011) 1935677098
- The Strides of Vishnu: Hindu Culture in Historical Perspective, by Ariel Glucklich, Hardcover: 256 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (May 8, 2008) 0195314050
- Vision of God: narratives of theophany in the Mahabharata, James Laine, MB
- Visions of India: fulfilment theology, the Aryan race theory & the work of British Protestant missionaries in Victorian India, by M Maw, 3631405448
- Visions of Mughal India: An Anthology of European Travel Writing, by Michael Fisher, Hardcover: 256 pages Publisher: I. B. Tauris (September 4, 2007) 1845113543
- Vision of self in early Vedanta, William Beidler, MB
- Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine: The Ten Mahavidyas, by David R. Kinsley, Paperback: 328 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (December 1998) 8120815238 MB
- Visiting A Mandir, (Start Up Religion) by Jean Mead, Ruth Nason, Reading level: Ages 9-12, Library Binding Publisher: Not Avail (July 30, 2005) 1842343467
- Visvarupa (Oxford University South Asian Studies Series), by T. S. Maxwell, hardcover, December 1989 0195621174
- Vitalistic thought in India (a study of the Prana concept in Vedic literature & its developent in the Vedanta, Samkhya & Pancaratra traditions), by Peter Connolly, 8170303486
- Vivekananda : The Yogas and Other Works, by Swami Vivekananda (Editor), hardcover, June 1953 0911206043
- Complete Works Of The Swami Vivekananda, Part Five (1919), by Swami Vivekananda, Paperback: 452 pages Publisher: Kessinger Publishing, LLC (November 10, 2007) 0548765162
- Vocabulaire du rituel védique, par Louis Renou, (ANU PK379.R4)
- Voyage en Inde du Comte de Modave 1773-1776 (nouveaux mémoires sur l'état actuel du Bengale et de l'Indoustan), texte établi et annoté par Jean Deloche, EFEO Paris 1971 (ANU DS412.F4)
- Vows and Observances, by Mohandas Gandhi, paperback October 1999 1893163016
- Sacred Walls of Kerala: Murals of Temples and Palaces, by Martine Chemana (Photographer), Amina Okada (Preface), Hardcover: 208 pages Publisher: India Research Press (April 1, 2007) 8183860494
- Way of Hinduism, by Stephen Cross, paperback, October 2002 0007136110
- Way to Liberation: Moksha Dharma of Mahabharata, by Swami Jyotir Maya Nanda, 0934664110
- Weaver's Wisdom: Ancient Precepts for a Perfect Life, by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, paperback October 19990945497768
- We have met before: the Siddha Yoga meditation tour with Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, by Ellen Porter, Sarah Scott (Editor), 0911307508
- We Love Diwali, by Saviour Pirotta,Hardcover Publisher: Hodder Wayland (May 11, 2006) 0750248378
- Weight Management : An American Yoga Association Wellness Guide, by Alice Christensen, paperback, January 2001 1575666367
- Western Sadhus and Sannyasins in India, by Marcus Alsop, paperback, April 2000 0934252505
- Western Seeker, Eastern Paths: Exploring Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism & Tantra, by David Pond, paperback, January 2003 1567185355
- What Do You Think About God?, by Douglas A. Fox, paperback, March 1985 0817010777
- What Religion Is the Words of Swami Vivekananda, by Vivekananda, paperback, June 1982 0874812135
- Wheels of life: a user's guide to the chakra system (Llewellyn's New Age Series), by Anodea Judith, 0875423205
- Where are you going: a guide to the spiritual journey, by Muktananda, 0911307605
Why God Permits Evil and How to Rise Above It, by Paramahansa Yogananda, paperback, September 2002 0876124619
- Why meditation, Vimala Thakar, MB
- Windows into the infinite: a guide to the Hindu scriptures, Barbara Powell, hardcover, October 1996 087573071X
- Windows into the infinite: a guide to the Hindu scriptures, Barbara Powell, paperback, October 1998 0875730728
- Auspicious Wisdom: The Texts and Traditions of Srividya Sakta Tantrism in South India, by Douglas Renfrew Brooks, Hardcover: 301 pages Publisher: Manohar Publishers and Distributors (January 1, 1996) 8173041709 MB
- Indian Wisdom: Examples of the Religious, Philosophical, and Ethical Doctrines of the Hindus, (Cambridge Library Collection - Religion) by Monier Williams, Paperback: 1000 pages Publisher: Cambridge University Press (March 4, 2010) 1108007953
- Wisdom of Meemaansaa, by K.P Bahadur, hardcover, March 1986 0865907765
- Wisdom of the ancient seers: mantras of the Rigveda, David Frawley, 1878423169
- Wisdom of the Hindu Gurus, (Wisdom of the Masters Series) by Timothy Freke (Editor) 188520356X
- Wisdom of the Upanishads, by Sri Aurobindo, Sri M.P. Pandit, 0941524434
- How to Be Happy All the Time: The Wisdom of Yogananda, Volume 1, by Paramhansa Yogananda, Paperback: 154 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers (July 25, 2006) 1565892151
- Karma and Reincarnation: The Wisdom of Yogananda, Volume 2, by Paramhansa Yogananda, Paperback: 156 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers (April 25, 2007) 156589216X
- Spiritual Relationships: The Wisdom of Yogananda, Volume 3, by Paramhansa Yogananda, Paperback: 156 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers (December 25, 2007) 1565892240
- How to Be a Success: The Wisdom of Yogananda, Volume 4, by Paramhansa Yogananda, Paperback: 156 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers (May 25, 2008) 1565892313
- Woman As Fire, Woman As Sage: Sexual Ideology in the Mahabharata, (S U N Y Series in Religious Studies) by Arti Dhand, Hardcover: 288 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (February 7, 2008) 079147139X
- Woman As Fire, Woman As Sage: Sexual Ideology in the Mahabharata, (S U N Y Series in Religious Studies) by Arti Dhand, Paperback: 264 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (January 2009) 0791471403
- Woman's guide to Tantra Yoga, by Vimala McClure, 1577310179
- Women androgynes & other mythical beasts, by Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty, 0226618498
- Women in the Hindu Tradition: Rules, Roles and Exceptions, (Routledge Hindu Studies Series) by Mandakranta Bose, Hardcover: 184 pages Publisher: Routledge (February 15, 2010) 041577814X
- Women in Ochre Robes: Gendering Hindu Renunciation, (Suny Series in Hindu Studies) by Meena Khandelwal, paperback, October 2003 0791459225
- Women in Ochre Robes: Gendering Hindu Renunciation, (Suny Series in Hindu Studies) by Meena Khandelwal, hardcover, November 2003 0791459217
- Wonder That Is Sanskrit, by Sampad Vijay, Sampadananda Mishra, Paperback: 214 pages Publisher: Mapin Publishing Pvt, Ltd.; 1st edition (February 28, 2006) 1890206504
- The Final Word: The Caitanya Caritamrita and the Grammar of Religious Tradition, by Tony Stewart, Hardcover: 472 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (April 21, 2010) 0195392728
- Word index to the Prasastapadabhasya (a complete word index to the printed edition of the Prasastapadabhasya), Johannes Bronkhorst & Yves Ramseier, MB
- Words of the the master: Sri Ramakrishna, 087481135X
- World is real, Raghavendran, (Coimbatore)
- The living hindu world by Sushil Mittal (Editor), Gene Thursby (Editor), Hardcover: 960 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (January 1, 2011) 0415451604
- World of Tantra,by B. Bhattacharya, hardcover, July 1992 812150080X
- World Religions : Eastern Traditions, by Willard Oxtoby (Editor), paperback, July 2001 0195415213
- World scripture: a comparative anthology of sacred texts, Andrew Wilson, MB
- Yaksagana, K. Shivarama Karanth, MB October 1997
Yantra : The Tantric Symbol of Cosmic Unity
by Madhu Khanna (Preface), Ajit Mookerjee, paperback reprint October 2003 0892811323
- Yoga, by B. K. S. Iyengar, hardcover, March 20010789471655
- Yoga, (Collins Gem S.), Paperback: 192 pages Publisher: Collins; Re-issue edition (April 4, 2005) 0007196849
- Yoga: 101 Essential Tips, by Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Deni Bown, 1564589919
Yoga and Ayurveda, by David Frawley, paperback, November 1999 09149551000
- Yoga & Indian philosophy, Karel Werner, MB
- Yoga and Psychology: Language, Memory, and Mysticism, (Suny Series in Religious Studies X) by Harold G. Coward, hardcover, October 2002 0791454991
- Yoga & the discovery of the universal self: a practical guide to changing individual consciousness (Apastambadharmasutra), by Trevor Lwheelett, hardcover January 2000 0710306156
- Yoga and the Luminous: Patanjali's Spiritual Path to Freedom, by Christopher Key Chapple , Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (September 27, 2008) 0791474763
- Yoga and the Quest for the True Self, by Stephen Cope, paperback, reprint October 2000 055337835X
- Yoga and the Sacred Fire : Self-Realization and Planetary Transformation, by David Frawley, Paperback: 312 pages Publisher: Lotus Press (April 25, 2005) 0940985756
- Yoga & the spiritual life: the journey of India's soul, by Sri Chinmoy, 088497040X
- Yoga as philosophy and religion, S.N. Dasgupta, December 1987 8120802179
- How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali, by Swami Prabhavananda (Translator), Christopher Isherwood (Translator), Patanjali , Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: Vedanta Press & Bookshop; New Ed edition (December 12, 2007) 08741000418
- Yoga: discipline of freedom: the Yoga Sutra attributed to Patanjali, by Barbara Stoler Miller (Translator) 0520201656
- Yoga et spiritualité, l'hindouisme et nous, Arnaud Desjardins, La Table Ronde, Paris 1969
- Yoga for beginners, by Mark Ansari, paperback issue, January 1999 0062736485
- Yoga for Dummies, by Georg Feuerstein, Larry Payne 0764551175
- Yoga for Every Body, by Paul Harvey, hardcover, April 2001 0762102977
- Yoga for Everyone : A complete step-by-step guide to yoga and breathing, from getting started to advanced techniques, by Judy Smith, Hardcover: 256 pages Publisher: Lorenz Books (April 25, 2005) 0754815102
- Yoga for life, by Liz Lark, paperback, May 2001 1842221582
- Yoga For The Family: A Holistic Approach, by Bharat Thakur, Hardcover: 208 pages Publisher: Roli Books Private Ltd (April 15, 2005) 8174363289
- Yoga for women : the uses of Yoga for overall feminine well-being, by MacHell et al, paperback, January 2000 0806521627
- Yoga: immortality & freedom, by Mircea Eliade, 0691017646
- Inner Yoga: Selected Writings of Sri Anirvan, by Sri Anirvan , Jacob Needleman (Introduction), Paperback: 200 pages Publisher: Morning Light Press (January 10, 2008) 1596750197
- Yoga in Modern India : The Body between Science and Philosophy by Joseph S. Alter, Hardcover: 376 pages Publisher: Princeton University Press; (September 1, 2004) 0691118736
- Yoga Journal's Yoga Practice for Meditation, NTSC Video (1996)6304448392
- Yoga: mastering secrets of matter & the universe, by Alain Danielou, 0892813016
Yoga: mind & body, by Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center, 0789404478
Yoga: mind, body and spirit, by Donna Farhi, paperback, May 20000805059709
- Yoga Morality: Ancient Teachings at a Time of Global Crisis, by Georg Feuerstein, Paperback: 292 pages Publisher: Hohm Press (June 15, 2007) 1890772666
- Yoga of Indian Classical Dance: The Yogini's Mirror, by Roxanne Kamayani Gupta, paperback, March 2002 0892817658
- The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita, by Sri Krishna Prem, Paperback: 250 pages Publisher: Morning Light Press; 2nd edition (November 1, 2008) 1596750243
- The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita: An Introduction to India's Universal Science of God-realization, by Paramahansa Yogananda, Paperback: 200 pages Publisher: Self Realization Fellowship Pub (September 20, 2007) 0876120338
- The Yoga of Siddha Tirumular: Essays on the Tirumandiram, by T. N. Ganapathy & KR Arumugam , Marshall Govindan (Editor), Paperback: 566 pages Publisher: Babaji's Kriya Yoga and Publications inc; 1st edition (January 10, 2006) 1895383218
- Yoga of Power: Tantra, Shakti & the Secret Way, by Julius Evola, Guido Stucco (Translator), 0892813687
- The Yoga of Snakes and Arrows: The Leela of Self-Knowledge, by Harish Johari, Paperback: 144 pages Publisher: Destiny Books; 3 edition (June 10, 2007) 1594771782
- The Yoga of Sound: The Healing Power of Chant and Mantra, by Russill Paul , Hardcover: 260 pages Publisher: New World Library; (June 9, 2004) 1577314298
- Yoga of Sound: Kirtans from the Sacred Forest, by Swami B.V. Tripurari, Agni Deva, Hardcover: 80 pages Publisher: Mandala (May 7, 2007) 1932771956
- Inner Tantric Yoga: Working with the Universal Shakti: Secrets of Mantras, Deities, and Meditation, by David Frawley, Paperback: 280 pages Publisher: Lotus Press (February 25, 2009) 0940676508
- The Yoga of Truth: Jnana: The Ancient Path of Silent Knowledge, by Peter Marchand, Paperback: 160 pages Publisher: Destiny Books (June 2, 2007) 1594771650
- Yoga of spiritual devotion : a modern translation of the Narada Bhakti sutras, by Prem Prakash 0892816643
- Yoga philosophy & practice, by Hari P. Shastri, 0899602009
- Yoga philosophy in relation to other systems of Indian thought, S.N. Dasgupta, MB
- Yoga Practice for Meditation w/ Free Music Cassette, NTSC VideoB00000JPRW
- Yogasataka : texte médical attribué à Nagajurna, J. Filliozat, (ANU LS R127.2.N37)
- Yoga stretches for fitness, by Beth Shaw, audio cassette, January 1999 1889608250
- The Yoga Sutras: An Essential Guide to the Heart of Yoga Philosophy, by Nicolai Bachman, Audio CD: 200 pages Publisher: Sounds True, Incorporated; Com/Crds U edition (February 28, 2010) 1591797608
- The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Commentary on the Raja Yoga Sutras by Sri Swami Satchidananda, by Sri S. Satchidananda, Paperback: 263 pages Publisher: Integral Yoga Publications (January 15, 1990) 0932040381
- The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: A New Edition, Translation, and Commentary, (SUNY series in Hindu Studies) by Edwin F. Bryant (Author) , Paperback: 672 pages Publisher: North Point Press; 1 edition (July 21, 2009) 086547736
- Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, by Archie J. Bahm, paperback issue, February 1993 0875730248
- Yoga Sutras of Patanjali on concentration of mind, Fernando Tola & Carmen Dragonetti, MB
- Yoga Sutras of Patanjali-Vyasa Bhashya, text with English tr. by Bangali Baba, MB
- Yoga system of Patanjali, tr. J.H. Woods, MB
- Yoga, Tantra & meditation in daily life, by Swami Janakanada Sarasvati, 0877287686
- Yoga (Teach Yourself), by James Hewitt, 0844239453
- Yoga journal 2001 calendar, hardcover, July 2000 1558119450
- Yoga: The Indian Tradition, by Ian Whicher (Editor), David Carpenter (Editor), Johann Jakob Meyer, hardcover, March 2003 0700712887
- Yoga: the spirit & practice of moving into stillness, by Erich Schiffmann, 0671534807
- Tantric Yoga: And the Wisdom Goddesses, by David Frawley, Paperback: 256 pages Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (March 30, 2003) 812081357X MB
- Yoga : The Ultimate Spiritual Path, by Rajarshi, hardcover, January 2001 1567184413
- Yoga unveiled, U.A. Asrani, MB
- Yoga Unveiled: Part Two, by U. A. Asrani, Hardcover: 282 pages Publisher: South Asia Books (August 1993) 8120809467
- Yoga and the Luminous: Patanjali's Spiritual Path to Freedom, by Christopher Key Chapple, Paperback: 301 pages Publisher: State University of New York Press (January 30, 2009) 0791474763
- Yoga Vision: A Selection of Yoga Sutras, by Vijayendra Pratap, paperback, July 1992 0944731015
- The Four Yogas: A Guide to the Spiritual Paths of Action, Devotion, Meditation and Knowledge, by Swami Adiswarananda, Paperback: 320 pages Publisher: Skylight Paths Publishing (March 2007) 159473223X
- How to Be Happy All the Time: The Wisdom of Yogananda, Volume 1, by Paramhansa Yogananda, Paperback: 154 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers (July 25, 2006) 1565892151
- Karma and Reincarnation: The Wisdom of Yogananda, Volume 2, by Paramhansa Yogananda, Paperback: 156 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers (April 25, 2007) 156589216X
- Spiritual Relationships: The Wisdom of Yogananda, Volume 3, by Paramhansa Yogananda, Paperback: 156 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers (December 25, 2007) 1565892240
- How to Be a Success: The Wisdom of Yogananda, Volume 4, by Paramhansa Yogananda, Paperback: 156 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers (May 25, 2008) 1565892313
- Yoga Vasistha of Valmiki, by Ravi Prakash Arya, 4 volumes Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, (1998) MB
- The Yoga Vasistha of Valmiki, (2 parts), (text with sanskrit commentary, ed. Vasudeva Luxman Sharman Pansikar MB
- Yogazone introduction to Yoga, by Alan Finger, paperback, February 2000 0609804057
Yoga Zone: Postures for Pregnancy NTSC Video (1998) 1568121571
- Yogi: Portraits of Swami Vishnu-Devananda, by Gopala Krishna, 093666312X
- Yoginihrdaya : le Coeur de la Yogini, avec le commentaire dipika d'Amritananda, texte sanscrit traduit et annoté par André Padoux, Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation Indienne, Paris 1994 ISBN 2868030637
- You Are That, by Gangaji, Hardcover: 400 pages Publisher: Sounds True (August 2007) 1591795885
- On Yuan Chwang's Travels In India, 629-645 A. D., by Thomas Watters, Paperback: 418 pages Publisher: BiblioBazaar (November 25, 2009) 1117504794
- The Yugas: Keys to Understanding Man's Hidden Past, Emerging Present and Future Enlightenment by Joseph Selbie, David Stenmetz, Paperback: 358 pages Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers (August 16, 2011) 1565892534

- AOH = Acta Orientalia (Budapest)
- BEFEO = Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient
- CAJ = Central Asiatic Journal (Wiesbaden)
- CNRS = Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
- GOS = Gaekwad's Oriental Series Baroda
- HJAS = Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies
- HR = History of Religions
- IAIC = International Academy of Indian Culture
- IATS = International Association for Tibetan Studies
- IHQ= Indian Historical Quarterly, Calcutta
- IsMEO = Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente
- JA = Journal Asiatique
- JAOS = Journal of American Oriental Society
- JAS = Journal of Asian Studies
- JBORS = Journal of Bihar and Orissa Research Society Patna
- JIABS = Journal of International Association of Buddhist Studies
- JRAS = Journal of Royal Asiatic Society, London
- JRCAS = Journal of Royal Central Asiatic Society (London)
- JTS = Journal of Tibet Society (Bloomington)
- LTWA = Library of Tibetan Works and Archives
- MB= Motilal Banarsidass publisher
- MCB= Mélanges Chinois et Bouddhiques (Publications de l'Institut Belge des Hautes Etudes Chinoises) à commander chez Peeters
- MKB = Materialien zur Kunde des Buddhismus, ed. Walleser, Leipzig &
- NDDT = New Delhi reprint of Derge Tangyur
- OUP=Oxford University Press
- Peeters = Peeters Press, B.P. 41, Leuven 3000, Belgium
- RAA = Revue des Arts Asiatique Paris
- RCAJ = Royal Central Asiatic Journal (formerly JRCAS)
- RHR = Revue de l'Histoire des Religions
- SBE=Sacred Books of East
- SER = Serie Orientale Roma
- SP = Sata-Pitaka Series
- SUNY = State University of New York
- TJ = Tibet Journal
- TP = T'oung Pao, Leiden
- TR = Tibetan Review
- ZAS = Zentralasiatische Studien
